
Anyone who grew up in the 1970s may identify with this Emanuel Crialese’s autobiographical study of a dysfunctional family negotiating the ups and downs of life in the affluent suburbs of Rome.  
Children growing up with little help and despite the adults of the household .
Clara ( Penelope Cruz) is the loving yet emotionally unstable mother of three children. Her eldest girl Ariana ( Luana Giulani) identifies as a boy called Andrew, middle son Gino ( Patritzio Francioni) overeats and defecates in the closet and youngest Diana ( Maria Charia Goretti) gamely tries to keep the peace as a bemused father ( Vincenzo Amato) shouts and bullies.
Everyone exists in their own bubbles, with Clara’s illness reinforcing the children’s fantasy life instead of helping them. 
Ariana is especially affected by her mother’s reinforcement to her differences , as she explores a chaste romance with a local girl from a transient workers camp and together mother and “daughter” with the rest of the family have to face clara’s admission to psychiatric hospital and subsequent return home without the benefit of support or therapy. 

It’s a strong, emotionally honest film, which sticks to its guns and Cruz and Giulani are magnificent)
There are no epiphany moments, no high resolution final moments,  
Just a sad girl and her loving mom seeking solace and fantasy in tv variety show moments 


  1. Anonymous10:12 pm

    I adore Penelope Cruz and I have not heard of this movie before , so thank you for that.
    I’m still reading and following

    Keith x

  2. Sounds good! I usually enjoy Penelope Cruz in a movie.

  3. Sounds a bit too heavy for me. I tend to need feel-good films nowadays. xx

  4. That is an immediately arresting still shot you have posted.

  5. I like Penelope Cruz. I may check it out.

  6. Sounds fascinating. And not uplifting.

  7. How did I miss that in the 70s?!

  8. These types of movies are just too much. I can't stand yellilng and screaming and chaos. I have fought too hard to keep that out of my life to be entertained by it.


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