Chat Bombs et al

 I got to Liverpool just around 5 pm and got the phone call that Grayson Perry had cancelled his performance due to a bad throat soon after. 

I thought fuck it ,  and met my friend Colin anyway at Mowgli for yogurt chat bombs and lamb chops. The night will be rescheduled and fingers crossed I will be off .

I’m sat at the kitchen table , setting up zoom
I have a lecture with city lit at 10.30 about Philip Marlow and Sherlock Holmes as they are portrayed in cinema. Then I can have a cheeky sleep before my fourth night ( and final one) of the week 

We have a postman who is a bit of hunk and he’s just knocked with a package ( fannar fannar) He made a banal joke about bending over to get under my honeysuckle and I laughed like a drain.
I’m very embarrassing .
Note to self, stop making a dick out of yourself when postie calls

The package was a delightfully wrapped two books from Gemma’s Person
Humours of Village Life ( Tales from Yorkshire) by J.Fairfax- Blakeborough ( 1932) 
and The Valley Of Animals by Elma M Williams ( 1963) 
I will start reading them tonight 

I am constantly reminded of how kind people are, emails, cards, gifts , books and best wishes regularly arrive from blog readers and I’m always grateful for them

I will leave you with this incredibly moving piece of physical art by Yoann Bourgeois depicting the journey of life
Have a lovely weekend


  1. Anonymous10:59 am

    Ah, I hadn't noticed the trampoline and when the artist first fell off the stairs it was very shocking. Always something new to learn! In that vein need to look up "chat bomb".


  2. My apologies. I misread what you said about the postman said as, 'just knocked me up with a package'. It is strange how straight men always assume we want to 'knock them up' and fear bending over. They just don't get gay men but seem to have their own male desires.

    1. Anonymous3:24 pm

      I'm straight and certainly don't assume gay men want to "knock me up" - I'm straight, why would they be interested? I most certainly don't fear bending over - you've made a ridiculous statement.
      You think all the straight men in the world are afraid of bending over?

    2. I am surprised you took what I wrote so seriously. You didn't get a clue in my second sentence that I was hardly being serious. I normally don't find friction on the internet but at John Gray of Wales, I have. A bitchy old queen might suggest you protest too much and have secret desires, but I am not one of those.

    3. Anonymous2:40 pm

      You were surprised? You should never be surprised at anything on John's blog!

  3. Wonderful! I think we can all identify with that unexpected fall when things seem to be going so well, but we (well most of us) bounce right back. Hope your weekend is all you'd like it to be. xx

  4. Anonymous11:55 am

    Getting harder for some of us to bounce back, but so well done. Love the music. Gigi

  5. We seem to live in an era where things go sideways quickly.
    With no notice, anything can happen. We will all become very good at improvising. Your meal with Colin and good conversation must have been enjoyable.

  6. Great video, enjoy the books,

  7. That was fabulous, thanks for the share :) (I need a trampoline I think.............)

  8. I am so glad my life has gotten beyond the need for a trampoline!

  9. Barbar Anne1:33 pm

    I had wondered about the tall stairs, then all became clear after the video started. A metaphor for life's ups and downs?
    Sorry the concert canceled and am glad you made the most of it.
    Wii wishing you well tonight.


  10. I've just seen bits of that Journey of Life video before, never the whole thing -- thanks! What a beautiful metaphor.

  11. Beyond wonderfull.

  12. Anonymous2:13 pm

    Sounds like the best part of my gift was the postman!!!
    Enjoy those books.
    Sounded like Trelawnyd tales to me. A female country version of Gerald Durrell in the other, close to home.
    I enjoy your works so much, I need to say thank you and today's post was yet another help in my steps for doing better daily. Thank you , my friend I may never meet. :) Gemma's Person

  13. Traveller4:12 pm

    Bloody hell that was good

  14. You do seem to have a really unlucky streak with your bookings. Sorry it was cancelled. The video is really good.

  15. weaver4:44 pm

    Interesting Journey of Life - particularly when you get to my age.

  16. That book gift -- how kind! Can you snap a surreptitious picture of your postie?! :)

    I think Yoann Bourgeois's life is much more exciting than mine.

  17. Bourgeois is a brilliant, beautiful, graceful, performer. Have you seen him do Skyfall with Pink on the Graham Norton Show?

  18. Krayolakris9:03 pm

    I suppose I’m on somebody’s travel ban list now I’ve googled chat b*mbs! Love the positive story John! Mind the honeysuckle.

  19. That's an interesting video. He makes it look so effortless!

  20. Anonymous10:43 pm

    Inspiring and troubling in equal measure. Very clever too. Andrew S.

    1. Anonymous10:44 pm

      The video, I mean, not bending down under your honeysuckle... Andrew S.

  21. And you as well, Gentle John.

  22. Yes, a fabulous video.

  23. Does anyone know what is the piece of music with this video?

  24. Fantastic video....for some reason I had a lump in my throat at the end. Very moving.

    Pity your show was cancelled but glad you made the most of it with chat bombs and lamb chops with Colin.

    Jo in Auckland


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