

Note to self, don’t agree to work three long days together.
It’s been a nice change, but I was so glad not to be up at 5.45 am this morning.
The dogs are happy to have me home, they realised this around 8am when I marshalled them all for their big walk. Roger danced around the garden and stood guard by the lane wall, legs akimbo.
He sleeps on guard every night. Sat in the kitchen reading chair watching the cat flap and listening for sounds of danger through it.

The roses around the garden arch have bloomed yet again in this hot weather. They are an old British breed known for their scent and that scent is glorious this morning.

The sky is a watery blue as the dew and mists burn away and it’s going to be a glorious day, and the cottage, which faces south is bathed in gold. The plant pots donated to the TCA , still full of oak saplings are dry and have just been watered as have the house plants, all 42 of them.
Dorothy has already found a cool bit of concrete on the back patio and has lowered herself nipple first onto it.
I thought I felt Albert rub my legs too when I was pottering.
It was a towel hanging over the back of the chair.

I made whole meal bread as someone had left me a jar of raspberry jam yesterday. 
I fancied jam on toast for breakfast with lashings of butter 

The sun has brightened my week, all week. I had an unexpected blip on Saturday, but I’m fine now…old strings being pulled…..but like I said, I’m ok now
I picked up my bucket of coffee and walked around the gardens, with Roger in tow.
Our bit of the village is quiet and filled with the buzzing of bees and with birdsong 
And as I now sit at the kitchen table looking at my chameleon perched in the window , both hands are around my cup and I am so glad to be home.

The baby’s paddling pool I bought last week 
Is finally being used


  1. Anonymous9:54 am

    It’s nice to hear that you and the gang are having such a blissful day off. We are coming to the end of a very hot, humid few days, the hottest of the summer since June. I love that Roger is taking care of you so well and that Dorothy is keeping her undercarriage cool. Gigi

    1. I put dry food in the water and whilst Roger bobs for them , Dorothy heaves away and walks into the water like a baby hippo

  2. You've captured the tranquility - and a face to make you smile!

  3. weaver9:56 am

    That rose is a work of art - wish it was smellieblog. Roger has turned out to be a real darling - hasn't he? But then I knew he would - you have enough experience of bringing up dogs to make each one realise just how much you love them. And as an added bonus he is beautiful.

    1. His gentleness never fails to move me. Today a little boy reached over the wall to pet him, and he stood still for an age with his eyes closed as the boy talked to him

  4. I like the bit about the Albert towel.

  5. It sounds blissful, although the buzzing of bees sets me on edge.

    1. I find it soothing , though I’m mindful when the intensity of buzzing increases as Roger like William before him, chases bees from the herbaceous border

  6. We've had to water pots this week too, and my roses are going mad - I'd given them a good haircut a few weeks ago! We often get some fine weather in September. I remember the first few weeks back at school after rainy summers.The joys of living in Wales!

  7. Susan from Across the Pond10:13 am

    Lovely post. Contentment is a good thing. Tending to plants and animals fills the heart with good feelings. Glad you are well.

    1. My Chinese money plants that I repotted all are going well. That pleased me greatly

  8. Being outside is my church, and nothing soothes me better than puttering about in the yard. You have the heart of a poet, John. You see the tiny things that prove this world is indeed a lovely place, even when there are the things that pull us off the beam.

  9. What a gorgeous photo of Roger. He really is a darling! A morning pottering in the sunshine, with your animals and plants is just the thing to re-balance your soul. xx

    1. I had lunch out with an old friend which added to the nice day

  10. What a great picture of home, complete with sounds, smells and tastes.

    1. I wish I had smellovision

    2. Anonymous7:45 pm

      Smellovision? Even given what you often describe as the "cheesy" feet? Best that you don't. (Andrew S. - no more signing in with Google because it is increasingly doing silly things I don't want)

    3. I smell of the lovely scent of Clinique Happy

    4. Anonymous4:51 pm

      A hint from a friend, you could use less of it for other's comfort.

  11. It's a great photo of Roger with his front legs apart. You have them loyal.
    The other day I was thinking about books I read in my young years and remembered how there had to be lashings of whatever you eating. I hope you had lashings of jam too.

