
Paris Memories

Last Night I did an extra night shift
and so in compensation I've arranged a few cinema trips with friends from Saturday.
Saturday I'm meeting Nigel for Lunch in Chester then we are going to see the classic Midnight Cowboy
at the Storyhouse.(it will be great to have a proper adult pot mortum) Sunday I'm meeting my friend Colin for an early dinner then we are gong to see the Italian L'immensita with Penelope Cruz also at the Storyhouse.
Its a triple whammy on Monday when Gorgeous Dave and I also venture to the storyhouse for the Asian comedy Joy Ride
Tonight Im on my own for the french drama Paris Memories


  1. "Midnight Cowboy" is one of my favourite movies. I love Ratso's and Joe's flashes of mutual, tender need set against their ingrained internalized homophobia.

  2. I would love to see Midnight Cowboy again. Not only was it a great story, but the music was good too.

  3. Plenty of enjoyment and food for thought.

  4. Enjoy your meet ups with friends. I would be socially burnt out for a year after all that!

  5. Anonymous7:39 am

    Great Blog❤️

    Highly Recommended !
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  6. That's more movies than I see in a decade! Also friends. You have a packed entertainment schedule!

  7. You are busy. We saw Jay Ride, it is funny and also has a lot of deep meaning on race and identity.

    1. Yes I gathered it wasn’t just a silly comedy

  8. Anonymous11:16 am

    So what happens to your dogs when you are away so much

    1. Another pointed and ill informed comment meant to wound and cause trouble .
      Deep breath
      Dogs should not be left on their own for more than 4 hours
      So says tHE RSPCA and such animal charities
      I adhere to that premise
      If I’m at work for a 12 hour shift or will be away more than 4 hours then a dear friend and neighbour Will take the dogs nd they will have a run of his garden as well as a proper walk. If I’m out to the cinema and say lunch or tea, well then four hours is the max I would be away…2 hours film, an hour at lunch and 30 minutes travel time.
      The rule would be that all. The dogs would be walked just before I leave. Often they are still asleep when I get home and have to be woken for their next walk….
      I don’t agree with only having one dog
      Having three gives them constant company

      I hope that answers your trouble making questions

    2. Anonymous2:27 pm

      That’s telling the old cow

    3. Traveller4:13 pm

      Interesting response Mr Gray. I hadn’t ever asked myself the question of what happens to the dogs when you are away. Any reader of your blog would know you care for your dogs. If you can manage all your shifts and the dogs are taken care of, of course you can bloody manage a trip to the bloody cinema!

      Bugger, a while ago I promised not to respond to these stupid bloody comments … as an excuse I will offer the stupid point “your started it”.

      PS Pretty please carve out some time in your Rome trip to go to the Gallery Borghese.

    4. It’s already on my list deArheart .

    5. Traveller7:06 pm

      That is my first deArheart!! Flushes with excitement!

  9. Barbara anne1:52 pm

    What a rollercoaster of subject matter! Enjoy!!

    Hugs :)

    1. Films, movies, cinema have always been my go to place. Me time

  10. weaver3:00 pm

    Midnight Cowbuy - remember seeing it twice when it first came out - absolutely adored it.

    1. Made in 1969 and released in 1970
      53 years ago !!!!!!

  11. "Midnight Cowboy" is one of my all-time favorite movies. (Despite the presence of Jon Voigt, who's pretty insane these days.)

    1. Anonymous6:10 pm

      Steve Reed, exactly! Jon Voight's current awfulness does take away from my enjoyment of his films. But both Midnight Cowboy and Coming Home are extraordinary films, and he was great in them.

    2. Agreed….it’s one of my friend’s favourite movies, so like I said , I will look forward to a proper post mortum .

    3. I recently bought James Leo Herlihy's novel, the source material for the movie. Haven't read it yet, but I'm curious to see how it compares. Nina, I'm not sure I've ever seen "Coming Home" -- and I love Jane Fonda!

    4. it was compulsary watch on my spinal injury ward as jon voight played a paraplegic

    5. Anonymous9:34 pm

      Yes, it was an extremely important movie for me, very eye opening and informational, and very emotional. I see it every chance I get (not so often any more because most of our local repertory movie theaters have closed).

  12. Good times with friends makes for a great weekend. Enjoy.

  13. Anonymous7:52 pm

    I have gone to the movies once or twice in the last five years. I love that you love movies. I don’t like violence, loud noise, animation and movies that keep the camera moving all the time. Also won’t watch science fiction, so not much left that would get me too the movies. Gigi

  14. Yellow Shoes12:38 pm

    Saw it when it came out.
    After the heady hopeful days of 1968 came the hangover of 1969. Midnight Cowboy and Easy Rider came out fast upon each other ( not sure which was first; they are always linked in my mind ) telling us life was hard and brutal.
    After the sudden shocking end to Easy Rider the whole cinema sat in shocked silence.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes