A Change Of Mood

The way this is performed 
Breaks your heart 



  1. Heartbreakingly beautiful.

  2. Traveller7:10 pm

    A very American thing.

    One of my black cats died a couple of years ago. He was a tripod and a huge character. I can still conjure him up in my mind’s eye - but he is always a tripod. He was a happy tripod. (Bad leg amputated because he tore his cruciate ligament and the first two operations didn’t work).

    Don’t get the rainbow bridge thing - but am a died in the wool atheist - who loves church buildings

    1. I agree , but it was so beautifully performed

  3. I'd like to think we are re-united with our loved ones, both human and animal, but I doubt it. Maybe I'll be proved wrong one day - just not yet, please! xx

  4. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Once Winnie had crashed into you and knocked you flat on your arse, you'd have a tough time staggering across the rainbow bridge festooned with the sizable menagerie
    of pets you've loved and lost over the years. Maybe those of us who have lived long lives enriched by the companionship of beloved creatures whose lifespans are so much shorter than our own should hope the rainbow bridge doesn't exist. (That young man reading does have a lovely voice).

    1. I was thinking who would reach me first …I really was…..I think it would be nice to walk over the bridge
      Iike Julie andrews leading the children in the sound of music

  5. Anonymous8:07 pm

    Just beautiful xx (PS loved the blusher comment on Weaver’s blog). Jan in Castle Gresley

  6. Ugly crying over here John. I doubt it may actually happen but who knows? It's a lovely thought and like you, I'd be absolutely swamped by beloved pets who have passed long before me. It was indeed beautifully performed. X

    1. If he does anything Camille , he reminds you of those animals you have loved and lost

  7. Sansthing10:11 pm

    Beautifully performed and tears here too. My poor little Yorkie Toby is very poorly and it is a matter of days if not hours. He´s an old boy but that doesn´t make it any easier.

    1. Anonymous11:46 pm

      I'm sorry to read that. We lost one of ours 2 months back. My "high pack " is getting quite large now.

    2. Anonymous11:46 pm

      Whoops, Tina in west oz here.

  8. Does this include stick insects and goldfish?

  9. I find the rainbow idea overly sentimental but I hope for the rest!

  10. I miss my boys terribly, and think of them daily. I keep their photos nearby.

  11. I'd have watched the video but having first read the above comments when I started to play it, a mere few seconds in, recognised its power to touch where it hurts - so halted it.

  12. I know if Lucy my darling spaniel went over the rainbow bridge, she would be looking round for a settee to sleep on.

  13. Made me think of how wonderful the love a pet (in my case dogs) is for their owner. I wish I could always be there for them.

  14. Yorkshire Liz6:51 am

    If you have that special pet you are lucky. Many people have many pets and never get that special link, even with rescues. But sentimental tosh, John.And too easy to succumb to. Sorry. Remember that Killing line about giving your heart to a dog to tear?

  15. When I've had pets die, the vet would send a card a week later mentioning The Rainbow Bridge.

  16. Anonymous9:24 am

    John, you need to stop making me cry so early in the morning! When I had to let my last pupper go, we were watching the movie Thor, which has a different Rainbow Bridge. It seemed fitting. My pup's eulogy from 3/19/2014:

    MY fuzzy buddy Mojo traveled over the Rainbow Bridge last night. I think he's Thor's dog now. Just as Thor had a mighty hammer, Mojo had a mighty paw. And an uncanny ability to discern fresh new sheetrock from the old crappy stuff. (Remember puppy, the insulation belongs on the INSIDE of the wall!)
    I sprung Mo from the Burlington Co. shelter a little over 10 yrs ago. I thought I was getting a more sedate 6 yr old. Instead, I took home a stinky mop of an excited 2 yr old. In our first full day of being together, he managed to try to hang himself, and then led me on a merry chase through Kuser Farm Park and into the adjacent neighborhood where he was captured. (Later that day, I got a call from the groomer who said that he was proving "difficult".)
    Mojo LOVED his walks where he would woof at his vassals and pee upon his lands (while his servant trailed along and manned the poopy bags.) He also like to make friends on his walks. Usually the biggest, most muscular dogs sporting very thick, sharp choker collars.
    His physical ailments, though numerous, were definitely outnumbered by his personality traits. Have fun in Asgard buddy. I know there are bunnies and squirrels to chase, unlimited goodies from the grill, no more pills and needles with meals and your very own couch to sleep on.

    1. Whoops! Not anon. Tara from NJ, USA.

    2. Very raw Tara
      The pain and your pain is palpable
      I’m so sorry xx

  17. weaver9:25 am

    Oh John - tears in my eyes. I look back at all my dogs and cats I have owned - Titchy (Yorkie), Sushi (Siamese cat) Algy (Pug), Oscar (Pointer), Tess (Border), Blackie and Creamy (Farm cats) Tip and Ben (farm sheepdogs) - and I shall look for that Rainbow Bridge when the time comes. Thank you.

    1. Some say it doesn’t get easier…I think it does

    2. Anonymous2:51 pm

      It doesn't but depends how much you loved them when they were alive.

  18. So I am just sitting here sobbing.

  19. Yes, I succumbed to tears too, certainly not the first of the tears I've cried since losing my beloved pets. I can't stand the too-common use of pets 'crossing the Rainbow Bridge' (grrrrr!) but the way this feller interprets it just caught me unawares - and my heart cried. I have been very lucky to have a Very Special friend, companion, guardian and beloved soul-mate, wrapped up in my Border Collie, Zac.

    1. His acting was suburb and caught me too

  20. Thanks for providing such a great resource for learning

  21. What a beautiful voice.

    1. Yes, that’s why I love this not the cheap sentiment

  22. My beloved pets were cremated and I have missed them terribly but l know very well they're not going to appear anywhere, their bodies were burned to ashes. Rainbow Bridge with it's green fields and it's plentiful food (how does a pile of ashes eat food?) might be a solace for those who believe in heaven and angels but for anyone with an ounce of common sense it's a fairytale.

    1. Of course it is
      And often a saccharine dream and fantasy too

      But as spoken by this young actor, it’s a tour de force piece of theatre


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