First Day At University


First days are always a bit of a bunfight
Getting lost, feeling like a fat salmon swimming upstream against a shoal of spotty 18 year olds all coughing and spluttering new covid.
Just getting my ID card felt like an episode of the Krypton Factor 

Our new group is larger than I’m used to and polite. Everyone was very earnest, so as usual I turned into class clown to lighten some of the proceedings.
I’m sure our first focus group will pick on that in time.
But when the student support officer offers the group 10 condoms each 
It was worth telling everyone I was flattered.


  1. I might have had some inappropriate condom comments, too. Congratulations on the start. I would have loved to have seen a photo of your smiling face.

  2. Congrats on your first day, not the condoms lol xx

  3. Take your 10 and hold onto them. When others run out, you'll be the most popular guy on campus as they bid for one of yours.

  4. Yay!
    Love first days (even as a student). You'll have fun. And that may include those ten (?!) condoms.


  5. I am still giggling at your last two lines. ; )

  6. It sounds like a good start. Hope you enjoy the experience.

  7. Ooh, first day at school! Sounds like you're getting right in there.

    1. Another chapter of the old book
      John goes to university

  8. Anonymous4:29 pm

    My experience on US campuses is that the kids are very smiley and friendly to old folks like me (I am there visiting my kids who work on campuses....). My theory is that they are relieved it's not their parent/grandparent descending for a family visit. I hope you took the condoms! If nothing else they could go in the village freebie booth!


  9. I would have laughed so hard.

    1. Most did…I know what I was doing lol xx

  10. My, how times have changed. I'd have been delighted with a pen and a highlighter! xx

    1. I did buy a new pencil case in Venice

  11. Ten condoms, that would last me a few years:)

  12. Less of the fat salmon - you appear to be shrinking in that polo shirt!

  13. Congratulations and best wishes for this latest new chapter!

  14. "Bunfight" -- love it. You are always using words and phrases with which I'm unfamiliar over here in Saskatchewan. I can guess what it means, but am never entirely sure whether my guess is correct. Would it be like a "shitshow" or ... but anyway, I'll find out. I'm guessing bunfights aren't painful at all. Anyhoo, how exciting to be learning new and more with your class. -Kate

    1. I always use it to describe a rambunctious event
      But the real definition

      The slang term “bun fight” is used to refer to a formal event which requires people to dress up, whether or not the event features food, let alone buns. You may also hear it used in reference to a large party at which food is served, and a bun fight may also appear in the guise of a petty argument. In any case, the term appears to be British in origin, and it appears on occasion in British novels and newspapers, so it can be handy to know what it means.

    2. Stubblejumpers Cafe10:13 pm

      Whodathunk! Thank you for all that. I was thinking of it as a petty argument, but hadn't a clue about the other definitions. Now just to remember ...

  15. I think it's always good to get the first day behind you.

  16. Anonymous5:34 pm

    You are so funny. I would have loved to have a class with you. Humor beats earnestness ? all the time. lini from petaluma

    1. It will get me into trouble too one day, it always has

  17. Barbara Anne5:34 pm

    First days and finding your way around the buldings and the hallways are a nightmare, Wishing you well and hope the classses are interesting and the others in cllass are nice, witty, and interesting, too.
    I 2nd the idea for the condoms to go into the community box. unless you want to keep them, of course.


    1. We were offered free sanitary products too

  18. I wish you the best! You are a brave man John.

    1. What’s the alternative mick?

    2. I know. I just think of myself going back to school and I would be a nervous wreck. I admire you for your willingness not just to stagnate but to live!

  19. Ha! What a great description of your first day.

  20. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Congratulations John, may you enjoy the course and those condoms even more. Noreen

    1. I. Passed. On the condoms but was impressed on how much support is available to students nowadays
      Including free breakfasts in the canteen !!!!!

  21. Traveller6:18 pm

    Love the description of your first day at school. Agree with Michael you are a better man than I am gunga din.

    1. Naw, I’m just trying to keep my head above water

    2. Traveller7:39 pm

      Keep paddling !

    3. Anonymous8:23 pm

      Or keep swimming

  22. weaver8:29 pm

    Speaking from experience as a university mature student myself (not yesterday obviously!) watch out that the young ones are not busy using those condoms and then at the last minute begging bits of your essays or course work off you. Been there done that!!

  23. First day of grad I'm impressed with you undertaking this new adventure. Well done, you.
    My first day of my grad school at UC Berkeley was meeting with different faculty who would be on my PhD committee, and getting grilled as to whether or not I was a serious prospect. And condoms were not presented.

  24. I liked the Krypton Factor analogy.

  25. Anonymous9:49 pm

    Hi John - How are you handling the other part of your life - do you have any leave of absence or reduced hours from work? Just curious how you are juggling everything. Jean Winnipeg

  26. I'd say you are off to a perfect start. A dding humor and laughter are a great way to begin your university life.

  27. That should keep you supplied for a few days.

  28. Ten condoms each?!!! Great riposte! And I thought just one crumpled packet tucked in a shirt pocket until it's past its expiry date was the norm...actually, I used to go into schools and youth clubs in a past role with a 'p3n1s' model, a good supply of said little raincoats, and lube too, to give talks to boys and young men about s3xual health and dispelling myths propogated by p0rn. As I'd point out - to some of the more boastful young men, you'd have to have a todger the size of a Saturn V rocket to actually break one. That or they or a partner have sharp or scaggy fingernails...I could go on, but best I don't! I'm sure you'll sail the course; it'll be fun and well worth it. Good luck!


  29. Don't forget, you're older than they are. You have the benefit of experience, and probably a great lot of wisdom. In short, you're smarter than any of them, and don't ever hesitate to use it.

  30. 10 condoms? They didn't offer those on my 1st day at university, and that was in the middle 60's. I feel left out. :)

  31. Sadly I never went to Uni due a preconceived notion that people like me weren't good enough, smart enough etc. However, I absolutely loved the first day of school every term with plans to work harder, do more, study more etc. For the most part I managed it but my interest in boys got in the way! Congrats on navigation your first day... woohoo 10 condoms... black market comes to mind unless you get lucky ;)

    Jo in Auckland

  32. *navigating ... sigh

    Jo in Auckland

  33. The best thing my kids brought home from O day was a big bottle of kewpie mayo, which excited me more than 10 condoms would have!
    I'm excited for you, John.

  34. LOL. You are too funny. Enjoy, John. I can see your enthusiasm from here!

  35. I don't envy you that first day feeling at all. But that excitement of a new adventure and meeting new people must be great.

  36. Did you treat yourself to a new pencil case? Hope you enjoyed your first day. x

  37. Yorkshire Liz9:26 am

    The first day of the rest of your life. Grasp with both hands and go for it! (It suits you!!)

  38. Cheering on the fat salmon! Well done x

  39. Anonymous11:20 pm

    Are there jobs readily available at the end of it? I know employers are not supposed to be ageist, but many do find ways to be so.


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