Old Friend


Hello !” The text pinged as soon as I sat down on the seat.
I think there’s only one straight through to London train from North Wales and that’s the 13.59 from Prestatyn 
My friend Tina was sat just behind me, we used to work together but she now works at a different hospice
She’s a Romany Gypsy and has more interesting tales in her on a bad day than Agatha Christie on a good day
I miss working with her as she has a earthy, easy  laugh and a voice like Eartha Kitt
She’s off at Crewe so I managed a somewhat overheard gossip with her until Chester.

I’m staying in London tonight, and travelling to Rome in the morning. I’m flying via London to maximise my mini break, tonight I will get a last minute ticket to something, or I may go to the Curzon to see a film if there’s anything good on. 
I’ve just told Tina, that I’m like the mum of three doggy toddlers….I love them, but it’s lovely to have an adult day away from them once in a while. 
She reads the blog and knows this 


  1. weaver2:32 pm

    Chuck a coin in the Trevi fountain for me and make a wish please.

  2. Bon voyage .... or buon viaggo!!!

  3. Enjoy. Be good. Don't spill food.

  4. What a trip. Enjoy and send pictures.

  5. How nice to catch up with an "old" friend unexpectedly. Have a safe, uneventful journey and a wonderful time in London and Rome. What a jet setter you are! xx

  6. Anonymous2:56 pm

    Gelato is an important food group.


  7. Good to meet an old friend, even if briefly!
    Have a good trip...having a break away from everything sounds a grand idea..putting ideas in my head!

  8. Yorkshire Liz3:43 pm

    Have a wonderful time! We honeymooned in Rome, a very special place. Two things to note: the closer you get to the Vatican, the more expensive the food and drink. And the Trevi Fountain is MUCH smaller than you expect!

  9. Have a fabulous time! Safe travels.

  10. Barbara Anne4:24 pm

    What a great beginning to have a good natter with Tina on the train. What are the chances of that meet-up?
    Hope your entire trip is touched by the wonderful and unexpected with a tad of magic thrown in!


  11. Anonymous5:36 pm

    One of my regrets is that I have flown into Rome several times, but I have not seen Rome. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy every moment., John. Gigi

  12. I hope Rome is absolutley wonderful to you x

  13. Anonymous6:36 pm

    What a wonderful surprise. Can understand getting a break from our pet family, though know you will miss them and think of them. Have a great time and may Rome treat you well.Noreen

  14. Enjoy your trip. Safe travels.

  15. My Dad was born close to Rome and so I am emotionally drawn to your visit John x 🏛🍷 🚬

  16. Happy travels. Enjoy!

  17. As Emo Phillips used to say, "It's a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it."
    Have fun!

  18. Have a lovely time in Rome! x

  19. Enjoy your trip...it seems to have gotten off to an auspicious start!

  20. I hope you are having a fabulous time in Rome! Your friend Tina was a lovely pre-Rome gift.

    Jo in Auckland

  21. It's great to unexpectedly run into old friends and acquaintances! Have a wonderful time in Rome!

  22. Anonymous1:41 am

    Hope you find your Gregory Peck!

  23. Have a great time in Rome!

  24. Have a wonderful time in Rome.

  25. Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful posts

  26. Susan from Across the Pond9:41 am

    Rome is the city of my soul. History, literature, art, and culture mixed into the very fiber and depths of the the city. Florence will always be the city of my dreams, but Rome will always have my heart. Soak it all in and then tell us about it in your delightful prose. Safe travels.

  27. Great that Tina found a niche in the working world of the gorgers.

  28. Have a great trip.

  29. We were only saying the other day on a very rare day out without the dogs, that it felt like we had 'left the kids at home'. I hope you have a lovely time. xx

  30. Have a fabulous time in Rome, John!

  31. Best wishes and take a few pictures for us.

  32. How funny! Does she sing like Eartha Kitt? Have fun on your trip!

  33. Roma Tina with the Sexy Voice, I am sure she has some Stories... so nice to run into Old Friends we miss.


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