Bunting Bank


The TCA phone box is up and running as a food bank, information centred book swap and whatever you want it to be, now that Sailor John has furnished it with its own shelving unit .

I popped up yesterday with a few books and some bunting.
Ok the bunting isn’t practical but it’s pretty and some deserving soul may like it 
Food banks shouldn’t  always be all about food.

I went to a barbecue last night, my brother in law was 75
I don’t see him as an older man , I see the and hear the teenage man/boy I first met in the middle sixties when I was a very small boy. 
I’ve known him 61 years, the same as both my sisters ….wow

Anyhow today looks sunny. 
And washing the cottage windows is the planned job for the day
I’ve picked hydrangea heads and put them in vases in the living room and kitchen and saw Terry sulking in the lane with his dog as I did so,

“ I woz robbed “ was all he said, smiling at the floor

This afternoon I read a counselling text book , the saddest of quotes

“ We Leave doors open for people , who’ll never knock again….how stubborn the human heart”


  1. Traveller10:05 am

    Quiche, scones or fruit cake?

    1. I think all those have been eaten , my cakes were used on the day of the show to feed the audience lol

  2. The phone box is such a good idea, I just hope the local scrotes don't vandalise it! You're right, food banks shouldn't just be about food. Your bunting donation may be just the thing to give someone a smile. xx

  3. We are planning on moving to a small village soon. I haven't noticed a phone box on our trips there. I hope there is one. Such a nice idea.

  4. Yellow Shoes11:56 am

    I'm glad you don't always see 75 as old.
    We were 20 in 1968 - how good was that!?

  5. It's so special when you can still see the youth in people you've known for decades. It's not always the case.

    1. My brother in law looks like a younger mick jagger

  6. I take it you triumphed in the bake off at the Flower Show?

    1. I got second in the boiled fruit cake, that guaranteed my win against Terry xx

  7. Nice idea to have a local informal food etc bank. And much more useful now that you've installed shelves. I hope it's well used.

  8. Lots of good baking again this year?

    1. I think a food swap will work better .. people that need the food can take it without replacing anything but anyone that can , can just swap items
      I did it all the time,when I had the field , I always bartered for stuff

  9. The phone box is looking good and is such a good idea.

  10. "I woz robbed!" Oh dear, has Terry contacted the local constabulary? As soon as he does that they'll send a bobby up with a notebook and a pencil.... Or was he thinking about The Flower Show and how his massive courgette missed out on the top prize?

    1. Funny you say that
      Terry used to train police drivers

  11. Have you considered getting another cat recently? - Mary

    1. Not yet Mary…I’m wanting some free time to travel , in the spring next year I will review it

  12. Wow, that's a lot of food in the phone box. It's amazing to think of knowing someone as long as 61 years, isn't it?

    1. Quite sobering Steve…..oh I’m in London the day before I fly to Rome in sep if you want that cocktail lol

  13. The phone box with a mix of food and books and other random objects is a really good idea. I hope it stays safe and well used by the villagers.

  14. I do like the quote ( the counselling book one, not Terry's, although...). I saw the phone box a few weeks back when I was briefly in Trelawnyd - good to see it in use. I think in an earlier post you said it had been vandalised. I took a wander around the churchyard whilst there to take a look at the hooded tombs and the preaching cross. I almost (almost) came to knock on the cottage window - Bluebell was parked outside. Thankfully I didn't as your post for that day said you'd been on nights and were feeling pretty rough! Perhaps the telephone box needs to be locked at night?

    1. I wish you had P
      As I think you are an interesting character to get to know
      Please do next time

    2. Ps it is locked every night

  15. “ We Leave doors open for people , who’ll never knock again….how stubborn the human heart” That is so profound and so very true. I was wondering if you ever went on the date with the guy who came to your workplace with an invitation to meet? Love the idea of the Phone Box food bank. That loaf of bread looked really good!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Yorkshire Tiz5:50 pm

      I love Ursula's comments, why do you delete them Mr Gray?

    2. Possibly because she is a "fun sponge", or as I like to call her "a vicious old ginger cunt".

    3. Traveller7:08 pm

      Love the comment M2

    4. Yorkshire Tiz7:28 pm

      Calm down young man. I simply asked a question. No need for the uncontrolled temper and foul language. It's not big and it's not clever. Go and read a book (if you have one and are able to read long sentences).

    5. You are a calm troublemaker “ Tiz”
      How sad you are

    6. Ursula is not welcome here

    7. How are u mave ??? Coffee and gossip soon???

    8. Anonymous8:34 pm

      I feel that I’ve missed a “ thing”

      Keith xx

    9. Dear Keith , you’ve missed nothing important xx

    10. Anonymous8:52 pm

      Ah I c
      it’s all about trolls trying to play you!

      Keith x

    11. Of course darling, Chester soon x

  17. Barbara Anne4:59 pm

    I'm so glad the phone box is being put to good use again! Yummy foods there today!
    I find the quote sad. I prefer"'"It is in the shelter of others that people live: - Paig Sayers

    Hope Terry didn't lose anything important.


  18. Very old student of life5:43 pm

    Counseling quote is interesting! Can you tell me name of book and page number so I can look it up please?

    1. As an old student of life, I’m sure you will find it

    2. Counselling is how it is spelt

    3. Anonymous8:50 pm

      Ha ha ….

    4. Anonymous12:16 pm

      Maybe troll is from USA that's how we spell it!
      You make me laugh when you mention a dogs fanny! Not the same meaning over here!
      Also pants = trouser in USA not undergarments!
      Pammy PA


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes