
 Just occasionally the two bitches will fly at each other 
It’s rare, and it’s frightening to watch but often it’s more noisy than anything else
But it happens
Bitches like people fall out
And bitches, unlike dogs
Never forget a fight.
All this happened when I was cooking Thai noodles with chicken
Dorothy has been grumbling at Mary for days now, usually over a position which is closer to me, and when she gave Mary a last growl when they shared the reading chair mary flipped and the fight started.
Well it was less a fight more a latch on and growl fest, but whist  Mary is smaller and has less power, her heart is true terrier and she will never back down .
I tried the wet mop head, and a couple of belts with a croc, but they weren’t having any of it. Roger complicated matters by bouncing around them, bring ineffectual as always, so eventually I sat down and waited for the girls to tire.
There was no blood, but after what seemed like an age, they were still locked together but noticeably quieter
A final loud, shout and a quick slap with the crock and they reluctantly separated only to be told off smartly by me then totally ignored. 
The girls hate that the most. 
Im off to work shortly 

And still I haven’t looked at either of them


  1. Replies
    1. I’m never used to fighting it is a rarity in my house

  2. Barbara Anne5:02 pm

    Grumpy children, wise parent!
    Hope the shift is pleasant and the journeys there and home again, tranquil.


  3. Anonymous5:19 pm

    Lucky I only have one bitch, she grumbles at me all the time. Usually she just thinks she deserves a treat. Gigi

  4. 2 angry girls reached a boiling point. It sounds ferocious. I am glad there was no blood.

  5. A vet once told me that the worst dogfight he ever saw was between two females. Somehow I'm not surprised!

    1. Dogs fight but comedown incredibly quickly I. My experience

  6. Like toddler temper tantrums. No point trying to reason, you just have to grit your teeth until it passes. Glad there was no blood shed. xx

  7. Sadly hilarious... or is it hilariously sad. Our cats, brothers who can be quite bitches with each other, stopped the moment we hiss at them. If only you had it so easy. Excuse me now. Dudo is demanding to be taken in the hall for a romp.

    1. Very stressful as both potentially can cause damage, Dorothy especially so given her bulk and strength

  8. We were told our little cat, when we adopted her, did not get along with other animals. She seems happy here with only her human animals.

    1. The rules are always different with a human pack.

  9. 2 ladies fighting it out over you John!

  10. I had two female pit bulls who were generally as gentle as lambs but as they aged, the younger decided that she wanted to be alpha. They were the only two dogs I had. And they would fight so hard and it was so bloody and so frightening that I had to get rid of them. I was deathly afraid that they would start up when one of my children (who were very little at the time) were standing right by them and I could not live with that thought. There was no way to separate them when they fought and they were completely oblivious to their surroundings, focused only on each other's throats.

    1. You can’t remove the animal out of the dog, even the most placid

  11. Most days there is some sort of punch up going on at Chez Tess and Co. Three cats, two are Gingers plus one big bruiser of a Tabby v two miniature female Shih Tze's (house guests) who have not gone home ( don't ask!). Bit like an East End boozer carry on here, old school, not yer modern sanitised 'handbags' version. The cats are like ' sling yer hook and go back home you two'. Hey-ho as you would say John. Tess

    1. Cats are more bloody when they fight I always think

  12. Anonymous8:06 pm

    The feckers, I hate when dogs fall out. Well done you for ignoring them. Noreen

    1. You have to maintain top dog status

    2. I had to look up feckers; I figured it was a British term. Not really but hey Iearned something .

  13. Anonymous8:20 pm

    My boy doesn’t know how to fight , well trained by his now deceased sister , but a pup brings a different scenario she pulls his tail and they rumble . If it’s too noisy I bang a book on the table and they stop. Yes the ignore factor by their humans is really punishing and sad but then I am the one who feels guilty ! I love them so much

    1. Deep down a dog is feral, when the buttons are pressed, you never really am sure of what will happen

  14. Crawford and Davis in your own living room. Oh my.

    1. Yes…it’s rare but it happens, with Winnie and Meg it was food that sparked them

  15. I've had a few fights with bitches myself over the years . . . ohhhhhhh, you mean female dogs. Forget I said anything.

    1. Bet your stories are more interesting

    2. Was it all noise or was blood drawn? Did you have to be separated? *waits for rest of the story*

    3. A lady never fights and tells. BUT I WON.

    4. You took the gloves off, I take it! LOL.

  16. Anonymous10:05 pm

    So, in theory, if you weren't there they wouldn't have fought? I hope, because I wouldn't want that happening while you were at work. Or you could come home to two bitches with a mouthful.

    1. Who knows . I cannot second guess any animals behaviour as much as I can’t second guess yours

  17. Dear me that is a lot of bitching indeed. Calls for a wee drop of something I reckon.

  18. A long lasting incident like that would bother me. Our two girls have had a couple of spats but they are over in seconds.
    Sounds like Mary lost her patience

    1. Terriers don’t back down
      Nor do bulldogs

  19. When my cats fought it was over territory -- me! I didn't see any evidence of fighting when I'd been out. I think possession of me was the goal.

  20. If I have to castigate Billy for something, he always comes up to me afterwards to apologise. He knows when he's been naughty!

  21. Sir Winston is always up for a very loud play time (no fight) but if Agatha doesn't want to play she tells him. I think that is because she comes from a hoarder and had to deal with to many dogs. She is my love.

  22. Hate to witness pets, or indeed any animals, fighting. If threatening growls don't deter the other to back off you never know what they might do next. with no constraint on their determination to 'win'.

  23. I once had two male dogs who had a fight over food. A young German shepherd and an older dog. It was frightening and quick and I made the mistake of trying to separate them. There was a small bite to my hand which bled and the German shepherd stopped immediately when he smelled the blood and whined and crawled onto me.

    1. Yes if you want to lay hands on be brave and grab a tail and stick your finger up the nearest bum hole


  24. Yorkshire Liz9:26 am

    Remind you of a lap fest behind a pub in Sheffield? Females are always harder an sharper than men; definition of the word bitchy. And women also make good torturers in violent cultures.

    1. Bulldogs are strange characters… their eyes suddenly change when they become truly angry
      I’ve never noticed it with the Welsh

  25. weaver10:34 am

    Brilliant 'take' on bitches (human too???) John and I love the way you dealt with it. Not locking eyes hurts us girls. xx

  26. Let's hope that is over for a while.

    1. Oh they are fine now, this is a rarity a real rarity

  27. When you wrote "Just occasionally the two bitches will fly at each other", I thought I was about to read the story of how Mrs Trellis pummeled Pat the Animal Helper outside "The Crown Inn".

  28. Anonymous11:35 am

    I grew up with a pair of males who tried to kill each other every time they got together. It scarred me for males and until recently I only had girl dogs. Only one pair, both gwps one year apart in age, ever disagreed, but if we saw them side eyeing each other we'd roar at them and put a stop to it early, and no resource guarding of us allowed, if you did you were sent away to the other side of the room. It was sad that they weren't great friends like our other dogs have been. I think some breeds are fiestier than our labs, poodles and kelpie-types though. I prefer easy going dogs myself. Tina in west oz

    1. If two dogs dislike each other from the get go, it’s not a good sign for any peace.

  29. Dog sitting for 2 male Chow Chows once, and the one felt the other had something different to eat and tore into him! My first dog fight as a pet sitter! I flapped at them with a beach towel, threw some shoes then some books, yelled, nope! Took a pitcher of water and dashed them both with it, which stopped the fight instantly. The one calmly walked away, the other sat panting as blood pooled in the water 'round one of his legs. ELEVEN stitches later at the vet's office and I was nicely traumatized. Their Dad was on a train, going across the whole of Canada, so he couldn't be reached right away to tell him the awful news. LORD. So, I learned to feed them far apart, and when it was treat time, they each got one and were given the "away" command in my sternest voice so they'd both go their separate ways. Taught me some good lessons, like never turn your back on animals that are eating, and never assume the sweet babies aren't still feral, as you said, John.

    1. Food and envy are the main triggers with most dogs and two dogs can flare very quickly .
      We forget they are animals with behaviours even experts do not quite understand

    2. As cute as then can be, they can be just as vicious.

  30. I sure hope the quick slap at the end was with a croc not a crock, lol.

    1. It worked , at that time the girls were eventually listening

  31. With several dogs at any one time , I can think of three fights or so in twenty years


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