So what happens now?

 I’m not the teenage mistress of Juan Perón and my suitcase is not standing in another hall but I do sing the phrase to myself from time to time.
Not in a depressing sort of way, but I am just interested in how things will pan out.
How things will go! 
I’m 61 and the rest of this year is planned out. 
I start University in September. Course fees are paid for.
Time off organized, and there is a psychological shift in my head from Hospice to University.
That much is sorted. I'll work two days and have one whole day studying.

2024 however, comes with its own uncertainties 
My mortgage is up for renewal  next November , so I have a little time for interest rates to balance and stabilise. But my final year’s fees need to be found and more expenses such as a new car factored in too.
But I have time to look at things without the panic of last minute.

Socially I’m ok….more than ok. 
I am blessed with friends in the village and beyond its borders and although there is a yearning to have someone else special in my life I’m not getting bogged down in the game of gay dating. The apps are fickle creatures, often like the men who inhabit them and I’m not settling for anything.
In four years I’ve dated a handful of men, some nice, some not, and I’m too long in the tooth to be cavalier with my own or indeed other people’s feelings. 
I want to be like Charlotte York Goldenblatt from And Just Like That….romantic and hopeful where men are concerned but I’m not I’m afraid. I have the Miranda Hobbs “ realist” head on me despite what I say about romantic holes in jumpers. 
Romance in older men's lives can be a car crash of sorts.
I’m also well past waiting to be saved by my ex. It’s a common go to place when people are in grief after divorce. Lassie doesn't always come home, 
Nothing is neat and tidy .
I’m lucky. I can afford theatre trips and cinema when and where I please. It’s Rome in four weeks and London soon after that…
I’m doing ok, more than ok
Sometimes I need to remind myself of that.
Carrie Bradshaw was right, I’m only as much as a fictional icon be right in a tv programme written by gay men can be right

“Eventually all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.”

If only life was so simple


  1. You're doing well, creating the life you want and deserve. There are always unknowns but you're good at adapting

  2. I admire your ability to quietly study your situation, weigh up how it's going and having done all the planning you can, just let it happen. Will you be a commuting student?

    1. Boud, that’s what I’m doing here
      Mulling it over
      Getting it straight

  3. All we can do is our best, and that's what you're doing! May it all work out well!

    1. I can only try…’s a precarious venture

  4. As far as I can see from your writings, you have a pretty good life. Long may that last.

    1. Of course social media only shows the highs cro…

  5. Barbara Anne4:23 am

    Since I've been reading your blog lo these many years, you seem to have done well, stayed balanced, and are making good choices. More that all right!


    1. Babs perhaps I’ve been lucky
      I’m worried that it’s time for a fall

  6. I wish I believed that everything happens for a reason, but I don't. That makes it harder to accept the crappy parts of life. Will you be doing university full-time?

    1. I agree with you Jenny, that’s why I questioned carrie’s comment
      No university is one day a week then more “ clinical” days in therapy

  7. Life is messy. Some ups, some downs and some bits just OK. You seem to deal with it all in a pragmatic way. As long as, on balance, the good outweighs the bad, we can't complain! xx

  8. Doing more than OK. Hey, I'll settle for that!

  9. I like the way you have some dates marked down as needing attention in the future, but you don't sit around waiting for those dates to come around. You fill in the gaps by getting on with your life now. I hate the saying, 'I can't wait for such and such'. Every day counts. Lots of love.

    1. Yes…I cannot be and won’t be consumed by worry
      I’ve seen too many people end their days that way

  10. You are amazing in the way you create this good life for yourself.

    1. From you that’s praise indeed
      Thank you dear yael

  11. That all sounds a pretty rich life to me. Full and interesting, and you have freedom and health to choose your path.

    1. You have 5ouched upon another vital factor

      Health x

  12. I agree that life certainly isn't simple. But you have so much good in yours to hold on to, and I hope the financial challenges can be overcome at the time.

    As Meanqueen says - every day counts - and I admire how you do that as best you can.

    1. One step at a time…I’m just having a wobble

  13. We should do what makes us happy and gives us joy. No other b*gger will do it for us.

  14. I've grown out of touch. I can't quote anyone from And Just Like That, While years ago so many people I knew could tell me which character they were, I at least knew what they were talking about. Too many people claimed to be Samantha. Anyway, whatever happens happens. You've got it under control (and have loads of practice rolling with the punches). I believe in you.

    1. That’s sweet of you to say, and it means something important that you’ve said it

  15. You are not feeling sorry for yourself - instead, you are just being yourself . That's the best way to be. Someone might come along to fill the void - like a missing jigsaw piece but equally, it might never happen.

    1. No,I’m not…..I’m just thinking and reflecting in my journal and we you all

  16. Anonymous10:21 am

    Would love another (longer) gin session…x Libs X

  17. And so the adventure continues!

  18. Navigating life and the world, is always messy. You are moving forward, one step at a time. We can see you in a couple of years, with a thriving counseling practice in a quiet corner of the village, with people driving from miles around to talk to the sensible kind one.

