Thin lips

 The chinks in the local pharmacy service have been evident, well they have to me over the past few weeks. My broad spectrum antibiotics have been out of stock prior to “ Rome” necessitating a search for appropriate pharmacies which may have it. Subsequently ( and there’s nothing like being in sync) my bladder is playing up as it has a want to do.
So much so I went to bed this afternoon with Dorothy, who lay against my back with her head on the pillow.
I got up at 16.46 and went to the pharmacy again. My drugs still hadn’t arrived .
I didn’t get irate at all. I just went very quiet, which threw the staff even more. 
The pharmacist will deliver the drugs himself a bit later which was sweet of him and I did say it wasn’t his job to do that and that I was grateful but I was perfecting my grandmother’s thin lip approach at the time. 
Her lips, when vexed could be reduced to absolutely nothing
Not even a line in folded cardboard.
I’ll make some frozen cranberry, ginger and yogurt shake later, though I suspect the sleep did me more good.

Last night on the way too The Crown I dropped my phone. It was found by one of the village schoolboys who recognised me from my ID card I keep with it, so he and his three sisters and his mum all tracked me down to the pub and presented me with it as I stood by the bar.
The kids were excited at the bearhunt so I gave them a 20£ reward to be shared out .it tickled me that the youngest, a girl of perhaps five , piped up very quickly That’s a fiver each !!!
At least they were honest.

The dogs have been smelling doggy, so we have all been in the shower with a bottle of baby shampoo
The pharmacist knocked just as we all got out so there was a flurry of barking and wet paws against the kitchen wall and me looking soaked in a t shirt and shorts 
“Sorry we were all in the shower” I explained and he nodded slowly as if to say “ of course you have”
At least I’ve had my antibiotics eventually today


  1. I wonder what he had to say when he got back to work! But anyway your meds are home now. Good.

    1. I’m finding similar problems when I was working in the community recently

  2. Anonymous4:54 pm

    Oh, how you paint a picture with words my friend! Jackie

  3. Barbara Anne4:55 pm

    Kindness abounds in Trelawnyd with the return of your phone and the delivery of your med. Most excellent.
    Wishishing you well and remember to drink lots of water.


  4. How honest of those children. Restores one's faith! And how kind of the pharmacist to deliver your meds. If he's a dog owner, he'll understand the shower, if not, who cares! I hope the antibiotics kick in very quickly. Only had cystitis once, and never want it again. Like peeing razor blades! xx

    1. Yes that sums things up quite nicely

  5. I wonder who the pharmacist thought “we all” were. You might get a reputation.

  6. Well done those children..a well deserved award...and good maths!
    Pirate has managed to get an UTI too...but the doctor was waiting for the urine test results to get back from the lab....last minute today they got there, which had me getting down to the surgery ( they could have emailed the pharmacy as it was 5.15).....and picking up the meds before the pharmacy closed at all this to start on a holiday long weekend!!
    Hope everything clears quickly for you.

    1. Thanks gz in my vast experience UTI S always take a foothold Thursday or Friday just before the weekends

  7. I was wondering what was coming with a blog title like that............ hope you feel better soon x

    1. This is a regular health issue, which will pass

  8. Mitchell had the same thought as me. Who is the "we"?

    1. John and the dogs! They all needed a bath!

  9. I always feel so helpless if the medications I need are not available or they only have enough to fill part of the prescription. It's horrible to be so dependent on the whims of the supply chain. Glad you eventually got what you needed. At least the pharmacist didn't come while you were IN the shower :)

    1. Bless him , he was very apologetic and that makes a real difference

  10. Pharmacy shortages seem common today. With your history, your doc could make sure you have the antibiotic on-hand for emergency situations like this. The children must have loved their reward for finding and returning your phone. A five year old doing division is quite good.

