The Highfields


The best neighbours I ever had was Bev and John in Hillsborough, Sheffield 
When we first met they were a youngish married couple with a pre teen daughter
I was a lumpy middle aged  gay man negotiating the end of a fairly destructive relationship.
We strangely hit it off !
Despite our differences we became firm friends and have been for the past twenty six years. 
They have been a constant in my life, always there , always supportive.
They came to my wedding and I braved a white out snowstorm to be at their daughters’ wedding and I know if I needed them they would be there for me as I would be for them. 
John was the showbiz reporter for the Sheffield Star and for years I was his plus one , attending every performance at the Crucible or the Lyceum.loving every minute of it. 
He is arch and camp and showbiz and fun and has recently dealt with some ill Heath with alacrity and chutzpah 
It was lovely to sit and talk to him in Llandudno today man to man, 
Not enough time …..
I love them both dearly….
And I want them both to know that x

I met them in Llandudno’s Mostyn Gallery today and bought this Orme Goat on a whim….
What fun 


  1. Anonymous9:57 pm

    Wasnt Mr John on BBC RADIO?????

  2. Anonymous10:27 pm

    Old friends are the best!Barbara

  3. It is always great to good, loyal and reliable people in your life. Much preferred over fickle and unreliable. The new goat is fabulous. Great purchase.

  4. Old friends are gold friends.

  5. Good friends and an Orme Goat figurine -- jackpot!

  6. Anonymous1:08 am

    You always find the coolest things to surround yourself with, John. Sometimes you even design and create them yourself. It would tickle me to tour your house just for the giggles, the Orme Goat figurine just one of many. Sending love and appreciation from California, USA.

  7. I love reconnecting with old friends. I also love that goat.

  8. I'm glad you've said it now and not waited. What a beautiful tribute to good people

  9. Oh, I love that goat!

  10. They sound like, and look like, very nice people. I do hope they read the above!

  11. How much good it does us to reconnect with healthy, happy, alive people who accept us as we are. Yesterday I had lunch with a woman I've known and appreciated for 40+ years, and although it was over a year since we'd seen each other, we just 'picked up where we'd left off' and it felt right. We do need to tell each other how much they mean to us, don't we.

  12. It's important that we tell those we love just how much they mean to us. Love that goat. I'd have been tempted, too! xx

  13. You're so right. Tell your valued friends and family how much you love them. They sound great.

    I like the goat too!

  14. Old friends and an old goat. Nothing better.

  15. That's a lovely, happy photo of your friends.
    Nice goat too.

  16. Anonymous8:15 am

    "on a whim" ornaments won't pay the bills. You've no restraint and no idea how to really plan your finances.
    I can imagine you thinking ooh must buy that and can't wait to post on the blog about it.
    If you have hard financial times in the future will it be a comfort to you to read your old blog posts and see how you spent your money?

    1. Ooh Anon, It's plain to see that you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning!

    2. Anon, jog on…..stop being so obsessed with me, I’m embarrassed for you

  17. Traveller8:40 am

    Lovely post. And the goat is fab.

  18. Good neighhours are wonderful - I've been lucky in them. The goat is fun, as is Anon above - so predictable, or do they have such a perfect life/relationship/finances that they really do know best? You, John, will be able to read your old blog posts and look back on a life of love, friendship and care. I doubt that Anon will be able to do the same.

    1. Anonymous2:43 pm

      Anon doesn't have a blog veg artist

    2. Perhaps they do. Easy enough to comment as Anon.

  19. I always used to read John Highfield's columns in "The Star". He was the voice of entertainment in Sheffield and had some strong opinions too. Sorry to hear he has been battling with a health issue.

  20. weaver10:47 am

    Goos friendships are worth their weight in gold. There is something about that goat which I absolutely love - He is a person - he could absolutely dominate a room and he looks the sort of chap with whom you could share your troubles (and he would mull them over.)

  21. What a sweet old goat.

  22. Good longstanding friends..worth their weight in gold

  23. Anonymous12:46 pm

    I am rather pleased to discover that Yorkshire Pudding was once one of my readers!

    1. That was from mr “ showbiz” Highfield himself x

  24. Anonymous1:28 pm

    My grandson and I are going to be getting goat tattoos in the fall. He calls me greatest of all time, granny. I do love your goat, so cute. Lovely to meet up with old friends too. They look really nice and friendly. Gigi


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