Notre Dame de Paris Le Temps des Cathédrales

It’s humid today again, and I’m feeling fractious and ready for a fight.
In Sainsbury’s some old scrote nearly bumped Bluebell and I thought myself very well restrained with only one Cock and Twat shouted before I exited the car.
I found a red Chinese  fan left on the kitchen wall when I returned. It had a note with it scribbled on the back of a Tesco till receipt , which read, somewhat obscurely “ Be a fan to yourself” 
Mrs Trellis’ work no doubt.
I put the defunct paddling pool on the village web page free to good home and dismayed to see that one of the village schoolgirls had been stopped by two men in a car on London road last night and almost abducted.
They were thwarted by two off duty policemen in the following car and later were arrested.
Christ Almighty you are not safe anywhere. 
I’ve made noodles and gochujang sauce with a couple of runny eggs on top for brunch
And scrubbed the patio until like Blanche du Bois I needed a shower to “ calm my nerves”

Two 😂emojis on the website about the pool…no takers as yet.


  1. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Blame the weather for your fractiousness, my other half is in exactly the same state today. Appalled to hear about the attempted abduction of the girls, the guys should be strung up by their balls and pelted with all things putrid by the villagers with you leading the pack. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. High humidity is exhausting I hate it more than anything else

  2. Those girls had a close call -- glad the off duty police officers happened to be there!

    1. Yes the whole thing is a sobering reminder that nasties lurk everywhere

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Barbara anne2:40 pm

    High humidity can be blamed for all sorts of bother: short tempers all the say to hospitalization from breathing problems. Wish your part of the world cooler weather and low humisity.
    So gald the policemen were there to save the girls and catch the criminals.


    1. I feel somewhat breathless in this heat

  5. Karen2:56 pm

    I adore the 14th photo on your page. Is there a print available?
    Love your blog and all the interesting things you do.

    1. You can download it if you want to , the one of Dorothy and me soon after she arrived

    2. Anonymous6:06 pm

      oops, maybe I counted incorrectly. I was referring to the guy with the t-shirt

  6. That near abduction is scary, but these evil b***ards are everywhere. I hope you get a taker for the paddling pool. I love Mrs T's sense of the eccentric and that she's thinking of you. If this heat continues, you may need that fan. xx

    1. I’ve used it today , I look like a fat concubine

  7. The girls must be quite frightened after a very close call. Bless Mrs. T for gifting you a fan. It is hot and humid here too with rain, thunder and lightening predicted again today.

  8. My wirehaired pointer loves a paddling pool (minus sausages) - in fact any body of water from a puddle to the ocean; my border terrier detests it. Shocked to hear of the attempted abduction - thank goodness they were caught, must have been frightening for the girl involved. Trelawnyd is a lovely village but as you say you're not safe anywhere anymore - the car has made even the most idyllic spots accessible to criminals. My car has a nice scratch down its side from someone's shopping trolley - the miscreant had disappeared by the time I reached my car. I can empathise with your choice of words - as well as throwing in some of my own...

    1. Nice to have the proper P commenting and not the troll P

  9. Swoooooooon. He's got "it" !

  10. Traveller5:09 pm

    Your post made me wonder what words I would use. Don’t think cock or twat would make the top ten…need to make a list!

  11. Hope the pool has gone by now, but your story reminded me of my own experience. Many years ago I put something out in front of my house with a note that said, "Free to good home." It sat there for two days. There was plenty of traffic, but no takers. I decided to change it to just, "Free." It was gone within five minutes. No idea why. It's a funny old world! xo Julie

    1. Lol I know, will it’s still there at the moment, if it doesn’t go tomorrow I will clean it and put it in the telephone box

  12. When I think of all the times I walked alone on country roads as a young girl, the thought of one potentially snatched in a little village like yours depresses me beyond words. Children will never enjoy the freedom we did again.

    1. No, and stories like these won’t help helicopter parenting

  13. 'feeling fractious and ready for a fight' - love this!

  14. that video alone is worth a post of its own. absolutely amazing!!!!


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