Chubby Lesbians down Watergate


Pride flags photographed of Eastgate

I forgot it was Chester Pride today and the city was full of rainbows and very jolly people .
I met Nigel and we sat chatting in the cathedral gardens before having a late lunch in the Storyhouse
Midnight Cowboy is one of his favourite movies , so we had a lovely film debrief before he caught the train home to Manchester. 
It was lovely to see him and the film which I think I’ve never seen in it’s entirety. 
We’ve know each other over thirty years so we laugh together easily using shorthand jokes and phrases
I love him dearly 

I left him at the cross in Chester, as he needed to walk to the railway station and I needed to go to my car parked by the racecourse
….and moments later I was surrounded by a gaggle of chubby lesbians all screaming  Madonna’s Save A Prayer on Watergate and all wearing rainbow Stetsons
How very gay!


  1. Anonymous10:08 pm

    Sounds lovely. My son and I were visiting San Francisco one June and were walking through the Mission district on our way to a restaurant just as a big parade went through - it was delightfully cheerful and friendly and added so much happiness to our trip.


    1. Anonymous10:14 pm

      I’ve never found SF cheerful or friendly ever


  2. A lovely afternoon, and warm ... we could do with some of your warm, please. Old friends, which whom one shares a shorthand-language are so very special. I must get in touch with mine, right now, since you've reminded me. XX

  3. Anonymous10:59 pm

    I love Chester.What a great city.Barbarax

  4. Barbara Anne12:06 am

    What a wonderful day for you in every say! As is said, 'You cannot make old friends'!


  5. Of course, that should be "in every WAY"! Sigh ...


  6. Surrounded by chubby lesbians in rainbow Stetsons? Some people have all the luck!

  7. Anonymous8:20 am

    That sounds like a fab day! I'm glad that it happened to you <3 Sharon x

  8. Haven't seen Midnight Cowboy since forever. Too bad Jon Voigt turned out to be such an idiot in later years.

  9. You do know how to have a good time!

  10. "Midnight Cowboy" was a great title for a film but so is "The Chubby Lesbians". About a day trip to Chester - including an hilarious random encounter with an aspiring sixty something counsellor from North Wales. They debag him and leave him wandering on Chester racecourse in his Homer Simpson underpants.

  11. A lovely jolly day!

  12. weaver9:51 am

    Sounds a splendid day out John. Midnight Cowboy - one of my favourite films. Manyyears since I saw it.

  13. I hope you joined in the festivities.

    1. I’ve never been to pride…next year I will x

  14. Chester's certainly improved since I knew it in the early 60s. Sounds very cheerful now.

    1. Yesterday it was, pride is quite infectious

  15. So what did you think of "Midnight Cowboy"? I love the psychedelia and the appearance of some of Warhol's Factory protegees like Viva and Ultra Violet. I think Warhol and John Schlesinger, the director, knew each other, if I remember correctly.

    1. Steve, I had forgotten just how funny it was at times…having an Englishman at the helm , gave the who piece a heart I think

  16. I haven't seen Midnight Cowboy for years, I need to watch it again. We watched Rain Man last week, it was like revisiting an old friend.


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