
 The last time I went to Linda & Nick’s lovely cosy cottage for an unofficial TCA (Trelawnyd Community Association) catch up I turned into Helen Keller by 10 pm and had to feel my way home, given the amount of gin I consumed. 
Tonight I was better behaved but still had a small stagger when I slid into Well Street after dark.
Linda’s argument is that we do our best brainstorming after a gin and bitter lemon.
And fellow trustees Bridget and  I couldn’t disagree with her.
The object of our conversation was centred about the Christmas Fayre and I was quite proud of my suggestion of getting the school children to make a lantern each in school to parade to the pond with their parents and other villagers to leave the lanterns there ready for a pond open day the next week. 

Before my third gin, we had dispensed  with official brainstorming and just sat around their kitchen table gossiping and laughing . 
It was nice to hear about Boffin Cameron having a new girlfriend ( amongst other stories), and how good the food swap was doing in the telephone kiosk.
That’s the only bit of gossip I can share here, lol.
I love going around to Linda and Nick’s for they, like Bridget and the other members of the TCA are bright, caring people who value their community, and who do that caring with a smile and with good nature. 

It took me an age to find my front door keyhole in the dark when I got home 


  1. Anonymous9:31 pm

    Are u drunk ?


  2. I guess you will sleep deeply an well, then.
    Good night, John!

  3. Perhaps all meetings should begin with gin,

  4. Don't you have an outside light on your door?

    I enjoy a gin or two but totally prefer a kick ar** Negroni.

    Jo in Auckland

  5. There is nothing like a bit of G&T/spirits to light the creative fires. It sounds like Linda is the perfect hostess. I do love the lantern idea.

  6. I can think of a lot of meetings that would benefit from a glass of cheer, also participants.

  7. In Brighton we have a lantern parade at Christmas. Look up 'Burning of the Clocks, Brighton' on Google Images. The children all make lanterns and the whole event is superb. A very good idea for Trelawnyd.

  8. Just don't start singing "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes."

  9. The lantern idea is a lovely one, but will they be safe from the elements and "undesirables"? I'm glad the food swap is going well. Hope the head isn't too sore this morning! xx

  10. Brainstorming may well be helped along with a few drinks and the catch up and gossip afterwards definitely would be :)

    I thought when I read the other day about your meal made with some ingredients from the food swap, when you also left some items, how well it was working. The lantern idea sounds fun for the children.

    1. It’s full of items , like books and magazines too

  11. It’s so frustrating how unstable those keyholes can be. Hic!

  12. Anonymous10:44 am

    The last time I drank was in Grenada at the Sailing festival. We were with a retired Copper from the Wirral in England, and it was a toss up as to who would be able to drive back to the boat. I won. Somehow I didn’t put the car into a ditch, but did hit the wall parking it. I have no memory of climbing over the rails to get aboard, getting undressed and to bed, and passing out. Can’t believe no hangover next morning and only remember drinking strong rum at the festival. I have not had a drink since then. It scared me. Gigi


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