Catch Up

Nineish and I’m in Colwyn Bay, coffee in hand.
I’m writing the blog and sipping coffee, in Bluebell 
Still full of enough mucus to fill an average walrus but physically miles better.
A few minutes away is where the Uni library is located
I intend to catch up with last weeks sick day there as well as practice my IT
The beach is a man made one and is quiet this morning
There is a autumn chill to the air…..
In Uni now, still coughing and spluttering so asked nice library lady if she could find me a private room for the day , which she did 



  1. Good. May your recovery continue apace, with no reminding unpleasant after-effects.

    1. May you be correct…I do bang on

    2. Pas du tout! Bang away. I don't mind.

  2. That picture does not inspire me to sing, "Oh, I Do Like to Be Beside The Seaside." It reminds me of Dunkirk before the little ships arrived.

    1. Not the most flattering photo of a generally sweet looking beach

  3. Replies
    1. I’m bored with it now, I was bored days ago

  4. Have you tried a neti pot for your mucus? I've suffered with sinusitis/catarrh for decades and finally bought a neti pot a few months ago. It's amazing how much gunge you can flush out! Just remember to use cooled, boiled water, not warm water out of the tap. I only use it now if I'm very stuffed up. Anyway, glad you're feeling well enough to tackle some Uni work. xx

    1. Oh dear god in heaven

    2. I know it looks and sounds gross, but honestly it works! Really shifts that muck in your nasal passages. xx

    3. Anonymous7:53 pm

      Neilmed markets a plastic sinus rinse bottle that's much easier to use than a neti pot. Carol in Philadelphia

    4. Anonymous9:30 pm

      I’m even lazier and use the Neilmed premixed saline mist in an aerosol can. It’s sterile, and no mixing required.

  5. Have a good and productive day!

  6. Weaver11:33 am

    You old charmer you - private room.

    1. She was sick of me coughing , I couldn’t blame her

    2. Anonymous11:34 pm

      Another vote for neti. It looks worse than it feels and afterwards your sinuses feel like you've had a bracing swim in the sea! Add half teaspoon of bicarb to the salt water to tone down the harshness and change the ph in your nose. Haven't needed antibiotics after a cold flu or covid since finding neti. Good for hayfever too. Tina

  7. Anonymous11:47 am

    Delighted for you that normality is resuming. A room on your own, suits you sir. Take care of yourself, noreen

  8. Happiness is coffee, which goes with the view.

  9. I hope you continue to feel better each day, the sea air should help as long as you're well wrapped up. A room of your own eh ... proper posh. ;-)

  10. Well, mucus filling a walrus is an image I could do without, but I'm glad you're feeling better!

  11. Barbara anne3:38 pm

    It's good to hear you're feeling lots better despite the coughs and sputters. Very kind and thoughtful of you to request a private room to keep your germs to yourself.
    Stay hydrated and rest a lot.


  12. Glad to hear you are feeling better. How wonderful it is to be able to breathe sea air in the morning.

  13. I'm with Steve on the walrus image, :) Good on ya for requesting the private room.

  14. Glad that you're coming out of the other side of the bug, Seems to be a lot of it about this autumn x

  15. Good to hear you're feeling better. Continue hydrating and resting.

    1. I’m in uni all day tomorrow too and out for a drink with an old friend tomorrow night

  16. So glad you are finally on the uphill road of feeling better and grateful that you’ve made the thoughtful decision to play catch up in a private room today. Focus on yourself for a bit. You need to regain your strength before you can share it and you still have much to share! Have a cheery and cheeky , productive day.

    1. I spent 5 hours in the library room and caught up with most of my work missed last week. . I also went to the university canteen and had a lovely sausage and mash for lunch

  17. Yorkshire Liz7:18 pm

    You must be feeling better - you are finding all the silver linings (or they are finding you!) Nothing better than a private room to help motivate, and with no distractions. Keep it up - and have a great night out tomorrow.

  18. Anonymous8:30 pm

    Don’t discount the neti pot, it really does get the muck out of your nose. I use very warm water out of the tap. It comes with the salt packets but you can also use 1tsp. Salt to one cup water and sniff it up your nose and spit out of your mouth. My doctor who had worked in India told us to do that to clear out the junk. It works! The walrus comment reminded me of an uncle who looked to me like a walrus. Gigi

    1. Gigi, I used to use tap water, too, but I've since read that you shouldn't use water straight from the tap, as it can contain bacteria that isn't killed off in the nose and can, in extreme cases, cause meningitis. I pour the salt water into one nostril and let it flow out of the other, over the sink of course. As long as you tilt your head in the right way, it doesn't trickle down your throat. You soon get the hang of it. xx

    2. Anonymous6:25 pm

      I will use boiled water from now on. Thanks Gigi

  19. A private study room just for JG. Sounds perfect for catching up on your uni work. I am glad you are feeling a bit better.

  20. Is that a 'dog agility course' on the prom', or are they just uncomfortable looking benches?

  21. I also wondered about those unusual benches. For doing some kind of work out perhaps ? Breathe deeply John of that bracing sea air x

  22. A much better day! Glad you are getting better.

  23. Mucus to fill a walrus! You paint such beautiful pictures. Hope you quickly improve.


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