Flower Arranging with Mr Poznań


Animal Helper Pat dropped by with a gift of a bowl of the. Sweetest and most delicious tomatoes out of her greenhouse. I’ve been eating them all morning like grapes.
I’m not doing much today. I’m back on nights so apart from dropping some chocolate chip cookies off in the telephone box food swap, I’ve only mooched around the cottage,
The weather is changeable with sunny spells and I made udon noodles in sweet chilli sauce as Roger skipped around the garden chasing the fewer butterflies that circle the dying blooms of the three buddliea bushes that screen the cottage from the new build.

I cut flowers for vases and stopped to talk to Mr Poznań who is looking increasingly frail as I cut them over the kitchen wall.
He apologised for not coming to the flower Show but had heard through Pippa at the Rectory that it was a roaring success. 
On his way back home he handed me a few stalks of Hedge Cranesbill for my vases and told me to lose weight. He laughed easily as Roger jumped up and down in and out of view in an effort to say hello his eyes crinkling like mine do, in amusement when an old hand touched the young dog’s head.

I’ve not put the radio on today, nor music and the yappers at the new build, for once have been quiet, so the day has passed quietly, with only the wood pigeons, my dogs occasional barks to break over the sound of the breeze. 
I feel a bit jet lagged and I wasn’t sure what day it was this morning 


  1. You know, for whatever reason, those flowers on the table next to your books and your keys touched my heart this morning. In the middle of the busyness, there is always beauty. I am reminded once again to look. Really look.

    1. im quite stict with myelf about flowers , i always have to have vases in the house at any one time

  2. Two exceptional still lifes. I felt a bit jet lagged this morning, too, and completely forgot what day it was. Hmmm. We were together in spirirt.

    1. lol with all of those lovely meals you have too x

  3. Lovely blooms on your table. I'm not surprised you feel jet lagged and don't know what day it is, you've been so busy. I feel like that sometimes, and I'm retired and lead a very slow, quiet life! Enjoy the peace and quiet. Best wishes to Mr Poznan. xx

    1. i cant and wont complain these extra shifts I am doing with pay for rome x

  4. There's nothing like summer-grown tomatoes!

  5. Nice to have a quiet day sometimes

  6. Barbara Anne2:50 pm

    Charming narriative of your peaceful morning and beautiful flowers in your vases.
    Wishing you a quiet shift tonight and safe journeys there and home again.


    1. Also, what a sweet picture of Mr Pozan and Roger interacting. Warms the cockles of my heart.

      More hugs!

  7. Anonymous2:56 pm

    I am not sure what day it is , most days. Love the stories today, simple pleasures.

    1. its a chatty blog today, i prefer to read these like of blog entries

  8. Those are flowers and food that money can rarely buy, all the more beautiful for that.

    1. and if they are a gift they seem to taste that much sweeter

  9. weaver3:40 pm

    Lovely flowers - cranesbill would add to them nicely.

  10. The bowl of tomatoes and the vases of flowers are beautiful, calming, and delightfully peaceful. Quiet days are quite lovely now & again. Be well, John dear.

  11. Our buddleias are fading too. The end of the season approaches!

  12. Those flowers are gorgeous!

  13. I love your slice of life blogs. (I think I've said that before)

    1. yes i like writing them and if i had a choise i love reading tales of everyday life

  14. Oh, I forgot to say there is nothing better than eating a tomato with salt right out of hand. I love them! Yours look luscious.

  15. A quiet day does one well.

  16. I love to read about your days, neighbors and dogs. You work so hard and you have a peaceful home.

  17. Great neighbors make great neighborhoods.

  18. You do need to lose weight darling x


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