With a heart of a lion

When I’m pottering, I leave the back door open.
The small patio is enclosed on four sides by wall, one adjacent to the lane.
This wall is known not unsurprisingly as the kitchen wall .
This is where most visitors to Bwthyn y Llan stop and chat.
Four steps lead up to a gateway into the back garden and usually this is blocked by old crate which acts as a gate when the dogs are mooching on their own.
I was making my bed when I heard the Welsh terriers barking,
Dorothy was with me as usual and immediately she and I picked up on the tone of the barking which was fearful rather than just warning.
She let out a woof and leapt for the door and was down the stairs before I could turn.
A stranger was in the kitchen and she went for him without any hesitation, chasing him across the patio where he jumped the crate.
By the time I got to the kitchen he was panting by bluebell and had shut the metal gate under the Montana arch.
Dorothy was stood against the crate with flint eyes
The man said something about window replacements but was already walking away.and her eyes  followed him very carefully. Bulldogs are benign characters but I have seen this look before. When they turn, they turn totally into different dogs. Fierce and icy cold.
God alone knows what would have happened to him, if the crate hadn’t been in place. 
As small as she is, I suspect he would have been badly bitten. 
The Welsh had been woken by the man as he entered the kitchen , they had been asleep on the reading chair . Neither moved until Dorothy had chased the man out of the door.


  1. Good old Dorothy. I expect he had to pop home for a new pair of underpants.

  2. My goodness...what a horrible experience...good old Dot.x

  3. Better than any alarm. Good for Dorothy. X

  4. Yay for the dogs! What are the chances of an ill-intentioned stranger walking by your cottage and taking the opportunity of an open door? Is there that much traffic passing?

  5. Pretty scary.. I get people walking into my living room , usually because they think they're next door -- parked then walked up the wrong path, into what they think is their friend's house! At this point since he's a friend, I've started to realize what's up before getting worried. The intruders usually look more scared than I.

  6. Good girl, Dorothy! Protecting your Dad and the house! If someone had strolled into my house without so much as a knock, there would've been hell to pay, only from ME, and first by a can of mace!

  7. Well done Dorothy. Perhaps he was genuine, but I've found more suspicious characters try their luck in remote areas where people are more likely to leave doors open.

  8. She did a fabulous job! I hope she gets a treato for that

  9. How scary for you all. Good old Dorothy. She may be a teddy bear at heart, but when roused, she's as fierce as a lion. Hopefully, your intruder will think twice next time. xx

  10. Oh well done Dorothy you sweet brave girl x

  11. Thank goodness for Dorothy. I imagine that was quite a shock to see a stranger in your home. Glad she protected all of you. Good girl!

  12. She'll make sure that you are never pillaged since she owns you. X

  13. weaver12:19 pm

    Trouble is, like me, you are too trusting. I now have a chain on the inside of my door. That way I can leave the door unlocked and welcoming but nobody can come in until they have called me.That dog deserves a medal. Give her a mountain of praise and an armful of hugs from me John

  14. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Well done Dorothy. You deserve a treat!

  15. Anonymous12:30 pm

    Well done that dog, I do wish folk wouldn't just walk into properties when there are obviously dogs present, why don't they just wait a moment for house owner to turn up!
    Alison in Wales x

  16. Oh good girl Dorothy, well done on seeing him off!! What a chancer!

  17. Well done, dogs. The terriers sounded the alarm and Dorothy did the chasing. It was a partnership.


  18. Bless her lion heart indeed!

  19. Good work, Dorothy and team!

  20. Anonymous1:18 pm

    I hope you reported this to the police and rewarded Dorothy.

  21. Good thing Dorothy's on the job!

  22. Barbara Anne1:49 pm

    You may need to change Dorothy's name to 'Tawanda'!
    Since the intruder didn't call our before entering, I'd think he was up to no good. I agree the police need to be told.
    Hope all of your personal treasures are still in their places.


  23. Dorothy deserves a treat. Well done.

  24. Dorothy is a hero! She's earned some Vienna sausages!

  25. Hmph. Replacement windows my ass, if that's what he were after, a check around the outside (if that) of the cottage would suffice.
    Good Dog Dorothy and the terriers. Despite their seeming lazy, jolly impression, the fierce fighter bulldogs were originally bred to be is still there.

