I took some Flowers

 I took some flowers and “crap” magazines to my sister tonight, 
She’s sore, but  brighter than she was.
She asked me about my date….she’s always hopeful, like a Jewish Moma
And I said it was ok with a smile 
And she nodded 
“Don’t settle for ok “ she said kindly
“I  won’t” I replied 

It was a hollow smile


  1. Anonymous8:08 pm

    We’re older.. wiser… and so many other things too… settling for OK is not in our futures x Libs X

  2. Anonymous8:08 pm

    We’re older.. wiser… and so many other things too… settling for OK is not in our futures x Libs X

  3. OK's alright as a start. You'll soon get to know if it's going to become something more than just a friendship. I hope your sister recovers quickly. With you to keep an eye on her, she can't do anything else! xx

    1. Anonymous10:21 pm

      Don’t be so quick…life is short, having a partner is nice.

  4. Sending get well wishes to your sister. I'm sure she loves your visits. Ok is good. It is disaster that ends quickly.

  5. Glad your sister is going well -- best wishes to her!

  6. Yorkshire Liz9:38 pm

    An enigmatic post. But remember there are worse things and situations than OK. And there is nothing and no-one like a big sister who can read you like a book!

  7. I hope Ann is soon feeling much better and back to her normal self! X

  8. Traveller9:42 pm

    Gosh that was a powerful post. Very few words but so much said.

    You really can write you know!

  9. It is nice to have friends, too, even if they don't become any more than that :)

  10. Good wishes to your sister in her recovery.

    Sounds like you may have gained a new friend but already know it may not lead to the closer relationship you would really love to have again. Hard not to be hopeful in such a situation.

  11. As a Jewish mother, I wish you everything to be just as good as you would like and you deserve the best. And I wish your sister a speedy recovery.

  12. wise words from your sister, trust your first instincts, you deserve something special, i hope your sister is soon on the mend x

  13. Next time you visit your sister, may it be a more solid smile.

  14. My Jewish mama always said, “Don't get your hopes up.”

  15. Sometimes happy relationships begin with "okay" and then grow into something better than that... but of course, you already knew that.

  16. Okay, hmm. You will know it when it is right

  17. Anonymous10:58 am

    When you know, you know! We weren’t looking and wham, we met and we both knew within hours that it was the real thing. Lasted 35 years until he died. Gigi

  18. Ok is a good start.
    Rubbish Reading is good when you can't concentrate properly. You are looking after your sister well..as she has done for you xx

  19. Okay is only ok for a very short period of time, you deserve so much more than okay, you have moved on from there. You may not need class, but you do need quality!

  20. Anonymous4:02 pm

    From your previous comments you'd already decided he wasn't The One before you even met him.
    Oh well another one bites the dust.
    I hope you'll let him know it's going nowhere, it's unkind to leave people hoping.


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