Serendipity returns


I’ve talked about serendipity before.
Ever since my husband left, when I’ve desperately required money
It has arrived, out of the blue
Just when it was needed….
When I had no car a PPI claim came in.
When solicitor and tax bills came in unexpectedly a mortgage rebate turned up
And when I had vets bills a galore a pension underpayment was acknowledged 
I’ve been very lucky. 
Only yesterday me and my counselling chums met up for dinner and Some of the conversation centred about the cost of the course which the three of us are all self funding. 
Of the three of us, my worries re paying course fees seemed most precarious.
Well today I received an email from an organisation that supports nurse education and development. I had approached them an age ago regarding an application for grant support. 
Well that support came through today and will pay for the whole of my first year’s University fees!
How fantastic is that? 
Perhaps more good fortune than serendipitous but great whatever the definition. 

I sat in Churchyard this morning and reviewed my good fortune after watering my laburnum which is going from strength to strength. It feels as though, financially , I have been watched over by guardian Angel of sorts  
It’s a nice feeling. 
As I sat there, I noticed that Auntie Glad’s gravestone had been updated and renewed 
I touched it before walking back home 

And how did the date go. ? 
I hear you ask
Well it went nicely 
Mark talked easily and seems like a very nice man
He’s a widower from covid time and I think, not quite over his husband’s death.
I will meet him again for coffee


  1. As I said on FB good things happen to good people, a guardian angel of any sort is a lovely thing to have watching over you.

    Another coffee date sounds just perfect. Enjoy the weekend. xx

  2. Traveller9:43 am

    Good news on all fronts Mr Gray

  3. Well done the Universe!

  4. That is good news! A weight off your mind, not having to worry about Uni fees. I'm glad the date went well, too. Auntie Glad's family all re-united. xx

  5. So Auntie Glad lost a daughter at 16? How sad. I am, however, pleased that your serendipitous streak continues!

  6. You give so much to others. Glad to hear the date went smoothly.

  7. Really pleased for you about the fees, and delighted the date went well. Jan xx

  8. I believe in spirit, and yours is a wonderful story.

  9. Anonymous11:19 am

    Like they say,”if you don’t ask, you don’t get”. Good on you for asking. Happy your coffee date went well and hope it leads to more, when he is ready. Gigi

  10. Today’s post is full of hope.

  11. Good to hear that your date went well. Things are looking rosy for you. x

  12. Well earned and well deserved. Great news!

  13. Anonymous11:57 am

    Serendipity to an extent, especially the timing of the grant, but also a result of your being proactive, surely?

    Very touching headstone. Can't imagine losing a 16 year old child.


  14. You will be able to concentrate on the course, not the funding. Brilliant.

  15. Anonymous12:37 pm

    How very nice on both counts x
    Alison in Wales x

  16. Anonymous12:47 pm

    What good fortune John! Is there a reason the headstone said taid rather than Dad?

    1. Anonymous12:48 pm

      See now after a quick google it means Grandfather! Never heard of that saying.

  17. Very happy for you on all fronts!
    Before I retired, I worked for a very large financial institution in what is known as Escheatment. Basically my job was to to the.government when it was deemed to be " unclaimed". Before sending it to the government we made every effort to find the person and make them.aware that they had unclaimed funds. It was a great job and I have many heartwarming stories of notifying people of the money they had coming to them. Weddings, bar mitzvahs, medical bills, educations and more were able to be funded. It was unbelievable the dollar amounts that people were unaware they had. I am talking about anywhere from $5 to. a million $ !!!
    For those in the US go to this website: to see if you have money being held by the state in your name. You can claim it and the state must pay it back to you.

  18. That's FABULOUS news! Congrats, John. And that's a beautiful shot of Auntie Glad's and her family's gravestone.

  19. Lots of great news here! I hope your second date goes well. Getting to know each other over coffee seems a good way to build up confidence in each other.

  20. How sad that Edwina Jones died at the tender age of 16. What happened John? Was it an accident or some fatal health crisis? The memories must have sometimes been burdensome for Auntie Gladys even after so many years.

