Enola Gay

My colleagues on their leaving do had just arrived in a weatherspoons pub when I got to Chester this afternoon. It was hot with humidity at 85% and with being snobby about Weatherspoons ( yes I admit it, pubs where middle aged women go to with no teeth in are not somewhere I choose to enter) I  decided to to cool off in the shadow of the Cathedral and under the horse chestnut trees that flank it’s russet brown walls.
A busker was playing Enola Gay and I listened to him for an age before meeting up with the other nurses at their next pub for an hour or so before returning home a sweaty mess.


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    I think you are showing your age!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:09 pm

      Never commented before John. Longtime reader of your enjoyable blog but I really didn’t appreciate your misogynistic comment today targeting women. If I was a patient of yours I think it would make me feel rather uncomfortable… just saying

    2. Misogyny!!! what absolute bollocks

    3. Anonymous10:49 pm

      Hate pubs and poker or slot machines and drunk people with no teef regardless of gender . Particularly young drunk women and men on pre wedding nights who want to watch men or women strip or sit in laps..why do they do it if they want to be wedded

    4. Anonymous5:26 am

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Dee J7:21 am

      What a bitter woman she is Dear John.

  2. I think you are showing your common sense 😀 x

  3. Anonymous4:41 pm

    I do wish my husband and I had more time in Chester when we visited. Jackie

  4. Ages since I've been to either Chester or a Wetherspoons. I must revisit both again soon. xx

    1. I wouldn’t bother about the weatherspoons Chuck

    2. Maybe you're right. The food may be cheap, but it's not very diet friendly! xx

  5. Anonymous4:54 pm

    Agree with your comments re Wetherspoons, it seems that most (not quite all) have declined in both food and clientele. The upshot is you enjoyed your moment under a shady tree and Enola Gay, got to love a busker. Hope you have cooled down and enjoyed some good food and drink at home. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I am a snob about weatherspoons and I’m not at all bothered to say it

    2. Anonymous8:04 pm

      I have a friend who loves ‘spoons… but I don’t … I somehow always feel grubby and sad when I’m there … x Libs

    3. I know people who love em
      Good for them I say

  6. Anyone out in a town in this heat is mad!

  7. Gotta love a busker, always drop a coin in the hat, even for the ones that can't sing or play for toffee. Gotta admire their Chutzpah for just having a go. Tess

    1. Anonymous3:20 pm

      One pound?
      Did you think he was rubbish then? Souded like an accomplished musician to me.
      You stingy git.

    2. B Dey.4:03 pm

      Any more may look pretentious.

    3. Anonymous4:46 pm

      No flis, not pretentious but generous.

  8. Much better relaxing under the trees with pleasant music

    1. It was too hot to go out today really

  9. Traveller7:28 pm

    Have to agree with you about Witherspoons

    1. Traveller7:29 pm

      Such is my distaste I can’t even spell it properly

    2. Lol, now I love a rough and ready pub, the Dog And Partridge in Sheffield wasnt a posh pub, I just don’t like a rough pub

  10. Looks pleasant to people watch and listen to the music.

    1. I could have sat there all afternoon….I’m practicing for rome

  11. Barbara Anne10:19 pm

    I'm glad you sat and listened to the music and joined your friends after they left 'spoons. It's always good to suit yourself!


  12. Is Weatherspoons one of those places that was quite popular when it started but is now out of date, has moist carpet and lousy food? We have quite a few of those places in the US.

    1. A little …sells alcohol at breakfast

  13. Wetherspoons have found a niche in the market but I prefer proper, independent pubs - there are so few of them left. Some Wetherspoons establishments are better than others.

  14. Interesting to see no comments on what the Enola Gay was, or what it did.

    1. I thought that too lol

    2. Anonymous3:22 pm

      I thought he was good and an accomplished musician however John thought he was only worth one pound.

  15. The heat is tiring and we all want coolness of Autumn. The park looks great and sitting under the chestnut tree in the shade with live music sounds pleasant enough. I hope the pub was air conditioned.

  16. Given the name of this post, I half-expected that video to end with a blinding flash of light! Thank goodness for all concerned it didn't.

  17. I've not been in a Weatherspoon's but I have seen the people who hang about outside. I'll stick with my little independent local.

  18. weaver7:54 am

    Love Chester but not on a scorching hot afternoon.

  19. Anonymous8:09 am

    I really like the setting of the Weatherspoons in Llandudno in the Palladium building. Former buiding. It's beautiful. I read where the Weatherspoons owner said it was his favourite one. Have you been in there, John? It's worth it for a look. I do identity as being middle aged but still have my own teeth! : ) : ) : ) Have a great rest of the weekend. L X

    1. No I haven’t and I should as I often see queues of people waiting to get in

  20. Anonymous9:47 am

    I saw Vanessa Redgrave in The Charge of the Light Brigade at the Palladium in Llandudno when it was eight - Bel Ami

  21. Just looked up Enola Gay. Fancy the plane being named after the pilot's mother!

  22. Yellow Shoes12:19 pm

    I never thought I'd defend Wetherspoons - owner Tim Martin's politics are frankly dotty - but I do want to put in a good word for it.
    And that word is Inclusive.
    I regularly meet a friend in Wetherspoons who frankly wouldn't dream of going to an independent cafe and pay upwards of £3 for a single cappuccino.
    For £1.45 you can help yourself to as many teas, coffees or chocolates as your bladder will allow.
    Inclusivity can mean a number of different things but in this case it means being able to have an afternoon out without worrying.

  23. It has been a long hot summer, stay cool, listen to the pleasant music. If you would like to see the airplane, some to DC, it is in a museum out at Dulles airport.

  24. When I was there, the trees had no leaves. How lovely. I love Weatherspoons. Good food, reasonably priced, wonderful old buildings. What's not to love? The Pret du Mange in Chester? A young man working the register called back and told his manager that I was his mother and asked for permission to give me a discount. LOL.

  25. Haha! We went to a concert last night for my man's birthday. Lynrd Skynrd & ZZ Top. The crowd spanned 3-4 generations. I made a mental note for when I'm older and still rockin' out: Don't forget to put in your teeth and wear a bra.


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