The Ties That Bind


We all have our own trajectories in life.  
Some like the ones I have with my friends of long standing are running more or less parallel 
Others occasionally Veer away or in the case of one , Jane, intersect on a surreptitious  level.
Many many moons ago Jane and I were an item. She is a free spirit and has an empathic and generous soul 
And I came out shortly after we had split up. 
I hurt her badly and I regret that hurt to this day.
But she , forgave me ( after planting a fully iced birthday cake in the centre of my new lawn) and eventually we became good friends again. 
That seemed a lifetime ago. 
Jane has a husband and two beautiful grown up daughters and lives in Sheffield
We speak regularly. 
Last week she went on holiday to a tiny mountain house in the middle of the Andalusian mountains.
She went alone which took some balls, but she did it and FaceTimed me several times sharing the triumphs of that bucket list adventure.
We are both feeling our ages. 
Next week the both of us are off to Barcelona another first since we were together a lifetime ago and I know it will be lovely. 
Lockdown allowed us to share our worries and our dreams and thoughts about getting older, both have embarked on changes in work snd study late on in life. 
Both feel we have lots of things undone, rather than unsaid
And now it’s the time to do them


  1. Good for you. It says a lot about the two of you and your bond that you've remained friends for all these years.


    1. nice to have you back dearheart, its been a long time x

  2. Barbara Anne1:14 pm

    What a wonderful friendship you and Jane share and coming adventure will be all the more fun together!


  3. Wishing you a wonderful trip to Barcelona. Good company and an amazing city.

  4. You and Jane have a unique friendship! Have a blast together in Barcelona!

  5. You and Jane have a strong and long standing bond and friendship. Enjoy Barcelona; it sounds like lots of fun.

  6. How wonderful that your friendship has weathered a few storms and, by the sounds of it, grown stronger. Barcelona will be a chance to have a real catch-up. I'm sure you'll both enjoy it. xx

  7. Sounds like it will be a wonderful trip, John. How nice that you reconnected.

  8. Anonymous2:25 pm

    How very lovely. You'll have a great time
    Alison in Wales x

  9. Good to rekindle friendship. Losing close friends is sad

  10. Yorkshire Liz2:51 pm

    Everyone needs a friend like Jane; few of us achieve that. Blessed and special. Shre a wonderful holiday with joy.

  11. How nice. I hope you guys have a blast in Barcelona!

  12. Anonymous3:12 pm

    Jane sounds like the best kind of friend ever. Through thick and thin. Good times will be had next week. GG

  13. Anonymous3:27 pm

    Jane’s adventure is tucking at my heart

  14. Last summer I had lunch with my high school sweetheart, she was my first love and lover, we were inseparable for 2 years.
    We hadn't seen each other since then, well over 50 years. It was a pleasant lunch, but we found after a few initial 'what have you been doing', we found we had little in common. We parted amicably.
    Do enjoy Barcelona, one of my favorite places. The massive central market is a wonderland of food, and just out back is a great churro y chocolate place.

    1. melancholic but also an important vindication that you both made the right choices in life

  15. We can have various loves in our heart x 💖

  16. It is good that you've kept in contact with Jane. I love your first line, "We all have our own trajectories in life." So apt and fitting as I look back on mine.

    1. yours has been a zig zag one at times eh??? lol

    2. Yes it certainly has been that.

  17. You two are truly lucky to have such an enduring friendship, treasure it. Enjoy Barcelona!

    1. im finding that i am treasuring lots of things

  18. I have an old friend who played a similar role in my young life. I didn't appreciate at the time how hurtful it might be for me to come out to her. We're still friends but I often wonder if she thinks I didn't love her -- because I did. Just not THAT way.

    1. no you dont understand because you are going through a bigger more confusing bizarre hurt yourself

  19. Anonymous4:39 pm

    I was married and when I came out gay my wife quite understandably rejected me. She was hurt beyond words.
    She died five years ago and I went to her funeral and was stopped outside the church by her sister and friends afterwards.
    One of whom spat at my feet


    1. bloody hell
      thats the other side to the coin keith
      how dreadful all round

  20. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Lovely John! A friendship which past the test of time and challenge. Reading this reminded me of the story of your friend who went to live in Scotland? at an enclosed retreat/commune living. How goes that for her?.

  21. Anonymous5:44 pm

    How lovely that you are still good friends

    1. that was originally down to her and her big heart

  22. Anonymous5:45 pm

    (Debbie in London)

  23. That sounds terrific! Good for you and Jane!

  24. Wishing you & Jane a wonderful, fun-filled trip to Barcelona!
    Don't forget the sunscreen and your hat. 😎

  25. Increasing age is a salve for ones soul.

  26. Anonymous10:47 pm

    Enjoy Barcelona.It is a city that has everything.

  27. What a very special friendship. Wishing you both the best time in Barcelona. Sharon x

  28. weaver9:05 am

    A lovely story about an enduring relationship through thick and thin. Enjoy your time together.

  29. Enjoy Barcelona, we are looking at plans that might include that city next spring.

  30. She sounds exceptional. So glad the friendship rekindled.

  31. Mary D.7:20 pm

    That is great that you and Jane remain great friends,after all you have both been through. hope you both have a great time on your holiday,Mary XX

  32. I like these sort of stories. They give me hope old friends and flames can be revived and keep going.


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