Old Home (Live)

Dillie Keane wrote this music hall-esque song twenty odd years ago when she moved house and 
It’s Victorian sentiment can be viewed as somewhat cloying and sentimental , 
But last night she told the audience that she wanted and needed to relieve it on this their old lady tour. 
Economical with any history , she said simply that she had had to move homes again and her demeanour and that of her fellow singers changed drastically.
They sang this song and you could have heard a pin drop by the end of it 
And when I got home I researched Dillie on wiki.
It transpires that her husband died, not a year ago now and that’s why she had moved from her home


  1. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Bad sound, couldn't tell what they were singing.

  2. Oh my, I'm howling. It's an awful thing having to leave a home when you don't want to. Brought back a memory there xxx

  3. How beautiful and especially moving knowing the background.

  4. What a beautiful song, beautifully sung, and so poignant knowing the backstory.

  5. Anonymous5:14 pm

    Lovely song with great voices

  6. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Just heard this , in Middlesbrough, and thought the song about being a widow and this one added up to a personal tragedy for Dillie and I was right! So inspiring that she can put that into song, and perform so movingly ! Awestruck devotee!


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