For thought


  1. Yes....and yes. x

  2. Anonymous12:18 am

    I lost a son. I know this grief. Jackie

  3. Anonymous12:32 am

    Grief is the price we pay for love. Gigi

  4. I have never thought of it like that. Wonderfully expressed.

  5. I lost my only daughter. You never get over it. Its in the wrong order of things.

  6. During my times of grief, the words of Simon and Garfunkel's "I am a rock" come into my head - "If I never loved, I never would have cried." My deepest sympathies to those who are grieving, especially a child. I can't begin to imagine that pain. xx

  7. Yorrkshire Liz7:23 am

    Listen to Nick Cave's own version of Letter To Cynthia on You Tube. Either search Nik Cave and the Bad Seeds Letter to Cynthia ( And read the comments. Or see the Letters Live version; search for Letters Live Nick Cave grief letter or go to

  8. weaver8:20 am

    Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Everyone needs to feel that feeling of love - that feeling that goes right to the core of our being. The grief of loss - I have lost two hugely loved husbands - is worth it for the memories I have of the happy times.

  9. I have been thinking of grief a lot this past week. How differently we all feel it, how many different ways we can grieve. But there has to be love to begin with for us to feel grief.

  10. This was profoundly moving and really puts anonymous' criticisms to rest. The idea that our own longing and love creates ghostly visitations and dreams, because our broken hearts long for it is a wonderful description of it. Grief is an expression of love. Much to think on here, isn't there?

  11. Anonymous1:33 pm

    Too obviously reading from a script and overacting.


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