

The vet who looks like Antonio Banderas, stood behind the surgery front desk eating a banana 
I watched him take every bite. 
He has a certain Spanish swagger, and I heard his Catalonian lisp as he joked with the nurses about something unimportant . They cackled loudly at his jokes 
I was sad as I realised the fact that he wasn’t going to see Mary.

The Jolly middle aged vet who dressed like a Children’s television presenter had the honours 
She had a trainee vet in tow too. 
Mary was a delight. She stood quiet and still even though I knew the vet hurt her by examining her inflamed ear canal and put up with the obligatory ear wash, anal gland examination and antibiotic syringing without a murmur. 
“ She’s your old girl that’s clear” the vet observed kindly “her gaze never leaves your face” 
The trainee vet cooed over her too and politely Mary licked her nose before retreating back into my arms, ready to go home
“ Oh what a sweetie” the trainee said
It’s these things that you often don’t see yourself that move you when someone else recognises it. 

On our way home, Mary sat upright and eager in the passenger seat watching the road, just as Meg used to do on our journeys 
And I couldn’t of been more proud of her if I tried .
I stopped at KFC and bought her her own couple of pieces of chicken as a treat
Which she chomped on without opening her eyes,
All the way home


  1. That love (and when they look in your eyes like that), it’s indescribable.

  2. That's a beautiful photo. I remember when someone would compliment how well Murphy was behaving or how cute it was I beamed like a proud papa.

    1. It’s a lovely feeling and the nearest some of us gays will have to having children I guess

    2. What kind of dog is Mary? A Welsh terrier? I am starting to think about getting another one. Still not sure though.

    3. Welsh terriers are a delight mick, they are loyal and friendly , benign and thoughtful
      But they never listen to you
      So have bite of personality
      I’ve had 5 , and have loved everyone so very much

    4. Thanks for the insight. I am still on the fence as Murphy's loss was hard. And I am beginning to substitute teach and I have my first gig tomorrow. I don't know if I want to leave a puppy all day. I will have to start researching Welsh terriers.

    5. My only advice is to get 2 a dog and a bitch

  3. She did you proud! What a lovely girl. Definitely earned the chicken.

  4. Anonymous9:43 pm

    Are doing you diploma in counselling? How long does it take?

  5. Dog ear examines are never easy. My Caesar has had infections and finally one vet suggested I use antibiotic powder to prevent ear infections. Since using the powder we've had no infections. Next time you'll have to make your appointment with the dishy Spanish vet!

  6. Anonymous10:09 pm

    Such a good girl; I'm glad she got a chicken treat!


  7. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Good girl Mary! Bet you get extra snuggles tonight.. gigi

  8. Oh such a lovely soul. She deserves all the chicken.

  9. What a darling girl

  10. Too bad the banana eater didn't service you today.😉
    I loved reading about Mary.

  11. Anonymous12:25 am

    What's the population of the infection? Yeast? Bacteria? Mixed? Has anyone ever talked to you about preventative measures, such as routine ear cleaning, perhaps with a medicated ear wash? I've been lucky with my dogs; if their ears didn't smell bad and they weren't scratching at them or shaking their heads, I figured anything I might do would just be detrimental, and "left well enough alone". So even though I'm a retired veterinary technician, I know little about doggie dermatology and can't claim any first hand experience. Carol in Philadelphia

    1. I clean her ears regularly but she had surgery on one which closed her ear canal so making it ripe for infections

  12. Yes, Mary deserved a special treat! I hope her ear infection clears up soon.

  13. She's such a beautiful and loyal girl, I love Welsh terriers.

  14. Anonymous12:46 am

    You already know I have been thinking about a Welsh Terrier lately. I am not sure about the “not listening” though. Jackie

  15. Anonymous1:06 am

    gorgeous Mary.....hope her ears will be on the mend (with treatment no doubt)........but sad that the Antonio Banderas Doc was not the one you were privy to......darned!
    Susan M

  16. Anonymous1:40 am

    Always enjoy pictures of sweet little Mary. What a luv she must be. Your trip to the vet with her was classic. Thank you from Gail in California

  17. She more than deserved that chicken.

  18. Sweet Mary!! She is beloved by fans all over the world.

  19. Last year Billy tried to bite the Vet' who was attempting to give him his pre-travel pill. This year she gave it to Lady M and told her to give it to him at home!

  20. Barbara Anne4:43 am

    How heartwarming to have Mary's devotion to you and trust in you that she behaved so well despite the discomfort.
    Youre a good Doggie Daddy to give her the chicken as a reward - and sheer doggie bliss is eating with eyes closed.


  21. What a proud Dad you must be, to have such a well-behaved sweetheart. I hope her ear heals quickly. xx

  22. Yorkshire Liz6:25 am

    Oh, there's nothing like dog love. I am currently back and forth with my two rescues. When I got them it took four of us to wrestle them into muzzles to be examined: now they sit quietly and understand they are being loved and looked after. Huge progress from two mentally and physically abused little boys. Now we are in the midst of treatments, one for dental and shoulder problems, one with cataracts, and all the result of abuse.
    "Haven't they come on in leaps and bounds?" remarked Lisa their vet. "And they never take their eyes off you, do they?"
    It is a very particular humbling gold glow to have dogs that are seen by other, especially when they are professionals, , isn't it. John?

  23. Dearest Mary. Obedience is such a very good way to show the love and trust you have in your Daddy.

  24. She was so good! Your sweet and lovely girl.

  25. Mary is a lovely dog but I want to hear more, much more, about the vat and his banana.

  26. Anonymous9:24 am

    What a sweetheart, I guess that applies to you both. No

  27. weaver10:59 am

    Brought tears to my eyes the way her gaze was fixed on you John. Good girl.

  28. weaver10:59 am

    Give her an extra treat and a hug from me.

  29. What a sweet dog! I'm sure she was happy with her chicken!

  30. Many years ago(too many!) my dog was savage by another, larger dog. It was a Sunday and I phoned the emergency vets number and he said to get her to his practice and he would meet us there. My new boyfriend, who is now my husband, helped me to get her in my car.
    The vet explained he had no veterinary nurse available, so we would have to leave her until the next day, unless we could hold her and he would stitch her up there and then.
    I couldn't bear to leave her and readily agreed to hold her.
    She was my dog and I would do anything
    However I was holding her side,and my husband was holding her lead, and she kept backing away from the vet and he wasn't getting anywhere and he suggested we leave her and he would sedate her on the Monday. I was so upset that I just held her head and she tucked her head under my shoulder.
    The vet took his chance and managed to complete all the necessary stitching as she stood rock solid and never moved a muscle
    I will never forget the look of approbation on the vets face as he said my dog had just completely relaxed and trusted me, when I held her.
    I was so proud of her.


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