  12. Anonymous11:23 am

    Lovely words and sweet photo of Roger. Jackie

  13. Anonymous12:03 pm

    East west home is best. And enjoying the simple things in life - tasty bread and jam and the company of loyal dogs x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I had lunch out with an old friend which was lovely too

  14. Sounds relaxing, just what you need.

    1. It’s 19.44 and I feel clean and scrubbed after a hot shower. Like we used to do on bath night before school.

    2. Anonymous9:21 pm

      19.44? After your name it says 6.45 pm so don't you mean 18.44?

    3. No the time is off on the blog by an hour , fucking he’ll get a life

  15. You describe it so lovingly, John. xx

  16. If I even tried to write like you can and do, I'd fail. But no problem. Just don't leave.

    1. Your writing is always from the heart Raymondo

  17. Sometimes home is exactly what you need.

    1. At my age, three 12 hour shifts with a commute of 1 and a half hours daily , is too much

  18. Barbara Anne1:24 pm

    And all is right with our world!

    Good note to yourself, too.


    1. OOPS! Make that 'right with YOUR world!'

      More hugs!

  19. Just right...and the thought of Albert as well

    1. He still haunts the cottage

    2. Anonymous9:24 pm

      Really? I thought you didn't believe in an afterlife.

    3. Sigh The thought of him not his ghost , do fuck off

  20. Blips are inevitable but may they be few. I love the deep sills in your house. Mostly, I love the writings of a contented soul.

    1. The walls are 18 inches thick , typical of a Welsh cottage of its age

  21. After 3 long days, you've found bliss right where you belong. Lovely post. Enjoy.

    1. I blew up the dogs paddling pool too, and had to have a lie down afterwards

    2. But, not a lie down in the pool?

  22. Working three long days is a lot. It is good that you could enjoy a late summer day appreciating the simple things.

    1. I’m on holiday now for 2 weeks !!!

  23. I can sense how much you're enjoying that day off! You have 42 houseplants?! I will never again complain that we have too many plants. (Although, come to think of it, I'm not sure how many we have -- could be something close to that.)

    1. I bet you have more , I’m including the patio plants too

  24. Nothing like home when you've been out all day, working or otherwise. Off with the bra, off with the shoes and tights or socks. On with the kettle, ahh home, shut the world out, lovely! Tess

    1. My bra is being bleached and boiled in the sink

    2. Anonymous7:58 pm

      You obviously know nothing about modern bras!
      No bleaching or boiling just a gentle wash to keep their shape.
      Save the bleaching and boiling for your grundies!

    3. ‘Lol I was joking …..

    4. And of course I know fuck all about bras lol

  25. So that's semi-retirement, eh? But I'm glad you had a lovely day at home after that work.

    1. I “ enjoyed” 9 months of retirement when I realised I was on my own with no job, no car, and no money
      On reflection I should not have retired at all…but then I wouldn’t have been forced to reevaluate my life, job, finances and future

    2. Anonymous8:13 pm

      I feel for you
      A taste of freedom after years of nursing , then back part time….how many hours a week do u do now?
      You have just worked 36 hours isn’t that full time ?


    3. I work 24 hours a week which is 2 long shifts of 12 hours.
      Sunday was an extra shift …every Tuesday will be my university day where I will be in classes all day

    4. Anonymous8:26 pm

      Fuck john you are 60
      Why not slow down a bit
      I retired at 55 and never want to go back to that fucking life


  26. What a warm and gentle look at your life. I loved "lashings of butter." I remember that expression from reading Enid Blyton's books many years ago when I was a child in Canada. I always wondered exactly what it meant. From your writing I imagined "smothered in butter" and it made me hungry.

    1. Thick toast HAS to smothered in thick cold butter then dolloped with jam

      Bloody lovely

  27. I want to come spend a few weeks in Trelawnyd. I'm in love with your little Welsh village and it calls to my heart.

  28. Dorothy looks like she can't quite decide whether she wants to stay in that or not.

  29. Billy has a plastic paddling pool. When he gets into it all he wants to do is empty it by scratching wildly at the bottom.

  30. Yorkshire Liz6:08 am

    An entry when all is at peace in the world. How special and rare is that? And the mood has been spread to all your readers. Deeps breaths and shouldrs coming down from up around the ears. As near to bliss as might be found.

  31. I love wandering around a garden on a summer morning with a cup of tea. So nice to feel a part of your morning too. What a lovely place!

  32. Anonymous8:36 am

    karma Chameleon ! X

  33. What a lovely top photo of Roger in the sunshine. I bet your heart skipped a beat when you thought you felt Albert rubbing against your leg, I know mine would have. These little moments bring it all back don't they.


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