The Sounds

 My elder sister has been in surgery this weekend. She’s ok
But she’s been on my mind and I’m dreaming of childhood Sunday mornings circa 1967 
With songs like this playing constantly from her bedroom


  1. Barbara Anne2:32 pm

    As I was 16 then and that song was playing in my bedroom, too!
    wishing your sister well..


  2. Best wishes to your sister for a speedy recovery! "The Sound of Music" was such a HUGE hit when I was a kid. We sang those songs in school concerts, church concerts, everywhere. No escaping them, LOL!

  3. Wishing your sister a complete and uncomplicated recovery.

  4. Hope she recovers soon. With or without background music!

  5. Hope your sister recovers quickly and fully. Great clip!

  6. weaver3:08 pm

    Best wishes to your sister John.

  7. I would like to add my best wishes too. Hope all goes well.

  8. Wishing your sister a smooth recovery.

  9. Anonymous3:44 pm

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  10. Wishing your sister a quick and good recovery.

  11. Anonymous4:05 pm

    My daughter was four in 1967 and we were on a holiday in Florida. The local dive of a theater was playing sound of music every afternoon and it only cost a buck so I thought why not and took my four year old to see if she would sit through it. Sit she did and she wanted to keep going back. I don’t remember how often we watched that movie, she loved it. And good wishes for a speedy recovery for your sister, John. Gigi

  12. I wish your sister a good recovery. That video clip had me teary. I miss my childhood.

  13. Thinking of your sister. That was what was playing from my room. My sister was playing The Temptations.

  14. Adding my best wishes for a speedy recovery for your sister. xx

  15. We watched it every time it was on! My dad had the record and would play it on the Hi-Fi. Hope your sister has a speedy recovery.

  16. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Sending get well wishes to your Sister <3 Sharon x

  17. All best wishes for your sister xx

  18. I knew all the words. It was the first film I ever saw twice. Best wishes to your sister. x

  19. Best wishes to your sister xx

  20. All the best to your sister for her quick recovery xx. Great clip!

    Jo in Auckland

  21. Hope your sister feels better each day! I remembered that musical as it was my parent's favorite.
    I spent last week in the hospital too as I had a bout with Afib and lots of scary symptoms that have since gone away. I'm home and tired but starting to feel "normal" again! Hope your sister is feeling "normal" too!

  22. Wishing your sister Ann all the best for a full recovery.

  23. Sending all the best for a speedy recovery for your sister. I hope you get to visit her soon.

  24. Me too ! I am always amazed by all the Love that surrounds you here in tense times.

  25. Wishing all the best to your sis who, we know, will be constantly on your mind until after the urgency is past. Stressful time!

    Btw: (BIG spoiler alerts for fans of the SoM film who didn't know).......................
    Plummer's singing voice in the film was actually that of one Bill Lee - who had also provided John Kerr's singing voice ('Younger than Springtime' + 'My Girl Back Home') in film of South Pacific.
    Furthermore, the voices of the seven singing Von Trapp children were actually a teenage choir of eleven.
    And Peggy Wood's 'Climb Ev'ry...') - Margery McKay.

    Sorry - but one should be told! (Yes?)

    1. Anonymous5:11 pm

      Of course raymondo xx


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