  26. Brava, Dorothy! Do report this intrusion to the police. Stay safe & well, John dear.

  27. Teamwork!
    Yes, report that visit...the joint was definitely being cased

  28. That would be a terrifying thing, and I hope that you reported this to the police.

  29. What a good girl, NO-ONE messes with her home or her Dad. She will be on guard duty for a few days now waiting for an action replay, no bad thing.

    It's worth reporting this to the police in case the person is doing it all around the village. We recently had a spate of those young lads 'homeless and trying to earn a living' with bulging holdalls of cleaning products preying on the older more susceptible folk and taking a lot of money on their card machines, in one case hundreds of pounds for a couple of dishcloths. Once it was reported the whole town was on alert and they were soon caught.

    After reading your words ... 'Bulldogs are benign characters but I have seen this look before. When they turn, they turn totally into different dogs. Fierce and icy cold.' I'm beginning to think that I was one in a previous life or just that have bulldog tendencies now. ;-)

  30. I'm glad she chased the intruder away. I agree that you should notify the police.

  31. Anonymous4:13 pm

    We are always struck when watching British TV shows how generally people seem to walk into unlocked houses vs knocking/ringing and waiting to be admitted. Here (east coast US) other than residents or immediate family that simply isn't done and the assumption would be bad intentions if a stranger walked in. Having said that, I will admit that I am fanatical about locking outside doors when I am in the house or even outside gardening after a neighbor went indoors from gardening and found a complete stranger standing in her bedroom looking through various drawers. She didn't have a dog....the police told her she was lucky not to be attacked and robbed.

    My 20 pound puffball stands and snarls at anyone she doesn't recognize who comes to the door and the bigger sleepier dog springs into fearsome action when he hears her. Dogs are wonderful.


  32. What a GOOD girl, Dorothy!

  33. Anonymous5:15 pm

    For sure call the police since you obviously have very newish windows. It may save a neighbour from being robbed or worse. Good girl Dorothy. Gigi

  34. #1 Absolutely report the intruder. Community policing only works if the community helps. And that helps keep your home safe enough not to have to lock up 24/7. And, of course, full kudos to your entire emergency warning system. What a team you all make. It’s wonderful. Keep up the good work.

  35. Good grief! Do people do this a lot in Wales? Just walk into people's homes? Now I know why you keep a fleet of dogs. Good work by Dorothy! She deserves a reward for sure.

    1. I’m presuming he just came to the back door , and put his head in waking the Welsh terriers

  36. A scary moment. Good that the terriers barked and that you had Dorothy to back them up. I agree about reporting this person. There are other, more fragile residents in your village, and if this man tried to enter their homes there might be nothing to stop him.

  37. Good job Dorothy!!

  38. Anonymous8:36 pm

    This really is the magic of dogs, isn't it? They are our best friends, bringing us all kinds of joy...but then, look out if someone threatens us. She is a great girl.

  39. "Windows"? Probably one of those "You have a vulnerability in Windows needing urgent attention" PC scammers choosing the direct approach rather than phone calls. No? Like others I'd be inclined to call the police but the police are not interested in investigating anything much these days. Bah humbug the country is going to the dogs etc... Maybe just better to post a warning on a local news page or whatever.

    1. My back kitchen windows need replacing to be fair, all the others have been done


  40. Cheeky bugger! Did he take anything? Hopefully, he didn't have time. Was it Donald Trump?

  41. Disconcerting. I presume he was a chancer who'd seen your door open. Our Billy would take a chunk out of an intruder too.

  42. Anonymous4:13 am

    Good girl Dorothy! Love to hear she was off after the chancer after the terriers alerted her. Protecting the house and all within, she deserves a cocktail sausage or 3.

    Jo in Auckland

  43. Anonymous10:04 am

    Well done to your pack <3 Sharon x

  44. Well done Dorothy. My family have always had Jack Russells; mine at the moment is 'Rufus' and I would never do this but would put a bet on that if he was left alone in my car (unlocked) no-one would be able to access the vehicle.

  45. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Virginia here - Google has the snitch today and is giving me the cold shoulder!

    Good on Dorothy! She’s a heroine ! That man’s intentions weren’t honourable, or he would have knocked and called out … enjoy your outings, you’ve worked for them.

  46. How horrible for you all, good girl Dorothy!


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