
 Last night I binged watched Anne With An E , the latest and best version of the classic novel Anne Of Green Gables 
I loved the fact that much of the adult drama was an exploration of the relationship between ageing farmer bachelor Mathew ( R H Thompson) and his prickly elder sister Marilla ( Geraldine James) and how their dynamic changed by the arrival of pre teen Anne
This scene is magical, totally credible  and beautifully acted and oh so refreshing from insipid romance scenes in the likes of Downton Abbey.

One of the guys from my Chester LGBTQ+  book club has been texting me a few times when I was ill which surprised me, I’m catching up with him next week to see a movie

Tonight I’m meeting up with my friend Sue, ( she owns the ponies)I have known her for years and years and years but have never been out with her on a one to one. 
It’s about time 
So we are off to The Crown later

I still sound like a consumptive on steroids


  1. You sound better in writing.

  2. Anne with an E is just lovely.
    I hope you enjoy your night out

  3. Lovely scene, that clip. In just a few minutes, it sums up the harm of what trauma does to us humans, and how each of us takes it into our adulthood in different ways. Made my heart a little sad. Gonna have to watch Anne with and E now. I'm glad you're feeling better. The cough seems to hang on and on.

    1. Anonymous12:57 pm

      The entire scene is a fabrication. Artistic license, I suppose? Nothing of the sort appeared in the books. The Anne of Green Gables written series is truly perfection, and it's astonishing that these filmmakers felt they could improve upon them by fabricating material. For my money, the best film-adapted version is the 1985 Canadian produced movie with Colleen Dewhurst, Richard Farnsworth and Megan Follows. Follows the first book--Anne of Green Gables--to the letter.

    2. Anonymous3:39 pm

      I agree. The Megan Follows version is best.

    3. Karla
      Given the difficulty of self expression for men , I understand why such a scene is not in keeping with the novels however ( anon) I liked the bravely of the add ons.
      I like coleen Dewhurst but there is something deeper in James’s version of Marilla

    4. God, I do love it when art can embrace the reality of life, and in such a way that it seeps into the soul. This is why art is so important - it can help us name a thing, and then maybe begin to feel it and work it out for ourselves. The art of movies and books is precious to me. Colleen Dewhurst was an repeatable gem.

  4. Anonymous10:46 am

    I'm going to need to watch that - I love the Anne books x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It’s a different take and the girl that plays Anne is heartbreaking

  5. weaver11:07 am

    When David and I were on Prince Edward Island we went to Green Gables and I bought Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I love them and if I am tired, or not feeling well then they are my essential reading. I have read both books many times. I don't recognise that clip you put on, which I have just watched as comng from either book though. Incidentally I have never forgiven Jeremy Paxman for once on University Challenge calling Anne 'insufferable'

    1. Pat this scene is a modern day add on

    2. Anonymous7:32 pm

      I get what you are saying
      This conversation wasn’t in the author’s radar but it should have done as the Cuthbert sibling relationship is pivotal to Anne’s story
      I am sensing a possible romantic turn here which I know you are playing down

      Boy am I living vicariously through a lovely man’s Welsh life


  6. A consumptive on steroids. That's powerful.

  7. OMG, life in the fast lane keeps you busy. I am glad you are back running on all 8 cylinders.

    1. Tomorrow the dogs get their haircuts and I’m off to the cinema

  8. Anonymous12:15 pm

    It is a sign of how much I trust your recommendations that I will watch Anne with an E. I have not watched any new productions since the one with Colleen Dewhurst (on US TV in maybe in the 80s??), because I loved her so much in it. Well, I loved her in everything.

  9. Anonymous12:23 pm

    I persevered through the first season, mainly because I admire Geraldine James (even though she can't on this occasion match the magnificence of the legendary Colleen Dewhurst). While ever it stuck to LM Montgomery's beautiful novel it did okay but by season two it got itself bogged down in political correctness and the joy vanished. Funnily enough, The Handmaid's Tale suffered the same fate - never a good idea to think you can improve on a classic - Bel Ami

    1. I think James was better than Dewhurst , more nuanced

  10. RH Thompson is one of my favourite Canadian actors! I've been watching him for years on TV. Gosh, he's getting old now though, just like the rest of us.

  11. Just got back from a long weekend away and I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Sorry you were sick for so long, John. Take care!

    1. Yes I’m still coughing badly but feel so much better, I’ve never been so sick for so long

  12. Barbara Anne2:06 pm

    How wonderful to read that you're feeling better!
    Do take some cough medicine before going to the movie today.
    Nice to have plans with a long time friend. Hummmm?!


    1. Cinema tomorrow and yes I will have a load of cough sweets

  13. Oh you do make me laugh sometimes John. Describing your friend Sue, l love the way you mention (she has the ponies)!. Not 'room for a pony' ala Hyacinth Bouquet, but a veritable smorgasbord of ponies collective. Mixing in all the right circles there lad!
    Glad you are on the mend, really nasty lurgies doing the rounds atm. Friend never met, sadly no ponies, but l do have a Burberry Mackintosh! Tess x

  14. Anonymous2:46 pm

    John, glad you enjoyed Anne with an E. R.H. Thompson is a wonderful actor. I hope you are feeling better soon.❤️

  15. Wonderful performances in that clip.

    1. Yes it’s a little essay isn’t it?

  16. Anonymous3:44 pm

    It is a beautiful series, so well acted. Took a flying leap away from the books, which I usually mind, but not in this.

    1. I agree, keeping Mathew Alive longer allowed for such scenes above which are achingly moving

  17. Geraldine James looks so beautiful. If only we all aged so well. I liked the old TV version.

    1. This series is a wonderful swan song for both actors

  18. I haven't read the book for many, many years. I must find a copy. A new romance on the cards, maybe? Or at least a new friendship. Enjoy the evening with Sue. Maybe you need a course of antibiotics? This bug has hung around for too long! xx

    1. Well we will see, I didn’t think much about it until my friends from university got to know

  19. Anonymous7:33 pm

    Can you describe your reading companion

  20. Late fifties, beard,smiley, shit it’s me!!!!!

  21. I hope you took a pony* to "The Crown" to quench Sue's thirst.
    *pony = £25 in cockney slang.

  22. I've seen the Colleen Dewhurst,/Richard Farnsworth/Megan Follows version, which I enjoyed very much, but I don't recall it delving too much into the brother and sister's backstory. Very powerful scene that you present here.

  23. I like how Karla described what trauma does to us and "how each of us takes it with us into adulthood in different ways". So true.

    Your guy from the book club sounds nice.

  24. Thank you very much for posting the clip from Anne with an E. I have never watched much of the series but can see that I have been missing something excellent.


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