

I mentioned in the previous blog that Gill , the patient  mentioned had made me an embroidered scene which I had framed and which I still keep ever since 1988. Jackie asked to see it. 
So here it is.

I’m a little saddened with some activity on blogland recently too …I’m not talking about trolls….their activity is absolutely of no consequence to me but I’ve seen Silly one sided fallings out by old friends on line that to me seem petty and pointless . 
Blogland , for some , is the bubble , certain people find themselves in when driving their car.
Road rage and comments are safe to throw out, nasty insults and fall outs can be verbalised on line where they would never be voiced in a month of Sundays to someone’s face.

I’m having an aperol spritzer tonight, the fire is lit, and I’m mellow watching Northern Soul at the Proms


  1. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Thank you. It is a beautiful treasure. I have been traveling and not kept up with my blog friends so I do not know what has happened but I did notice a few things seem "off" and it saddens me. I agree with your words here and hope it will help others to turn a light on themselves. Whatever is going on a little introspection is most likely needed. Jackie

    1. Jackie…perhaps just a deep breath

  2. Keanu Reeves popped up on my FB yesterday: ""I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun."

    1. I understand thank but I disagree , not every discussion should be a disagreement

  3. As usual I've no idea what's been happening in Blogland or who has fallen out with who and why.
    I just keep writing

    1. Of course you don’t, it’s a localised event ..Just keep swimming

  4. Then I'll just keep swimming too. Clueless.

  5. I haven't been aware of discord out of the usual either. Surely it's safer and kinder to just not comment than to force a point.

    1. I guess it depends on how strongly you feel,.if you are passionate m then still disagree , but don’t fall out

  6. I haven't seen anything either. Perhaps I follow the wrong blogs...

  7. I love that you've kept that embroidery all these years. Another little treasure in your life!
    As for the blogland falling outs - just play nicely, folks, or learn to say sorry! xx

    1. I am an emotional hoarder

    2. My home is full of emotional baggage

    3. Barbara Anne4:52 am

      'Things' in your home that you enjoy or use with delight aren't baggage, my friend. They make your house a home that suits you. As they should. :)


  8. Anonymous8:01 pm

    That embroidery is like a painting.

    1. She was a difficult patient, but one day she asked me if I;would like something she made
      I said I did and in a few days she made it for me, she was always touched that I had it framed

  9. Not just blogland, but farcebook too..two people, mutual friends on there and other places, being rude and hurtful to each other. I know both are hurting with their own problems...but it saddens all their mutual friends to see it happen

    1. The anonymity of the whole process ..people forget others are watching

    2. And they are always watching ……

  10. KarenW8:47 pm

    I've been victim of some back biting by blog readers in my inner circle. When it flares up I archive my posts and go dark for a bit. It "pi--es" me off big time.

  11. Yes, online interaction definitely leads to exchanges that we might not have in the real world. My approach is, when in doubt about someone's tone or intent, assume the best -- that they don't mean to be hurtful or harmful, but are just making a point firmly (for example). Fortunately the arguing mostly seems to steer clear of me.

    So the embroidery is the small framed picture below the Flintshire map, correct?

  12. I try to be nice, John. xx

    1. I do too, it doesn’t always work out like I intended

  13. I don't understand the anger. I will never understand why people get so mad.

    1. I do
      Anger is the easiest emotion to mobilise when people are hurting

  14. That is a beautiful embroidery. Give things a few days and they'll probably blow over.

  15. Anonymous11:54 pm

    I don't really know what you or who you are talking about. But I miss reading Rachel's blog. It was so fun and interesting to read about her intellectual pursuits. Kaye

  16. I have recently been attacked for being repetitive; but my life IS repetitive. Yes, I do different things and go to different places, but I can almost predict what I'll be doing in each of the months ahead. I suspect that many are the same.

    1. That was rude and an example of something she’d never say to your face

    2. She never used to be like this, I wonder what happened.

  17. Barbara anne4:54 am

    Lovely embroidery and am glad to know its history. Ta!


  18. When nasty and hurtful comments are made online then they are probably much worse than road rage. As you point out not only is there a larger audience but also, unless deleted, they sit there online for everyone to see for longer. I am only a visitor to blogland but cannot understand why anyone wants to vent anger or a bad mood on others there. Especially when it appears to just come out of nowhere suddenly. I enjoy the blogs I read and like the authors very much.

    My life is very repetitive too as Cro says, like many others, and I get so much pleasure from glimpses into the lives of others.

    How special to be made something like that by your patient, which you can keep as a reminder of the good in life.

  19. That embroidery. Can you tell me what exactly it's a picture of?

  20. To avoid a falling out myself, I'm not asking because there's anything wrong with it, just that it's too small to make out even if I go to full screen.

    1. Kirk, try this. On your mouse, do a right click. Select 'Open Image in new tab'. Go to that new tab, which will give you small picture, then enlarge it by pressing the Control button and the + sign together, repeat several times. My screen will go up to 500%.


  21. I read blogs and have been surprised by some comments from people who are normally easy going. It's like a switch has been flicked and all rationality has gone out of the window. I try to avoid confrontation on my blog, so I delete a lot.

    Keep going John, it's in your best interest to understand what is going on. Good training for your new career.

    1. I will continue my friend , the good ( you) always outweigh the bad

  22. Please do not be offended by what is about to follow. Could we get the terminology right in relation to blogging? I am writing this comment at the end of a "blogpost" - not a "blog". "Going Gently " is a blog and a fine one to boot - it is made up of many blogposts.

  23. weaver10:00 am

    I meant to watch that Prom John but forgot until it was over. Hope you enjoyed it/

    1. Not my type of music but on balance I did enjoy it

  24. A huge and scary friend of mine says that you should only call someone a wanker to their face.

  25. Be kind to one another, be gentle.

    1. Not always appropriate xx

    2. Anonymous10:02 pm

      If only everyone would follow that advice Travel.

      When would it not be appropriate to be kind and gentle John? Bearing in mind the opposites are unkind and brutal.

    3. When psychopaths and people with personality disorders try to cause blog trouble anon

  26. Hi. I follow a small number of blogs and interact on even a smaller number, so I don't see that behavior here. I saw it often on FB and before that, forums. Which is why I don't do go there anymore. It's easy to be a jerk while sitting at a keyboard.

    1. There are lots of keyboard warriors

  27. I have not commented here much before, but I adore you, You are a gentle soul.

    1. With a name like this PLEASE comment again x

  28. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Beware John, Agnes's profile says she married for money and security and has a lousy in bed husband!

    1. Anonymous10:07 pm

      If only we were all so honest!

  29. I don't drop by as often as I would like to (worse luck!) but when I do I get the added bonus of reading all the comments of good folks in your life.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes