2023 Lists

Woman's Hour on Radio 4 is still a quality magazine programme, even with the the cloying Anita Rani at the co rains. Yesterday it discussed the making of lists and made it clear ( through some spurious research) that women enjoyed list making whereas to men list making was purely functional.
no shit Sherlock!
On my break tonight, I started a list of to dos
after all we are entering the Autumn of 2023 and the year has shot past like the fucking Japanese Bullet train with little to show for a life fairly well spent

The objective of my list is to have something of note to do once a week. This is to balance out my full one day in University and my two days at work. 
That's 17 weeks to sort.
Now from the 12th of this month I return to choir on Tuesdays and so I'm not counting that because its on a Uni day but I am counting the three short On line film courses I booked way back in January
so to the list so far

Three film courses over 2 weeks
One Night at the Liverpool Philharmonic , an orchestral accompaniment to the film Psycho
An Evening with Lucy Worsley discussing Agatha Christie
An Evening with Grayson Perry
Fascinating Aida in Chester
Les Miserables at the Guilgud
Don Quixote at The Royal Ballet
The TCA Big Night Out,
Backstairs Billy at the Duke of Yorks
The lantern and Light Christmas night at Chester Zoo!!! (Cheesy I know)
Giselle at Venue Cymru
Waiting (A play based in the May Blitz in Liverpool)
Any cinema visits will be extras…..,!


  1. I have two lists by my side as I write. One is of the tasks I need to do before returning to Brighton, the other is what meals we shall eat until Sunday; when we leave. Everything will be left tidy, and the freezer emptied. My dear wife never makes a list, if she goes shopping she simply buys whatever she thinks looks nice.

    1. Anonymous6:29 pm

      I write lists. Then promptly lose them .then write them again

    2. Anonymous6:30 pm

      Im replying anon, for some strange reason john going gently

  2. It may have been a chore for you to write the list, but I sure enjoyed reading it.

    1. Anonymous6:31 pm

      Cheets kirk.....its been fun filling in tbe gaps
      john going gently x

  3. It's not the making of lists that's enjoyable, it's crossing things off that have been done.

    1. Anonymous6:35 pm

      .icompleted the task
      john going❤️😄

  4. I am a list maker too. I enjoy them but also in a strange way they somehow help me feel better about all I need or want to do. More in control maybe? I have a "To do" list and also a simpler "Would Like to" list. Your list is far more varied and interesting than mine :) I especially like the sound of Lucy Worsley, Les Miserables and the Lantern and Light night. Rome is your highlight of course! For me the anticipation is a big part of it all.

  5. Anonymous6:08 am

    And how can you afford all this

    1. Many of the activities have already been purchased, some at the beginning of the year.
      I’ve got credit from the Philharmonic too.

    2. Anonymous3:15 pm

      The question (which you haven't answered) was how can you afford all this. Not whether some has already been paid for.
      How can you afford all this?

    3. Marcus3:53 pm


    4. Anonymous4:07 pm

      Anon, your mother obviously didnt teach you any manners whatsoever. Where did you learn them? The Idi Amin school of charm?
      John Going Gently

    5. Anonymous5:27 pm

      Yes , John dear, why haven't you put your salary up here for all of us. Or your printing press number?
      He has budgeted you nut.
      Gemma's Person/ Beth

    6. John is now doing 'Only Fans' and earning a bleedin' fortune. Some shots in his holey pants others in his 'living dead' t shirts. Sadly he might have to give up nursing at the Hospice as he is raking in sooo much with his 'fans' work. Perhaps you annonymouse might want to work there?, nah,thought not, now piss off you dozy wanker!
      Hiya John, like the bad penny Tessie's back inda house xx

    7. Anonymous6:39 pm

      Peoples rudeness im astounded
      john going gently ❤️🖕

    8. Anonymous1:30 pm

      Obviously all these commenters didn't pay any attention when you asked readers not to reply to Anon comments. Or have I missed something and it's allowed now?

    9. Anonymous1:34 pm

      You cmment often on how you spend money or how you can't afford something so I guess that makes you fair game for comments asking how you can afford things.

    10. Pablo1:56 pm

      Oh I get it. Anon wants the last word, does she not?

    11. Anonymous8:34 pm

      "Pablo"? You'll be telling us you're Spanish next.
      You might as well have put Anon.
      What makes you think Anon is "she" anyway.

  6. I'm going to see Lucy Worsley at the Lowry in salford.
    It's good to have a treat to look forward to, isn't it.

    1. Anonymous6:40 pm

      Its vital lucy
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  7. Blimey that sounds like a year's worth to me! I must get out more. Love list writing, essential to life. Jan Bx

    1. Anonymous6:43 pm

      Yes people should get out more i think
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  8. Can I come with you to see Grayson Perry?

    1. Can I come with you to see Fascinating Aida?

    2. Anonymous3:16 pm

      I'll come with you to any of it if you're paying.

    3. Anonymous6:44 pm

      Many of the nights out i will be on my.own so company much appreciated
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  9. Anonymous7:19 am

    Where’s gin evening? X

    1. Anonymous6:45 pm

      The TCA sicial night will be boozy i hope
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  10. Traveller7:27 am

    I was listening to that programme as well. Had to turn it off

    1. Anonymous6:46 pm

      Yes it was pretty basic
      john going gently ❤️🖕

    2. Traveller7:28 pm

      It annoyed me …. But then it often does. I find the generalizations of women vs men quite tiresome. I also find the amount of man bashing quite tedious.

