Things To Do

 It’s just past ten and already we have had a long walk and a trip to MacDonalds for a proper coffee.
Yesterday was a nothing day; the days after night shift usually are as by early morning you have already worked an 8 hour shift that day and after a few hours sleep…….that day is a bust
I knew I’d need something to do today.
It’s just figuring just what!
Sundays are a couple and family day. 
I get that and don’t usually encroach. 
But today my single friends are as rare as hen’s teeth 
Chic Eleanor is away. Colin has been unwell, there is nothing much on at the cinema, either art house or mainstream and even FACT over in Liverpool has little on that interests me.
I feel like company today
Sod’s law I haven’t any

Postscript ….
And that’s fine…after coffee, I set to returning all of my refugee clothing to my bedroom. It’s amazing how piles of t shirts accumulate in corners and how dollops of underpants show their gusset holes on top of Roger’s crate. So I’ve washed and folded and put away a whole shop’s worth of clothes and made room for books and bits and pieces on the bedroom bookshelves .
I’m glad I did for I found two precious belongings tucked away behind the paperbacks
The first was my grandmother’s bible 
It’s missing a cover and it looks pretty sad for itself , but tucked away in Samuel was the stalk of a button hole, the stain on long gone flower petals on the pages which pressed it.
It was my grandfather’s button hole from his wedding and is 100 years old 
It was lovely to visit it again.
And keeping it company was a rustic woollen ewe made by Ma Manley 
She made it from the wool I collected from Irene 
It’s the only thing I have now of the soay ewes after Roger decimated my woolly hat last year.
It was nice to see her too.

The bedroom now looks clean and ordered.
I washed the floorboards and opened the windows wide to blow away the cobwebs

This afternoon , I made meatballs from scratch and used tomatoes from the telephone box food bank ( I swapped for packets of stock cubes) to make a rich sauce. There were lots of spring onions in the bank too so I made garlic and spring onion mash too

Quite productive for a lonely day


  1. You always have us, John. Not the same as actual in-person interaction, but we're here to chat to/with. xx

    1. I do indeed, that’s why I keep coming back
      Well that’s one of the reasons

  2. I know you can get inflatable women but can you get inflatable men too? One thing's for sure - he wouldn't answer you back.

    1. He wouldn’t last long if I sat on his knee

    2. Anonymous3:57 pm

      You can get inflatable men, a friend has one to sit in the passenger seat of her car. She has to drive to some dodgy areas and feels safer with him there.

  3. Anonymous10:31 am

    Sad about your lack of company just when you need it, me today would like to spend some time on my own so maybe we could be “alone together” , with thanks to Groucho Marx?? Jan in Castle Gresley
    PS what about you and the dogs have a walk along the seafront xx

    1. And we did exactly that at teatime

    2. Along the front in Colwyn bay

  4. You can't even play with the chickens anymore. Maybe you should a new herd.

    1. I have considered it Tom, but they tie you down even more …I need a bit of fun

    2. Anonymous3:58 pm

      I hought you'd given up the field?

  5. You could pop over here for coffee and a chat if that stretch of water wasn't in the way.

  6. Anonymous10:39 am

    My one friend is coming here for a coffee this morning, first time in two weeks I have seen anybody.. I went to a discount shop, not to buy anything, but just to get out and walk around. I did have a little chat with a lady with the same breed of dog as mine but my dog HATES shopping so she wasn’t with me. Later I thought maybe I should have invited her to my house for a doggy play date, but I guess my fear of rejection kept me from saying anything.. also it isn’t something people in a big city do. Oh well. My only friend has been my friend for 72 years. I think because we aren’t in each others back pocket. I hope you will find something to amuse yourself today, John. I am never bored as I tell myself, if you get bored, you can always go out and pick weeds, my most hated job, hence weeds two feet tall. Never bored. Gigi

  7. It's sod's law that we're not in Wales this weekend ... avoiding all the Bank Holiday masses ... or I would have come round to bug you. ;-)

    1. It would be lovely to see you both x

  8. I wish I could simply pop over and go for a coffee... regularly.

    1. I’d like that
      I would think that we would be big gossipy mates

  9. I'd love to have Sunday brunch with you, John. Wouldn't that be fun? I could bring Poppy and she could run and play with Roger.

    1. And Marco could chew my ear
      Oh yes I think that would be delightful

  10. The dogs like having you all to themselves for the day.

    1. Yes David they adore it when the pack remains together

  11. Sounds as if you made great use of the time, though it hadn't been your plan.

    1. I guess that was the point of the blog x

  12. No company means getting around to all the chores and some needed rest after night shifts. Your bedroom looks well ordered and nicely decorated.

    1. Bugger the rest….a good gossip would do me good

  13. weaver1:44 pm

    A moment enjoyed is never wasted John.

  14. Barbara anne1:50 pm

    I know what you mean about lost days following a night shift. So true.
    You've made good use of this day for sure and your bedroom looks lovely! So glad you found the hidden treasures, too.
    Be good to you!


    1. And I did talk to humans today too….some walkers looking for directions , turned out to be Welsh terriers breeders….they delighted in roger

    2. Anonymous7:13 pm

      I was wondering if you talk to perfect strangers to see if they have plans for the day. There is my answer or part of it. Glad you met them.

    3. I remember in covid , if I spied someone walking up the lane I would rush out and pretend tonsweep the patio, just to talk

    4. haha my dad loiters in his front yard so he can chat to passers by

  15. Sounds like a day well-spent after all, John. Your room looks terrific!

  16. That bedroom looks very inviting. Glad you re-discovered those lost treasures, too. Links to the past, love 'em! xx

    1. Inviting ….now there’s a first lol

  17. A very productive day. Your bedroom looks lovely and the meal looks great too.

    1. The mash was added with meatball juice and garlic , bloody lovely

  18. That is a treasure worth caring for...and I love the wooly ewe! Nice work Ma Manley❤️

    1. She’s quite a talented lady, I love her craft skills

  19. I had forgotten how fabulous your bedroom looks. You could get the bible rebound for protection. Perhaps with an inscription with your name and date of renewal. A little more history to pass down particularly if you leave some treasures in it.

    1. Now there’s a good idea susan I wonder where I could find one

    2. You could enquire at the library.

  20. I really like the look of your room, John. Clean and rustic, but comfy.
    Quiet day here too, but we have had more visitors than usual this month so I am enjoying it. Your supper looks delicious.

  21. I love how you share your life with us. That little ewe is precious.

  22. Anonymous7:53 pm

    I love reading about the “ normal” of your day
    It’s like being there on vacation , watching you finish chores and chatting about little things .
    You give me a purpose to go on line
    To see what a Welshman across the globe , who just happens to be gay and single and very normal does with his day



    1. What a lovely response! I hope John is aware of how much pleasure and comfort he gives his readers by sharing the minutiae of his lovely little life. Thank you John.

    2. What a lovely response! I hope John is aware of how much pleasure and comfort he gives his readers by sharing the minutiae of his lovely little life. Thank you John.

  23. Anonymous7:55 pm

    Here here

  24. And aren’t those old newfound treasures precious on a day like today?👍🏻

  25. When you started this post I was thinking "As good a cook as John is I'd suggest he spend the day in the kitchen cooking and baking some of his goodies." Well that only took part of your day but it looks and sounds good.

  26. You were 'present in the moment' as they say, and from my perspective, it seemed such a lovely moment!

  27. Very productive but hardly lonely I say given all the lovely compliments and thoughts here. You are a fortunate fellow.

  28. I so love your decor. The mash looks delicious

  29. Your description of " dollops of underpants" was funny!

    Sometimes when wanting company, even going out for a walk or coffee doesn't work as everyone is in couples or groups. You had a satisfying day, though in a different way, and your freshened room and tasty meal look good.

  30. Traveller10:22 am

    What a great suggestion from Susan.

    You could try here - would give you an idea of cost

  31. I'd say you found a productive way to spend your day! It's always good to re-familiarize oneself with misplaced possessions.


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