
 I went to a morning showing of Oppenheimer today
A film so intricate, complicated and detailed it probably mirrored the remarkable life of the theoretical  physicist J Oppenheimer very well indeed . 
The film by director Christopher Nolan is complicated and nuanced. It covered three time periods in Oppenheimers development of the hydrogen bomb highlighting the intensity of the storylines with some roars of musics and sound effects.
Cillian Murphy is impressive as the charismatic yet quite unlikable Doctor, and captures the intensity of the character in a kind of almost reptilian way. Oppenheimer was a womaniser and had an Ego to boot. He knew his abilities and was conceited enough to blindly disregard his position within the government machine until that government took a dislike to his communist sympathies after the war. 
This is a male orientated film with fine performances from Murphy, Robert Downey Junior as Lewis Strauus the head of the Us Atomic Energy Commission, and Matt Damon, a General in charge of Los Alamos , the secret town in the desert where the scientist developed the A bomb.
Emily Blunt as Oppenheimer’s second wife and Florence Pugh as his communist sympathiser  psychiatrist mistress have only minor parts in the drama, which is a shame as both interesting characters could have been explored further, but I guess the narrative ( which is complicated enough ) does last for three hours.

Oppenheimer is an excellent, intelligent and overall detailed movie which weaves magnificently intricate scenes together with intense editing and skill. 
It’s worth the effort of concentration 


  1. I have read it is a good movie. Most people are agreeing with your review here.
    I think I will wait and watch it if it streams. Funny that you mention it is a very 'male' film. It's the perfect bookend to Barbie, I think.


    1. It’s a bit long , and despite my interest , the warmth and comfy seats in the Storyhouse made me doze very briefly at one bit

  2. People are referring to both releases as Barbenheimer. There's no way I could relive Hiroshima even indirectly, through this narrative. I lived through it once. I'm done.

    1. I think the. Film will make it real for many who know nothing about the reality of the horror bombing
      And many younger people do not

  3. I'm not sure it's a film for me, but I know my husband would watch it. Mind you, if it was a choice between Oppenheimer and Barbie, no contest. I've never liked Barbie! xx

  4. weaver5:00 pm

    Rather tend to agree with Boud above. My first husband was on the Death Railway as a prisoner of the Japanese but he was one hundred percent against the devlopment of Nuclear weapons and the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even though he would certainly not have I think your review is, as usual, excellent John and ot has persuaded me that the film is not for me.survived had they not been dropped resulting in the immediate surrender of the Japanese. He was immediately airlifted out of the area onthe cessation of war and taken to Bangalore in India where he was hospitalised with cerebral malaria for some time.

    1. Interestingly Japan had not agreed to show the movie as yet

  5. Anonymous5:02 pm

    I enjoyed it as an experience. Now I would like to see it at home with access to the kettle and the loo!

    1. As in many of Nolan’s movies, I should be seen twice

  6. Sue p5:04 pm

    Comment should not have come through as anonymous.

  7. weaver5:08 pm

    Sorry John - giant mistake and not noticed until I put it on - the 5th line down starting 'I think' should be tagged on to the end as far as the 7th word on line six. "survived"

  8. Anonymous5:11 pm

    As a child of the 50s who had to cower under my school desk, I was a little reluctant to see Oppenheimer. I kind of joked that I might see Bernie immediately after as a kind of palate cleanser. But instead I really enjoyed the movie. Tough topic, of course, but I appreciated the way they presented the information. And I'm gratified that the film has been commercially successful. Maybe the powers-that-be will see that we like grownup films in addition to those infernal comic book movies.

    1. The story was more interested in the witch hunts that followed the war

  9. I wait anxiously for it to show up on television as I could not handle three hours in a theatre.

  10. I know the trailer certainly looks good! Glad to see Robert Downey Jr in a movie again which finally makes use of his considerable acting talent.

    1. He was excellent in it, and almost stole the show

  11. Barbara Anne7:01 pm

    As another who was told I'd be fine if I was under my school desk, I think I'll wait for it to stream so I can be elsewhere if DH wants to watch it.


    1. The public fear of the atomic bomb was real and massive, people of my generations have no idea

    2. And they NEED to have an idea... a reminder for the more recent generations.. Does this movie show the power and destruction of the bomb? I remember sitting in class and being shown a video of the power of the bomb and the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ... It affected me greatly and i carry that little knot of fear somewhere in me today.. I'am appalled that my country used the bomb... all that lost innocent life and suffering.. But then i remember Pearl Harbor... and how many more lives would have been lost if the War had dragged on longer... So after all that my question to you is ' Does the movie show the power and destruction of the bomb..? I think audiences today need to see that... Hugs! deb

  12. Traveller9:03 pm

    Great review…as others have said I will watch when it comes to TV. Three hours at cinema without an intermission is too much.

  13. Anonymous9:35 pm

    It was an absolutely brilliant film that dared to tackle a very difficult subject....as is your review, John. It hadn't occurred to me before but you're absolutely right; Oppenheimer is reptilian-like (especially the scene in the chair).

  14. I'm curious about this movie and look forward to seeing it when it's streaming as I no longer go out to movies. The Barbie movie is getting so much attention that it has pushed Oppenheimer aside.


  15. It sounds great but I am not in the mood for such seriousness at present.

  16. I went to school in the 50's and told to sit under my desk. Even though I was very young and didn't really understand the bomb and missiles. I did understand Bomb Shelters and the Red menace later.
    One year on a trip my children we went to Los Alamos It is a beautiful area filled with Pinion Pines, Juniper and Ponderosa Pines. A beautiful mountain area that had hidden such a secret.

  17. It does sound a tad 'serious' for me, and THREE hours sounds like a nightmare. No doubt many prizes are forthcoming.

  18. And you didn't mention his eyes once... Apparently Barbie has made $1 billion already.

    1. Perhaps because Murphy to me, is a most unappealing man

  19. I thought the film was an excellent effort, unusually accurate in many of the life events details apparently, but very different from what some might be expecting, with much focus on the politics in the aftermath. I was thoroughly engrossed and didn't even realise it was a full three hours. I go to the cinema maybe once a year as I cannot bear the usual nonsense on offer.

    1. I agree, he researched and searched into the motivations of people”


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