  11. Yorkshire Liz7:31 am

    What a great list, even not allowing for any new brilliant films and plays not yet announced. I think men are the superior list makers, due to that psychological study that said while women can hold nine things in their head at once (and explains why we can park the car to shop and forget where we left it....don't get me started!) men can only hold one thing in their head at a time. My husband was a list obsessive, and when holiday planning made a list of his lists. Oh, the drama!
    And PS: don't forget to watch Red White And Royal Blue; for once, believe the hype, if only for the quality and chemistry of the acting.

    1. Anonymous6:48 pm

      Ive seen some bits online. Henry looks a bit geeky. The presidents son is a dish
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  12. I'm sorry that, as a man, you didn't enjoy making the list. However, you did a good job.

    1. Anonymous7:09 pm

      Well if all else fails ill have something tobwrite about
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  13. The only list I make is a shopping list but my husband always a list on the go, usually things that need doing. Your list is a great list.

  14. My list only has one item on it: "Don't bother making any lists".

  15. We do the Lanterns at the Zoo every year, five of us, our Grandson, his mum &dad and us two oldies! It's great!
    We have Zoo membership, and have done for many years since our son was a child, as we live so close by. All four of us adults have Lifetime membership, which is expensive, so we use it a lot!
    I love, love, love Les Mis, and Grayson Perry is wonderful!
    Most of your list sounds great, but for me, not Lucy Worsley, she grates on me terribly! I don't know what it is about her, but she puts me off watching or listening to anything she's involved with! I'm a huge Agatha Christie fan, and she's so knowledgeable, but……..

    1. Anonymous7:12 pm

      The zoo is a must for me this year

  16. Anonymous9:39 am

    I like Anita Rani.At least you can understand what she is saying. I Find Nuala McGovern quite difficult.

    1. Anonymous7:10 pm

      Shesa bit gushing fir me
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  17. Your list sounds much more exciting than my shopping list, which is the only list I make. xx

  18. Anonymous10:56 am

    Lucy Worsley would be on my list if I were over there. The only list I make is a grocery list and I only look at it just before leaving the store because I inevitably forget one thing. Anything else gets done when it bothers me enough or when I have extra energy. Gigi

  19. Anonymous10:59 am

    I am a list maker too and I love to watch anything with Lucy Worsley! Jackie

  20. Planning for balance in life, is worth making lists.

  21. Barbara Anne11:29 am

    I'd have to have months or actual dates included with each activity if that were my list. I write on my calendar for activities and appointments, my date book for daily things to accomplish, and a note pad for the grocery list. I like liss! Oh, and my Christmas list, too.


  22. Hi John,
    Your list sounds so exciting ..... love Lucy Worsley and Grayson Perry and The Royal Ballet 💕 ..... most of the dancers at The Royal Ballet used to be our patients in the 70's and they would give us free tickets ..... that was an age ago !!!!! Mind you, everything on your list sounds exciting to me. Hope you are well John .... have been away from blogging for a while so I shall have to catch up ! XXXX

    1. Anonymous7:12 pm

      Hello darling lovely to see u back
      john going gently ❤️🖕

  23. A good list. The only list I have at the moment is the one next to me ... my Mum's shopping list, for me to shop for today and deliver tomorrow. :-)

    1. Anonymous7:14 pm

      Strangely on the BBC PROGRAMME there was a woman who collected disguarded shopping lists

    2. Anonymous7:14 pm

      john going gently ❤️🖕

    3. Oh, I remember reading about her in a newspaper. Actually more interesting than you'd think! xx

  24. Sounds like a lot of fun outings for you, John!

  25. You are a man with a plan.

  26. You've compiled a great list. It's going to be a good year.

  27. I don't usually bother with lists - I am a bit spontaneous when it comes to shopping, packing and going out. Of course, that means I often forget the important things!
    The other half makes endless lists; there are often three separate lists on the go at any one time at his place on the kitchen table.

  28. weaver1:28 pm

    Once you get to Uni you will have to slot your essays into that list! I envy you the Grayson Perry - I love the man and his work.

  29. Some great events on that list. Especially Lucy Worsley. That's an evening to enjoy, definitely. I've never done lists, mainly because I know I'd forget where I did the list, on paper, online, where..

  30. I am not a great writer of lists or indeed a person who plans very much however I have just purchased a cinema ticket to see A Little Life beamed to my local cinema. I do rather like James Norton.

  31. I am a great list maker. But I never do the things on the list. It all looks so good as I'm writing it out, but not so much when its time to carry things out.
    The only things I follow.through with are my shopping list, meal planning or schedule of things to do when I am hosting a dinner.

  32. What a fabulous list you have of things planned. I got so compulsive about lists at one stage in my life I had lists of the lists that I needed to do; it got so bonkers I cried off of lists for about 10 + years and have only just started them again. I write shopping lists, menus planned for the week otherwise our eating goes tits up and to do lists. My trick on the to do list is to write the first to do... and have already completed it so it gets ticked off immediately that way I get the momentum to carry on... I love striking a line through something completed. I think I am going a little mad in my older age!

    Jo in Auckland

  33. Anonymous9:15 pm

    Im having difficulty logging on
    JohnGoing Gently ❤️😵‍💫👍

  34. I'm not much on making lists because I am forever forgetting them.

  35. Anonymous1:27 pm

    One thing to add to my list - stop reading banal comments about lists

    1. And stop commenting banal comments about them too

  36. I really enjoy reading about your plans.
    I would appreciate some hints on going places / events alone.
    So often I don't go because I can't find anyone to join me.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes