Potting up

 I drove to Llandudno with the leaving cards for two staff nurses. I get a little irritated by the usual practice of a sad envelope left on the side of a noticeboard which is often filled by the flotsam of change in pockets and purses. I favour a proper collection with someone “ in charge”
And so I’ve had to put my money where my mouth is .
And I’ve collected the monies personally.

I stopped on the way home and had a coffee at Parisella’s new cafe but didn’t stop long as the place was descended upon by four sets of helicopter parents and a gaggle of Toby’s and Lilly’s 
The children were fine, but the noise from the parents as they frantically ran around “ organising juices” and seeing if little Archie wanted a panini ! was dreadful.
This afternoon, I’ve spent most of my day repotting Chinese Money Plants 

Informal catch up TCA meeting tonight at the velvet voiced Linda’s  
She’ll have the gin cooled 



  1. May money come as a result of the repotting. We were out for dinner last night. A huge party including 6 kids arrived. It would have been fine had it not been for one very rude, loud, and inconsiderate mother. We left before having coffee.

    1. I love families in restaurants but after a certain time I think loud kids are a no no

  2. I find there always seems to be one person who talks non-stop and loudly, so everyone in the place has no option but to listen to them. Will the leavers get money, gift cards or a present? xx

    1. They get a card and a gift ( or money) depending on want xx

  3. Barbara Anne4:14 pm

    Alas the several money plants we have growing outside have never seemed to add to the cofferes. May you have beer luck!
    Lovely plants on your window sill and in view through the window!
    Hope the nurses who are leaving won't leave the place short staffed.


    1. They are, but that’s the way of the world x

  4. I always wanted to be a "Yummy Mummy", sadly I'm more of a "Slummy Mummy". Now I'm a happy Nanny who spoils the grandies rotten, fills them with sweets and sends them home to their parents. Revenge for the teenage years x

  5. Oh, those entitled parents! Last time I was on the bus in Manhattan, there was a Daaaad, reading aloud to his little boy, and I mean aloud! Couldn't talk over it. People rolling their eyes. Trying to make his mark in a city of millions. Or something!

    1. The loudness was for him ..which is sad but at least we can support his insecurity

  6. I detest entitled noisy people, perhaps I am becoming a grouch as I age, but........................

  7. Lovely window sill view.

  8. Anonymous7:34 pm

    I've noticed gin is high on peoples lists in the UK, is it a whole country thing or areas?

    1. Yes it’s a countrywide thing
      Although I only really like traditional gin, I hate the perfumed variants

  9. Anonymous8:03 pm

    Never could get past the smell of gin, but to each his own. Must be a British thing. My kids would never have yelled and screamed the way kids do today, we travelled a lot with them and they knew better. Hope your money trees giveth, John. Gigi

    1. Gigi
      I think you are right
      It’s a very British drink
      Perhaps it’s the associated depressive nature of it

  10. As JayCee said, lovely windowsill view.
    I have never had a Chinese money plant, just the Crassularia, also called the money plant!
    I think, like Anon, it it a British thing, from our travelling experience. You cringe....and hope not to be associated with them!

    1. I don’t know why helicopter mums and dads talk so loudly when they ask a question
      You see the same phenomenon with certain pet owners

  11. Your recounting of the café with the parents reminded me of what I don't miss about teaching. The parents were the worst part of it. Especially those kinds of parents who worry about paninis.


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