  11. I cannot imagine getting in the shower with my dogs! They'd freak out!

  12. Your posts are so descriptive, John. You had me smiling! Glad you got your meds and hope they do the job quickly.

  13. I wish you'd taken a picture of those children who brought you were phone. I know they were proud of themselves and overjoyed at your reward.

    1. I have a pic of them on their mums Facebook, but you can’t post pics of kids online xx

  14. Glad you have your drugs but I'm even more glad that you've given the pharmacist something to think (and probably talk) about!

    1. We all like to be talked about if the alternative is never being talked about x

  15. It was good of you to give those kiddies a £20 reward John. Some people would not have bothered. They would have just smiled and said "thanks".

    1. They deserve it generally YP if you get my drift

    2. Anonymous8:32 pm

      20$ is a nice reward
      And a kind one


  16. Well done those kidos, there's light at the end of the tunnel after all !
    You were appreciative and generous.
    Hope the tablets help with your UTI I hope they are not Ciprofloxacin,

  17. Anonymous9:14 pm

    Should you be seeing a urologist ?

    1. Anonymous9:20 pm

      Hes waiting a review and has dine for months

  18. Diane9:14 pm

    Hopefully you’ll be back to normal pretty quick

  19. Well done to the children who returned your phone, the pharmacist who delivered your meds, and you dear John for rewarding the children & patiently waiting for your meds.
    You do paint the most delightful and vivid scenes with words.
    Hoping the meds, fluids, and rest kick in and send the UTI packing.

  20. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Please feel better soon. Nice that kids are still honest, and that you got your phone back. Gigi

  21. Those kiddos have restored my faith in the younger generation, there's hope for us yet.......Losing one's phone is a 4-alarm emergency......

  22. Anonymous11:03 pm

    In my experience health issuesl always strike before a long weekend when it's hard to get any help - veterinary crisis, babies arriving, UTIs, kids ear infections. Someone should do a study of this, perhaps we can increase health and wellness by eliminating long weekends? Not worth it?



  23. weaver12:25 am

    I have to say John - the idea of having a shower with three dogs is not on my bucket list.

  24. I definitely held my breath when you were silently confronting the pharmacist!! Sometimes it is necessary to get some ACTION. I'm relieved you're now on the meds. I am given a couple of scripts to hold in advance before a sinus infection gets beyond control and I let the specialist know when I have to use them. I do hope when you wake (it's 3.30pm here, so 3.30 am for you) you feel heaps better.

  25. My pharmacy (Boots Brighton) never have all my meds. The Boots store is huge on two floors, but the pharmacy is tiny and shoved into one tiny corner. Hopeless!

  26. Sorry you went through all that but at least it's amusingly told.

  27. The horrors of bad cystitis and no antibiotics available! I understand completely. I have also lately experienced the pharmacy not having my medication and having to struggle to another place when feeling very unwell. I hope the supply chain doesn't deteriorate even further.

  28. Well that's a lot of activity! Glad you got your drugs. Dave also has trouble getting prescriptions renewed.

  29. Your silence spoke volumes that shouting wouldn't have.

    1. That's exactly what I was about to say. xx

    2. I’m feeling a little full emotionally….no use letting that out at the wrong time

  30. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Instead of going to the pharmacy AGAIN why didn't you ring them to see if your prescription was ready? Then no need for the thin lipped and silent drama.

  31. Perhaps it would be a good idea to keep some of your meds in hand for such occasions then you won't need to belittle the staff with your "quiet" attitude. It's not their fault if meds are hard to get in stock these days.

    1. It was their fault, several extra boxes were given to anothet patient in error

    2. Anonymous3:53 pm

      No, you siad they were out of stock, that there was difficulty getting them.
      Several extra boxes were given to another patient in error? Really? That sounds like misconduct, have you reported it to the relevant authority?
      Giving a patient drugs that haven't been prescribed for them could be very dangerous.
      What have you done about it?

  32. Jackie M6:33 pm

    This was a great post. It had me imagine a book written about you , each chapter written by a different person in your village. I think it would be a best seller.


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