

Tomorrow night I’m seeing Fascinating Aida with my sister and Saturday it’s an all day drinking session to mark two staff nurses moving on from the hospice. I think all hospices have a healthy turn over of staff, for many it’s a lot to give of themselves for an extended period of time.
I won’t be drinking on Saturday, I’m not a lover of getting tipsy in an afternoon, I just want to sleep in some corner. But I shall go,  drink a shandy and pass over the leaving gifts.
I’m often volunteering for the collection job. 
Saturday night I’m meeting Gorgeous Dave anyway so I have to get home in one piece.
So it’s what to do today? 
Yesterday I went out for lunch with an old friend today I’m meeting my sister in law for lunch, after that I think I’ll pop over to Chester to see the acclaimed British movie Scrapper
It’s overcast today so safe to take the dogs out for two walks before I go out. They will sleep the afternoon away….
I’ve had to invest on bigger poo bags because Dorothy seems to be producing copious amounts of effluent  at the moment . I have no idea where it is coming from, even though I know it’s disproportionate to what’s going in……she’s proud of her work though, always giving me or any passing Walker a proud smile ….
“ Tradaaaaaaa! “ sort of thing where she gives everyone a Kerala Settle smile with her tiny white baby teeth.

Hated the film, which was a shame. Left after three quarters of an hour which was irksome.
Bought some noodles at Chester Market to buck my mood up


  1. Dorothy is such a Lady.

    1. All bulldog bitches are madams not ladies

  2. Stay sober, have fun, and like Dorothy be proud of what you have done.

    1. She nearly drowned herself today but that’s a story for tomorrow

  3. I feel your pain re the poo! Keith can sneakily coil out a monster! Enjoy the movie x

    1. Oh no! One to avoid then, Not that we have much choice as our fab local filmhouse has the dreaded crappy concrete and is closed! x

  4. Should have put a trigger warning on this post, I'm just tucking into my lunch!😝 Good idea to limit the alcohol, on so many levels! I can understand the high turnover of staff in hospices. It must be very emotionally, as well as physically draining. Good luck to your colleagues in their new ventures. xx

    1. Some of them are going to a “ bottomless brunch” pub..the mind boggles

  5. Anonymous11:33 am

    Your blog posts are a gift you give me each day

  6. Fascinating Aï lucky so and so!!

    1. Yes they get sold out almost immediately …I got the last two tickets not together!!! I suspect my sister doesn’t quite know how dirty they are

    2. I think the better phrase is Down to Earth!!

  7. I've never thought about it, only having smallish dogs, but I suppose the bigger the dog, the more it eats, the more it excretes.
    Oh, I know that group, Fascinating Aida, 50p a flight. That will be great fun. Scrapper I will have to look up. Give us a like/not like review.

    1. Watch this space with the Aida review . I won’t bother with Scrapper, like I said I walked out

  8. Little Dorothy follows in Winnies footsteps, then

    1. All four of my bulldog bitches have acted in similar ways

  9. Replies
    1. Sometimes she’s like a bin bag full of effluent

  10. Sounds like you are fitting in lots of fun things! Enjoy!

    1. As always……what’s the alternative ??

  11. Never a dull moment with Dorothy. Enjoy your next couple days.

  12. Dorothy, such a delicate little flower.

  13. Haha ... Dorothy should be proud, she would be even prouder of hers if she performed next to Mavis' delicate little offerings. I have the opposite thought ... 'where has all the food that went in your mouth actually gone?'

  14. Barbara Anne1:48 pm

    Lovely plans!

    You have certainly brought sweet Dorothy out of her shell by your constant, kind care and constant feeding. When she first came to you, can you imagine her bing so pleased with her poo?!


    1. All bulldogs defecate ANYWHERE , they are not fazed by anything

  15. Time to get Dorothy a "I pooped today" doggie sweater. :)

  16. Traveller7:04 pm

    The noodles look wonderful

  17. May I ask what you disliked about “Scrappers”? I had seen the trailer for this film and was hoping it would show up in my region sometime. The trailer seemed to be pretty strong/good.


    1. I hoped the same….unfortunately the girl in the leading role, although full of personality and confidence couldn’t act ….her character , which was central to the drama , felt unreal , and therefore I was lost immediately . Also there are holes in the narrative that makes it very unlikely .
      I have to be captured by a film within the first 20 minutes
      I’ve just read the guardian review ( I never read reviews of films until after seeing them, but I will take note of the Guardian’s star rating)

  18. I was thinking of seeing that movie, but trust your opinion and will give it a miss. Thanks.


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