Let's Hear It for the Boy (s)

Last night was another film night, this time with Gorgeous Dave who dressed up for the occasion ! He has a new rather glam girlfriend so the glam is rubbing off.
As usual I had gravy stains on my t shirt
I won’t review the movie Joy Ride  as it was only mildly amusing and not very good, but I enjoyed the night as we always have big chats to and from the venue, in-dispersed with lots of laughs.
It’s been a testosterone filled few days with me meeting up with a gaggle of male friends . Nigel, Colin, Dave and today I’m catching up with an old Sheffield friend John who is in holiday in Llandudno. 
He was an old neighbour who turned into a best mate 

I’ve always gotten on better with women than I have men. Only in later life have I cultivated male friendships and have a good dozen men, straight and gay who I am close to. 
I find that most men are more emotionally intelligent than they used to be.
I know that’s a sweeping statement but for the good of all, I think they are and that, I think, underpins why I have more man friends than I did 20 years ago.

How good is that…..


  1. weaver10:04 am

    I agree with you John about men changing in today's society. I think it has to do with the way women have changed too - we have all opened up to express our feelings - when I was young it was unthinkable for a man to show emotions in public - crying was almost seen as a crime. Now things have evened out a lot between the sexes.

    1. I know we have some way to go…..the patriarchy still rules while some men feel emasculated
      We are moving in the right direction

  2. Oh, yes, I agree with you and Weaver. My husband was brought up in a household where "big boys don't cry", and I find it so strange. My son, I'm pleased to say, isn't afraid to show his feelings. xx

    1. It’s not just showing feelings but understanding them that the turning point

  3. You are staying busy. I hope that as a species we have developed over the past 40 years.

  4. I think it is the same here. Men are more emotionally intelligent than they were. Not all, but most.

    1. Spoken bravely by an Australian where it is generally thought to be the last bastion of straight patriarchal men

    2. Our domestic violence rates would suggest that Australian men are struggling but I agree there's some improvement

  5. I think the mainstreaming of feminist and LGBTQ sensibilities has started to erode some of the more negative effects of traditional masculine conditioning. That's a good thing and needs to continue.

    1. Well put . Men in general are less threatened by gay men I feel . My friends fall equally in the two groups

    2. I guess that’s a bit old fashioned now. I need to have a gender fluid mate too

  6. Our closest friends have always been women.

  7. I have always got on better with men, in fact I almost turned into one. Had to cut down on the swearing and stop chatting women up ;o)

    1. Now here’s an interesting story

    2. There is, but I ain't squealing.

  8. It has gotten easier to simply be who you were created to be. I agree with you there.

    1. Not just being yourself but understanding rights and lifestyles and others points of view.
      There are still Parochial people , but things are a changing

  9. The trouble with male friends is that they know bugger all about knitting.

    1. Anonymous12:56 pm

      So true 🫤

    2. Anonymous1:04 pm

      Apart from his ex.

    3. But knitting used to be done by men...women did the spinning

    4. Good point ……I’m joining ma Manley’s art group this winter, I intend to learn to knit

    5. Margo5:57 pm

      I had coffee with 2 knitting friends yesterday and our catch up was interspersed with much laughter, so nice to have a common interest.
      There are some really good knitting podcasts by gay guys, I follow a few.

    6. Margo5:57 pm

      I had coffee with 2 knitting friends yesterday and our catch up was interspersed with much laughter, so nice to have a common interest.
      There are some really good knitting podcasts by gay guys, I follow a few.

  10. Glad you are happy, John.
    Your theory depends on the men (and women), tho... Some have not changed at all...

    1. Agreed….again I’m generalising and that’s a positive swing in the pendulum

  11. Barbara Anne2:08 pm

    I agree that it seems to me that both our male and female friends seem to be very interesting folks to talk with over lots of years. Hope we're intersting, too!O!


    1. Yes, I agree , to be thought of as boring would be the ultimate put down

  12. I think it's also an age thing at the moment, middle aged men and older are more emotionally intelligent. Young men are too full of bravado and wanting to be seen to be tougher with their peer groups, it's the brave few who are breaking out of that mould ... for the better.

    1. Yes, I see this too…..many young men are missing role models .
      Even on The Archers Tonight Emma Grundy was telling son George off for listening to an on line “ influencer”

  13. That song sure is a blast from the past. My closest friend is a woman!

    1. And people didn’t know you were gay ? Lol

  14. Anonymous3:01 pm

    I always got along with men better. I was betrayed by a girlfriend, so didn’t trust women much. My second husband had five sisters so he had a very good idea of how women worked. I only saw him cry, which was more like sniffing, when his son passed away. When he was upset he would say ‘I’m in a mood” and they never lasted very long. It’s nice that you have cultivated both men and women, gay and straight as friends. I had lots of yachtie friends, but we all got old and moved back to our pre yacht countries and eventually lost contact. Gigi

    1. It’s nice to have a mixture of ages and sexes

  15. Yes, to emotional security and confidence. It makes everyone's life more enjoyable.

  16. Oh cave men still exist
    Cave women do too

  17. I always got on better with men as friends..girls grammar school was purgatory, socially and educationally.
    Having gay men as mates was great, because we could concentrate on the job in hand and work together well without any distractions.

    1. The downside I guess is that I had many girlfriends when younger without having boyfriends

    2. The same problem from different directions?
      The problem with society perhaps that it expects certain behaviours. It doesn't differentiate between the girl/boy friends and girlfriends/boyfriends


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