Roses, Ballet, Castration and other stories


 I spent today at home. 
Bedding was washed and hung on the field gate to dry.
Underwear and t shirts on the kitchen wall and shrubbery.
I washed windows and cleaned paintwork 
Washed floors and mopped the old uneven wooden floorboards
Ones that date from 1760
You can tell it’s the summer holidays as a gaggle of children ran up and down the lane shouting “ The Queen , Curtsey at the Queen!!!!” as Roger barked excitedly at them running up and down the gravel path like a loon.
The Queen cut out now is beaming up the lane from my spare bedroom
The local children find her presence amusing.

I read a counselling text book in the afternoon and fell asleep for a while with Mary  under my arm. She is in season and Roger is still awaiting a reschedule of his castration ( sickness at the vets caused his original one to be cancelled) 
I need to rebook him tomorrow 

I made Mandu dumplings with kimchi and ground pork spiced with garlic and fresh ginger and cleaned Bluebell inside and out .
Before sweeping the paths clear of rose petals from the climbing rose which is still blooming strongly around the front door.
I love that I have a living stereotype of roses around the front door 
The blooms are a deep red this year and look magnificent .

I rang Chic Eleanor and arranged to meet for coffee and booked to see old Trev in his residential home later in the week. I will take the information the visitors to the flower show gave me when they dropped off the Hall blueprints. He’ll find them interesting. 

I also had an email prompt by the Royal Opera House to book tickets for the ballet Don Quixote in October for my sister’s Christmas pressie so I booked them quicksticks as tickets fly so quickly  and also managed booked us in for a meal on the balcony restaurant before hand …what fun 
I’ve always wanted to go.
How wonderful that we can.
Hey ho


  1. Anonymous8:55 pm

    Your sister is a lucky woman , but gay men like us so often don’t have people to share our passions with …so I know it’s a win/ win

    Keith xxxx

  2. One of the "essential life skills" I was taught 60 years ago as a little girl was how to do a proper curtsey. We had to practice it! Isn't that insane? But if you were part of a stage performance (like a Christmas pageant or choir) and received applause, the proper acknowledgment was for the boys to bow and the girls to curtsey. Thank gawd times have moved on and little girls don't have to learn such nonsense now.

    1. I adore the fact that one of my followers knows how to curtsey ..can you do a video

    2. Alas, a video is far beyond my tech savviness to either create or post online, sorry! I'd also have to wear a skirt to do a proper curtsey and I don't have one. Haven't worn a skirt or dress since Feb 1986, not that I'm keeping track or anything, LOL

  3. Barbara Anne9:40 pm

    wish I had your energy as lupus fatigue makes your many accomplishments of today out of reach for me. Sigh!
    What a wonderful Christmas present for Janet!! May the trains and all transportation run on schedule then.


    1. Babs
      I never had such energy , it’s a product of being single that’s all

  4. Anonymous10:08 pm

    The balcony restaurant looks gorgeous! I didn’t know about it and must book for next year’s trip. Sounds like happy days in your corner of Wales. Pipistrello

  5. I love the image of kids curtsying at the queen when they pass your house. Appropriate. What a great birthday gift and something to look forward to. May the trains cooperate! I always immediately think of castration when anyone mentions roses and ballet.

    1. One little boy saluted and they all cackled like crows

  6. Great housekeeping day and planning. I expect your nursing home resident friend will love to catch up. And thinking ahead all the way to Crimbo??

  7. Only you could put the Queen, castration, roses and Don Quixote in the same post! Exciting times ahead (although not so much for Roger!🐕) xx

  8. Love you have the Queen looking down on your garden and street.
    Daughter just made some cucumber kimchi and she gave me some. Pork Kimchi stir-fry yum !

    1. Some kimchi I adore , other I hate….

  9. What a lovely setting for an evening's repast.

  10. You've had a very productive day. The roses sound glorious and the scent must be lovely as well. Getting Roger demilitarized will bring new calm for everyone.

  11. Anonymous12:27 am

    Such a delightful image of kids curtsying before the Queen. They will remember your little cottage forever. I wish I could have seen their faces the first time they noticed her. You are do blessed, John.

  12. Is a 1760 floorboard discernably different than one from, say, 20 years ago?

    1. Yes Kirk ,early floorboards are often odd widths and not uniform

  13. I've not been to The Royal Opera House; I often think I wasted much of my time when I lived in London.

  14. Jeez your busyness of the day made me a bit envious; we are almost the same age but you outrun me in things you do in a day. I wish I could be half bothered by it hahaha! Love that you booked the ballet and the meal... double the delight... I love the idea of ballet but actually going where all of those people are not so much.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Jo, I have to keep planning my days , it’s my therapy and I know it sounds self congratulatory and self obsessed …it actually just brightens me ..I need stuff planned

  15. A really enjoyable day at home. I love them.

    The setting for the balcony restaurant is beautiful. Very jealous! It will make the whole outing very special.

  16. I love your leader for today!! Only you, John!! I went into the Royal Opera House, and I'm green, bright fluro GREEN, with envy. That restaurant! Oh Wow! How exciting.
    On the subject of your cleaning of a very old house - di you think it is seriously more difficult than a modern house, or just made more depending by the dawgs (love them all!)

    1. I’ve been going to the opera house for years when I was married but we never ate there, I’m so glad I’ve booked it

  17. I do hope your Roger's op goes as well as my (feline) Sloopy's did. After it he's been happy as a sandboy - and despite being warned that if he keeps licking the 'wound' to take him back to the vet's, he hasn't done so at all. Been as good as gold - and every bit as lively/naughty/maddening/lovable as before, bless him.

    1. He will be fine although the cone of shame will completely fix him

  18. Sounds like a wonderful trip planned.

  19. Yorkshire Liz8:02 am

    What a busy day - but very rewarding! Amazed you have the energy and application after such a hectic show weekend. I love the look of your cottage; something about the proportions of the windows betrays it's great and remarkable age. And roses round the door as well? Very cute - but yes, rose petals are very messy after a summer like this. Perhaps you need to make pot pourri? Dead easy, and a lovely Christmas gift. And ballet to look forwrd to. Onwards and upwards!

  20. I am sure that Roger would feel a whole lot better about having his operation if you were having it too.

  21. The roses and ballet sound wonderful, not too sure about the third option though.

  22. Anonymous10:44 am

    My uncle, a vet was visiting and told my daughter he would neuter her cat for her. He told her to wash her dining room table and spray it with sanitizer and while she was doing that he picked up the cat ,took it into the kitchen and did the neuter on the counter while she was busy cleaning the table. It is a very fast easy procedure. I have helped with hundreds of neuters in Grenada while volunteering in the spay neuter clinic. Its best to do the snip when the dogs and cats are young. Daughters cat was fine by the way, but she had wanted to watch and was a little disappointed. When I went to a school headed by two old English mistresses, we had to curtsy every time we met them in the hall, so snobby, I hated it but the school was excellent. The only thing I remember was that I learned to love music and ballet and art during my stay there, not academics so much! Gigi

    1. Love the comment , so full, of So much x

  23. Anonymous10:47 am

    Love that poster of the Queen and would love one for my front window. It’s so fun. Gigi

    1. She’s in my back bedroom now and the kids were ticked pink

  24. Anonymous11:14 am

    What a lovely day, so much achieved. Love roger to bits, noreen

  25. weaver12:10 pm

    Never a dull moment. Bulldog cross Welsh terrier - I don;t think so.


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