    1. The story in Gladys own words

    2. Sad to lose her daughter. So fortunate to have her other daughter and then her family

  21. What a nice post!

  22. Good news all round.. definitely heartwarming

  23. Anonymous1:53 pm

    What goes around, comes around. Your generous spirit gives so much to so many, well deserved! Dee

  24. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Couldn’t find the story of auntie Glads daughter though. Gigi


    2. It’s there briefly, on a frosty morning

    3. Anonymous6:31 pm

      Ok, found the story after the second try, so sad for Auntie Glad. Can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for her. She sure was a special person. Gigi

  25. It's lovely when things work out like that. And I'm glad the date was nice.

  26. Wonderful news about the grant to cover the Uni fees! Good to hear your coffee date went well, and you will be meeting again for coffee.
    Hope your shifts this weekend are quiet and peaceful.

  27. weaver3:00 pm

    How sad that Auntie Glad and her husband lost their daughter at 16 John. Congratulations about the grant and also pleased to hear the date went well. x

  28. Brilliant news about the grant and glad the date went well too.

  29. Fear not the widowed from the main Covid era. My husband of 46 years was taken from me by Covid Pneumonia on March 14, 2021 and I have not recovered from the grief and probably never will. If anyone ever loves me again they will understand that if their affection is true. And here I am 2.5 years later and long for nothing more that to have someone to give me a hug, or to hold my hand while we watch a movie or give a gently kiss goodnight...I know that for me at 75 it is probably not likely...but I long for it to the point of pain at times. Grab every opportunity you encounter, long term or one night, and treasure every second of it.

    1. I understand your grief
      Very well

    2. I'm so sorry Jon. My husband and I are getting up there in age with 43 years of marriage. I dread thinking of being in your situation. I honestly don't know how I'd be able to bear it. ❤

    3. Jon, I understand the pain of longing for that hug or holding of hands or kiss good-night ... I lost my husband in January of 2021 and sometimes feel my chest will split in two from the pain. I hope you find someone, and I hope I do too

  30. Such good news on the grant, John, Congratulations! Glad the date went well.

  31. Barbara Anne4:47 pm

    I'm so glad that the unexpected money has arrived in the nick of time for you once again. How wonderful.

    Nice, too, that your date was pleasant and will e repeated. Perhaps with some dessert?


    1. I think a pleasant chat babs
      Nothing more but that’s ok

  32. Good news all around. I'm happy for you.

  33. So pleased to hear your grant came through - that will be a big help I'm sure.
    Perhaps Mark will find a friend in you - he'll be fortunate to have special you to chat with John.
    Mary - currently enjoying the coast of Maine!

  34. Time for joyful dancing and quiet reflection celebrating the arrival of the grant. Nice to see the gravestone and to hear of Mark. Have a beautiful week.

  35. Anonymous7:59 pm

    I too have had money show up when I've needed it most. But I've also been generous towards others on many occasions. Karma?

  36. How fabulous to get the grant. You give....and you get ....
    your proactivity and care for your community and generosity of spirit is being rewarded by the Universe X

  37. I'm sure you know that you don't' get over' something like that, it becomes part of who you are, but i get your drift.

    1. Yes my words were clumsy
      I think what I meant to say is that I think he needs a little help with his grief

  38. The money to pay your course - fan-freaking-tastic, John; I'm so happy for you.

  39. Wonderful news of all kinds. And wonderful that you acknowledge it. I'm particularly happy that uni is funded. So much easier to study when there's no funding worry.

  40. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Oh John so pleased you got some funding . And we’ll deserved x Bernie

  41. That's great news John. It's one less worry as you study. I'm glad you enjoyed your coffee with your new friend too. Even if it doesn't progress beyond the occasional catchup that's OK, he's another person in your (extensive) network.

  42. Anonymous3:10 am

    Fabulous on all fronts! If anyone deserves funding you do!

    Jo in Auckland

  43. Wonderful to have the grant and lose some of the financial worry of the course.

    Also glad to hear your laburnum is doing well and bringing beauty to the cemetery. Very sad for Auntie Glad to lose her child.

    Mark sounds nice and chats over coffee are perfect to get to know someone I think.

  44. I also find that serendipity delivers money when I really need it but usually in the form of extra working hours :)

    Great news all round here, John. I'm pleased for you

  45. Anonymous7:59 am

    It sounds as though you and Mark are well suited for each other, he hasn't got over the loss of his husband snd you aren't over the Prof.

  46. NIce to have a good news post, John! I've had a rough week so happy news is terrific!


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