    1. I’m walking forward and last night needed to stop for a second to take a breath and to think
      I just a moment to breathe and to think

  19. I think you are doing incredibly well. You have not let the grass grow under your feet but have changed course, created new dreams and goals, and worked hard to make them a reality. That's huge!
    Now- as to Miranda Hobbs- uh, did she not just leave everything to go to LA to be with Che? That's not especially being a realist. And oh- doesn't Charlotte love love? And wouldn't we all love to have Aiden step back into our lives? Obviously I have been needing someone to discuss these things with.

    1. I too have been needing someone to discuss. I felt shocked when Carrie said that perhaps Big was a mistake as they ended up married and happy. But I have been watching old episodes along side the new and then I got it. Big hurt Carrie over and over and over. We don't all have an Aiden to sweep back in but it has actually made me well up a bit. We know it's not real but what if! It's nice to think of the romance.

    2. Carol
      And just like that , despite some perfunctory writing has challenged what Carrie and the audience thought of big and has interestingly explored romances in later life. Miranda has made a hash of things

    3. Ms moon
      Some peace in later life is all that’s important . Miranda has yet to find it and perhaps underlines that for most of us, we are works in progress

  20. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Your cavalier attitude to spending money now isn't ging to go towards 2024. Holidays (so many holidays!), many cinema trips, eating out, theatre trips. Rome, London, etc. etc.
    Yet you already know your mortgage will be due for renewal, your car may need replacng, final uni fees, etc.
    Comments above says you are living "a pretty rich life" and "a very good life" - is that what you consider to be sensible forward planning ?

    1. You are always going to challenge and criticise my life and choices whatever plans I air out here, and if they are out here, I guess you can take the critical view and question them , but taking the opposite view constantly strikes to me of blinkered obsession .
      The secret to having some sort of happy life is balance miss troll.
      I work overtime every month and that money pays for holidays. Holidays that nurture the psychi and balances the mind.
      Cinema trips and friends balances work in the hospice
      Worries about renewing the car ….pretty normal for a single salary household

      Perhaps it’s time for you to play a different tune, this one is boring

    2. Anonymous7:21 pm

      You don’t have to explain yourself to this Troll bitch John!

  21. "saved by your ex" Was that ever likely to happen?

    1. Of course not, but it’s a common psychological need to be healed, to be made better to be helped by the person who hurt you

    2. Anonymous1:25 pm

      That common psychological need - isn't that when someone has been abused? If you think not then obviously we're on quite different uni courses!
      Final year here, it's been tough but the end is in sight!

    3. No it’s a common trait in separations I think you will find, not exclusive to abusive relationships at all

    4. You need to do some more reading around grief

    5. Anonymous10:10 pm

      John , it amuses me that you “unearth” your Anon abuser in every comment list
      I Love today’s review, Penelope Cruz is a particular favourite of mine

      Keith xx

  22. I don't know what it's like for gay men, but straight women are happier alone. No man to kowtow to. You live your life as you choose. Sending hugs.

    1. I’ve been talking to my friend Nigel today and he asked what I missed from my relationship
      I answered intimacy ( not of the sexual kind)

    2. I would miss that too.

  23. You are being the best that you can be. I love your outlook. Nobody knows what the future holds. It is all adventure. Enjoy the ride!

    1. I think the point of today’s blog is a moment of questioning, a stop at a crossroads where I know generally where I am going

  24. Traveller4:22 pm

    As Cro said you seem to have, on balance, a good life - which you have carefully built. Good for you.

    PS Please note my restraint!

  25. I envy you John, having the courage to make a complete change at this point in your life, not all people have the courage to do so, good on ya!! ps: I have no idea who this "anonymous" troll is but I do have a message for it: "fuck off!"

    1. Don’t mind them, like a docker’s swearing, her words mean nothing

  26. Anonymous8:12 pm

    I am glad to hear you sing to the dogs and yourself! I love that in a person. Beth

    1. I sing everyday to them, Dorothy loves it

  27. There's a lot to be said for being single and in command of your own life!

  28. Anonymous8:20 pm

    You are a beautiful human. You bring me joy in my life with your words. You haven’t yet written your book but I feel like I’ve already read one with your blog. I wish you’d start a go fund me . We all owe you the price of a book I know you won’t. Faithful appreciave readers.Send our dear John the price of a book you’ve already enjoyed for years, love from curly club aka Jane in Oz.

  29. You are so beautifully honest in your posts. I'm 68, and my husband died almost 2 years ago. I spent the first year as a zombie. I'm grateful to all the friends and family who supported zombie me. This year has been a slowly coming to life for me. They say that if you are frostbit, when your fingers or toes begin to thaw, that is the most painful time. Still thawing. I wish you lots of love--it will come when you least expect it. Take care.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes