Supper Out

 I dug out my new linen trousers and green shirt bought especially for Rome ( and never bloody worn) and had a shave and a good hair brush and met the twenty five or so members of the village TCA and volunteers at  The Crown for a meal. The food was lovely and the company chatty, and as the gin and tonics were downed we thought of more outlandish ideas for the association to support in addition to the following hall based activities. 
Between now and Christmas we have organised 

A Casino night 
A concert night by the Trelawnyd Male  Voice Choir 
An Apple Festival  day 
A Christmas Fayre 
And It’s a Wonderful Life Christmas film night as well as the usual Saturday coffee mornings 

Our Chairperson Bridget making her thank you speech

My suggestion of a ancient Welsh tomato festival where we villagers throw ripe tomatoes at each other in the street after copious amounts of Cymraeg gin is drunk was met with mixed but chuckling  results 


  1. Anonymous9:16 pm

    I'm anxious to hear where your beautiful handmade lanterns will fit in with your plans. I can't wait to see pictures! Love to you from Gail in California

    1. Yes , you reminded me to organise the lantern making

  2. Yorkshire Liz9:22 pm

    And how sophisticated is the very idea of "a good hair brush?" Pass than man the Brilliantine - and nobody would recognise him! Ah, bless.

  3. Anonymous9:56 pm

    Why are the beams in the pub painted ? I thought they were all wood stained in the old houses in the UK



    1. Welsh cottages are often low and long ( you extend them longwise if money was had)
      To make the living space larger, it was common for the ceiling beams to be painted white

    2. Anonymous3:39 am

      A pedant I may be but unless Wales is a very different world painting thinks white doesn't make space larger? :) The Crown looks large though, hmm... (Andrew S)

    3. Anonymous3:39 am

      "things", I meant, of course

    4. Pedant too
      It doesn’t make the place larger


  4. A full monty night and a naked calendar. Phwoarr x

  5. Planning activities over dinner and drinks went very well. An alternative to tomato throwing consider the dunk tank. Town officials sit above the tank and for a fee an individual can throw a ball to release the chair and dunk the official. This is quite popular and gets lots of laughs.

  6. Wouldn't want to wear that nice outfit for the Tomato Festival, John. That looks like a cheerful (well lubricated?) group.

  7. The north Wales Gin Festival and tasting?

  8. How about an English Night where the residents of Trelawnyd dress up like famous English people and talk with proper English accents before the Morris dancing, the pork pies, the England quiz and the singing of "God Save The King"? It would be such fun. You could be Giant Haystacks.

    1. Anonymous1:00 pm

      Giant Haystacks! Cracked me up!
      For anybody that doesn't know Giant Haystacks was a wrestler, a rather large wrestler!

  9. Sounds like fun! If I lived in Trelawnyd, I'd go to every event. "It's a Wonderful Life" is one of my most favourite Christmas movies!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous1:01 pm

      Please - no dressed up pets. They're not dolls.

  11. How about a village 'Oscars' ceremony? Best kept garden, most generous person, best person to call in an emergency, best behaved child, and of course most popular dog owner! All accompanied by more G & T's of course.

    1. Anonymous9:08 am

      That sounds awful to me…best behaved child! Most generous…you never know how generous people are. Some people crow about every donation they make, others just get on with it and donate.

    2. It was meant as a joke.

  12. I don't have any good ideas to offer but I like all of the ones listed. Sounds like the best way to have fun while planning!

  13. But the big question of the night is... did the trousers and shirt survive without getting splatted with food? xx

  14. Much better than a dry and long-winded committee meeting!

  15. Post like these make me want to move to your village, your Christmas film night sounds perfect, it's not truly Christmas until you watched 'it's a wonderful life'

  16. It all sounds like fun. Did your new linen trousers and green shirt survive the night without a spill? I was looking forward to a photo of you dressed up.

  17. Loving the ideas for events. If people have other ideas please do post for John, and I can pinch them.

  18. weaver10:24 am

    If the tomato throwing goes ahead copious photos are essential - might even make the Times!

  19. I thought ohh., what about a coach party of John's blog fans to meet at say Bristol and then board a chartered bus to attend one of the village shindigs on offer....... Then l found out your village is about 3 hours from Bristol.... so it's a no to that idea. Back to the drawing board for me then! Tess

    1. We could all share a communal marquee on the village green as long as there's access to a toilet

  20. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  21. There have been some incredibly popular and successful fundraisers around this area when they do the "Chase the Ace" thing. So successful it seems organizers were amazed. Good luck to you with all yours. -Kate

  22. Your village is all go, all the time! A mad rush. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  23. I'm dead boring and love a whist drive. If ever you organise a ceilidh we'd be straight there. We'd dance every dance too.

  24. How about a secret gift exchange , you put name in a pot/hat and draw out one. Or just bring a general gift for anyone and draw numbers when you get there.

  25. Or bring something nice you no longer need or use from your home to exchange blindly.

  26. Barbara Anne4:37 pm

    What wonderful ideas and the added latern making class will round it off nicely.
    Hummm.. maybe a tatting class, a knitting/crochet class, and a beginning quilting class?!


  27. Oh, I like your idea best! Isn't there a town in Spain where people throw tomatoes every year? It could make your village an annual tourist attraction and place of pilgrimage!


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