Baba Ganoush


It’s bank holiday here in Wales and I’m rostered for one night tonight
I’ve never quite “ got” the enjoyment of the odd bank holiday , as more often or not, I’ve worked them over the past 40 years or so, like I am tonight.
It’s sunny and quiet here. My sister is on the patio gardening and is surrounded by dogs all intent on a cuddle. They are polite and diffident but persistent .
I’ve been in the front room in the shade of the houseplants…reading for most of the morning but
made baba ganoush for brunch which I ate with toasted bagels as I had no pitas in.
My mobile rang twice but I’m not in a chatty mood so I haven’t checked it
I haven’t turned the radio on either
I fancied silence this morning.
The little art nouveau writing desk by the front door has captured the warmth of the sun through the honeysuckle and the living room feels cosy and friendly as I always wanted it to.


  1. I confess that I have never made, nor eaten, Baba Ganoush although think I would love it. Just the name makes it seem incredibly exotic.

  2. The living room looks very cozy and the picture you paint of your sister and the dogs gardening sounds beautiful.

  3. Another beautiful moment. It sounds like a day going gently.

  4. John, I would like to message you privately. How can I get in touch with you apart from here? Thank you. xx


    2. Anonymous2:15 pm

      Sorry jgsheffield@


  5. Sounds like a perfect day in your lovely, cosy cottage. I hope the night shift continues the feeling! xx

  6. weaver2:22 pm

    I do so want to come in sit in your cottage - it all looks so very inviting. You give such a lot of thought to what goes where (apart from dogs of course who can twist you round their paws)

  7. Anonymous2:43 pm

    Beautifully written: "The little art nouveau writing desk by the front door has captured the warmth of the sun through the honeysuckle and the living room feels cosy and friendly as I always wanted it to". Jackie

  8. Barbara anne2:50 pm

    What a lovely scene you've pictured in your words and photos! I, too, like quiet.
    Another one for your book!


  9. Traveller4:46 pm

    You do write quite well you know.

  10. What a lovely day... especially the gud dugs helping you sister in the garden.
    I have always loved your seeming effortless way with words.

  11. It looks so cosy and inviting. :-)


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