The vanilla slice incident

 I feel rotten.
A product of sitting on a crowded train, tube, theatre last week I suppose
I’d booked myself an IT tutorial for University this afternoon and got up early after a short sleep to take a neighbour in to hospital for a blood test.
I’ve cancelled the tutorial until Wednesday 
I doubt I will be in university tomorrow either
At least I’m covid free.
I called into Sainsburys and bought flowers,  vicks, and a vanilla slice ( to soothe my throat) 
Unfortunately I lost most of it trying to negotiate  the Rhuddlan roundabout at speed

Never bite into a vanilla slice whilst turning a sharp bend and changing gear.

I could have wept


  1. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, John. Hope you recover quickly!

  2. I think I feel more sad about the vanilla slice.

  3. Anonymous3:32 pm

    Love the way it was written. I was trying to catch flowers and vanilla slice w/o mashing them.

    1. Anonymous3:34 pm

      or you,while holding on to the door handle. Gemma's Person B.

  4. Down your front or out of the car window?

  5. It's the smallest things that can tip us over the edge. I was nearly crying for your loss! Hope you feel better soon. xx

    1. It was the scotch egg on the berlingo moment all over again

  6. Oh no! Feeling under the weather is bad enough, but to then lose the vanilla slice is awful. Definitely a day to take it easy, rest, hydrate, and take good care of yourself.
    Be extra kind to yourself, John dear.

    1. I needed to lie down on the bed with face flannel over my face

  7. Bin there got the t shirt

  8. Nooo... not the vanilla slice!! 😱

  9. I am having difficulty visualising that particular manoeuvre. Is it in the driving test?

  10. I adore Vicks - I dab it on anything and everything - and in my younger days had a boyfriend Vick - a boxer by the way x 🏋

    1. Anonymous5:54 pm

      A boxer - how is his occupation relevant to this post?

    2. Yorkshire Liz6:02 pm

      If you can't se the joke, I cannot begin to explain it to you. Keep dabbin'!

    3. Troll is somewhat a concrete thinker without a hint of humour

  11. Oh dear I thought you meant you threw it up (blort), not dropped it. When pregnant the first time, I threw up all over myself and my vehicle when I couldn't stop the car fast enough. (Blort, again.) I'm glad that wasn't the case with you. Rest and Rejuvenate, seems always the smartest best thing ... (do you know, though, one time when I had a habit of skipping rope, I skipped 15 minutes and the cold that was starting before was gone when I finished. Psychosomatic miracle, do you think? Guess I should've tested it again at least once in the 36 years since, but did I? Oh no.)

    1. Funny……nope the vanilla filling burst from both sides into the foot well

  12. Anonymous5:06 pm

    I love à vanilla slice, I feel your pain,xx noreen

  13. Barbara Anne5:10 pm

    Good advice about having a vanilla slice while driving. Live and learn.

    Hope you feel lots better soon. This may be one good reason to wear a mask while on mass transit or in a theater.

    Get welll hugs!

  14. I had to Google Vanilla Slice to see what it was. Now I REALLY feel sorry for you!

    1. I didn’t factor in the squidgy factor when I reflexly bit into it

  15. If only we knew what a vanilla slice is...feel better. [Test again for Covid tomorrow? I hear the new strain is very bad and very contagious.]

    1. PS popsicles are more soothing, or ice tea w lemon and honey.

    2. I’ve had hot lemon and honey tonight

  16. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Travelling at speed and eating behind the wheel are surely offences? Bearing in mind your previous traffic offences here is more to add to the list.
    On a sharp bend and a roundabout too, you're a dangerous driver.

    1. Guilty as charged , I was in an eating frenzy

  17. Driving whilst munching on a vanilla slice is probably as dangerous as driving with five pints of Welsh bitter in your belly!

    1. Indeed YP it was a momentary culinary mishap

  18. Yorkshire Liz5:59 pm

    Oh, the mess! Learn that the only way to really enjoy a treat is to wait until appropriate to eat the treat. Big kid! (But thank you for the wonderful image that made me grin!!)

    1. I haven’t been that upset since I lost a scotch egg on the roof of the old Berlingo

    2. Yorkshire Liz8:42 am

      Good grief, that takes me back! The old Berlingo: a close mate of my old Fiat Panda, I always thought!!

  19. They are difficult to eat even sitting at the kitchen table, but ooh the thought of one going to waste in the footwear, makes me want to weep.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  20. Footwell, darn autocorrect

  21. My mum's psychiatrist shot himself in a woodland nearby to where my dad worked - he must of had problems himself x

    1. There is nothing I can possibly say to this comment flis

    2. Is this the flis that used to comment on going gently ???

    3. Yes it's only me John x

  22. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Go to bed, John, and sleep it off! Gigi

  23. It's just tragic what happened to that vanilla slice! I hope you feel better soon -- Vicks always helps.

  24. Anonymous8:24 pm

    The stiffness of the puff pastry and the wiggliness of the custard (I looked vanilla slice up - we don't have exactly that here in the US as far as I know but it must be delightful) sound challenging under the best of circumstances. Hopefully you will feel better after a lie down and maybe some hot ginger tea? Not that anything is a true cure for pastry related disappointment!


  25. I totally understand the temptation but food is never best enjoyed while driving!

  26. Sorry to hear that you lost your vanilla slice, but to be honest you deserved it for doing something so silly and dangerous!
    The only thing I eat when behind the wheel is peppermints!
    Hope you feel better soon! X

  27. Multi-tasking does not always work well. At least you did not have a car accident and only lost your cake. A friend was trying to drink a milkshake while in a roundabout and he lost the shake down his front.

  28. Now that I have Googled "Vanilla Slice" I am fully aware of the depth of this tragedy......:)

  29. Anonymous2:56 am

    You probably would not have gotten much out of your tutorial feeling like you do. Best to postpone. Don’t know what a vanilla slice is but it must be delish from all the comments. Feel better soon. I read your blog all the time but rarely comment. So many icky comments. Keep your chin up and rest. Kathy near Chicago.

  30. A friend of mine was 'nabbed' for eating an ice cream in his car. It was summer and the ice cream was melting so he held it outside the window. Sadly he was spotted by the cops and was fined!

  31. That's a disappointment akin to the ice cream falling out of a cone!

  32. I feel your pain. Vanilla slices are delicious and I will have to try them as medicine for a sore throat :)

  33. weaver9:07 am

    You are a 'naughty boy' John (as a mum would say to her child!) - eating anything more than a boiled sweet while at the wheel should be a crime. Tackling a vanilla slice at the wheel??? I adore them but even on a plate with a knife and fork they do their level best to escape the mouth. This is the last time I tell you (while I am in 'mum mode' - SLOW DOWN

  34. I tested negative for 3 days before testing positive 2 weeks ago - and I'm still not well. As my lovely Irish neighbour said "This strain is a doozey"!

  35. Sorry about your vanilla slice! I just noticed that your posts (this one, at least) include a geolinked "location" at the bottom. When I clicked that link, it says you're in the middle of the Tasman Sea. Is there something you're not telling us?!

  36. I am sorry you are feeling under the weather. Feel better soon! I had to look up what a vanilla slice was. Your blog helps me to learn British English!

    1. Give you 2 weeks in wales with me and I’ll have you fluent

  37. Diane6:59 pm

    Hope you’re feeling better soon,you can always get another vanilla slice x


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