

I’ve just bought several second hand texts books for University on line. it’s another job ticked off today’s list. The list is covered in home made hummus but so far my sheffield T shirt is devoid of dip.
Mary has an ear infection and is going to the vets shortly. 
There is a new darkly brooding Spanish vet there with a lisp and teeth Donny Osmond would be proud of 
I hope he’s on duty today. 
He’s like Antonio Bandaras’ younger brother.
Olla, Olla treble Olla 

I’m hoping to get Roger booked in for a groom too and it’s TCA meeting later.
Something will have to give .
As well as offering condoms, sanitary ware and free breakfasts the University has a comprehensive study skills department where not only are you supported through IT and academia , you are taught how to manage your time better.
Now I always thought I was ok in this department, but yesterday I thought what the hell and booked myself in for a supportive tutorial. I could be better at sorting my time and I need to practice to say no sometimes.
To answer Jean, my time at the hospice is now divided into two twelve hour shifts . The university study day is from 9am to 3 pm with tutorials until 4 pm. I have factored in another 6 hours study at the local campus which is based in  nearby Rhyl once a week. I can work there and pop back to dog walk.
Everything else will be worked around these four days which I hope is doable 
I restart choir from next month too which is therapy 


  1. Your life exhausts me. But it also fascinates me. Hope all's well quickly with Mary. As for the vet, you lost me with the teeth. I can't stop picturing Donny Osmond.

    1. I didn’t have him! Shucks I got the middle aged lady vey who dresses like a children’a tv presenter

  2. Anonymous10:38 am

    Its good to learn how to say no, and delegate every once in a while without feeling like you are letting someone down.. you have a lot going on now. Good on you for taking on Uni. John. Gigi

    1. We talked about that in the TCA meeting

  3. Anonymous10:58 am

    Your student card will get you discount almost everywhere. Most educational establishments and libraries in UK offer free sanitaryware these days. Try the noticeboards at Uni for books or sites like Freecycle or Buy Nothing Project pages on FB.

    1. Anonymous12:27 pm

      Spellcheck 'sanitary wear'!

    2. Thanks for this advice..please keep advice coming people xx

  4. weaverof grass11:04 am

    Good idea that tutorial you have booked John. Take it easy. Going back to studying means a giant change of life style. Get used to studying again, take plenty of breaks and eat healthily - not necessarily things that take a lot of preparation - relax, walk the dogs, get plenty of sleep and enjoy the choir. Good luck with it all. Please ask me for help if I can be of assistance.

    1. Thank you pat , like I said previously I will certainly be pleased with any advice you all have

  5. Many of us need to learn balance and to say no to things. A valuable skill to share in your future work.

    1. I’ve warned the TCA that I have a great deal to do
      And what am I doing on Saturday making lanterns for the xmas fayre

  6. You need a PA to help organise all your appointments/commitments. If I lived closer, I'd volunteer! The study skills tutorial sounds like a good idea - if you can slot it into your busy schedule!😀 xx

    1. I’ve always said id love a PA ….and. A house keeper too…lol big dreams

    2. Anonymous9:00 pm

      Get over yourself

  7. No link to Antonio's younger brother! I'll just find pics myself then shall I?

    Free breakfasts at Uni sounds like a step too far to me. Student's can't afford some cereal and milk, a slice of toast and a banana? £1 maybe.

    1. I was using dramatic licence Andrew , what do I know ? He may not even have a brother lol

  8. You're going to be a busy guy but it could be an exciting time too!

  9. Anonymous12:10 pm

    Hi John: Thanks for the response. It sounds like you have a really good plan in place re combining work, university and life. The supportive tutorial sounds useful too. What fun! I just signed up for a university course hence my question. Jean in Winnipeg

    1. What subject Jean???

    2. Anonymous9:05 pm

      It’s Greek and Roman Mythology.

    3. Anonymous9:05 pm

      It’s Greek and Roman Mythology John. Jean

  10. I'm laughing at the thought of the university giving out sanitary ware (Basins? Loos?). Typos can be wonderful things.

    1. The condoms I’ve put in our telephone box

  11. Anonymous12:23 pm

    I am exhausted just reading this! I do hope you have neighbors that help with dog walking etc. I admire your energy and stamina. Jackie

    1. I would put upon Trendy Carol and her hubby, they do enough for me xx

  12. You're set for a busy time. Good thing there's fake Banderas to check on, good for your spirits!

  13. Best of luck, John. You'll be great!

  14. John, you are one busy guy!

  15. The study skills class sounds excellent. You should present your current schedule and see what, if anything, they recommend. The Vet sounds dreamy.

  16. When you want something enough, you can move heaven and earth to get it, I'm sure you will settle into your routine and thrive, you are one healthy guy to bounce back.

    1. Fingers crossed I just want to finally get that cap and gown

  17. Anonymous3:08 pm

    Blog title - Me, me, me.
    Isn't there anything else?

    1. Who gives a flying fuck about you, you, you? Rhetorical question since the answer is obviously nobody.

    2. Cheers Mavis…..I know, another stupid comment seeing the Going Gently is my autobiography lol

    3. And so it’s meme me me me all of the way lol

    4. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    5. Anonymous7:38 pm

      Going Gently
      To me? Is John’s humor
      The way he describes his world , his thoughts and feelings and his beloved dogs and villagers

  18. Barbara Anne4:22 pm

    Mercy! It's a wonder that you won't meet yourself coming and going with that schedule. Wishing you well in getting to choir, taking time meander, and time to sleep.
    Shool and work dies take away from your free time!


    1. Yes babs that why it’s important for me to do special things each week. A theatre trip, a night out to balance things

  19. I make a to-do list every morning. Then I give it too the dogs to shred hehe x

    1. I also add things that I've already completed, It gives me a head start. Oh dear. x

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Start again! Improving time management is always a good idea. Enjoy your course.( your nursing course I mean!) Twelve hour days at work seems quite a stretch...but it is a way of fitting everything in

    1. I’m doing a counselling course at university x

  22. Okay, so I need to get a life, but was wondering yesterday about chorus. ;)

  23. Time management is crucial. Unfortunately I am always finding myself waiting for others. Frustrating.

  24. If you don't know how to manage time, it seems like you'll learn it in pretty short order. That's quite a schedule. But what I love about it is that you recognize that in the middle of all that, you need to tend to your own soul too. You're going to be an excellent counsellor.

  25. I don't know how you're doing so much. It's all I can do to go to work and come home!


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