A Flower Show Moment


My Last Official Flower Show ( as top bottle washer and dogsbody) was back in 2017.
I didnt realise then it was going to be my last show as organizer but it was the last one Auntie Gladys went to and indeed, some of you may recall that she opened the show with a speech worthy of anyone more used to public speaking.
Now if you look at the photo, you can see me hugging the winner of the cookery section.
I'm not usually that tactile with strangers but she was a special case that year.
The mum of a friend I used to work with on Intensive Care, she had suffered a devastating stroke that left her physically compromised, terribly fatigued and emotionally very low indeed and at a bit of a loss my friend had suggested she enter the show in several categories as way as some therapy.
what everyone didn't expect was that the lady in question worked so hard at her entries that she swept the board at judging time and it was amazing to see just how shocked and overjoyed she was at winning several classes outright.
There wasn't a dry eye in the house as the the word got around
and I think it was one of my favourite moments in running the show for a decade


  1. That's a great story and a tribute to the power of cookery competitions!

  2. Lovely story and accompanying photo, John dear.
    And not a dry eye in the house over here after reading. I'm becoming such a sentimental old lady, and that's ok. 🥲

  3. That is sweet. I can imagine her elation.

  4. A lesson for us all. Never give-up.

  5. Good to have a photo of that very special and happy moment.

  6. Yorkshire Liz5:17 am

    What an inspiring story. Just goes to prove that the "smallest" victories are the sweetest, because the big hurdles tend to look after themselves, while the little ones are quieter, more personal and affecting. Meanwhile, everyone form an orderly queue for John Grey hugs!!

  7. A real tale of triumph over adversity. Reminds me of an old Chinese proverb - the person who would move a mountain must begin with the first stone. xx

  8. What a wonderful thing to happen.

  9. That is a good news story. Great photo too.

  10. Hoping this year's show is just as memorable

  11. Joan (Devon)9:36 am

    An inspiration for all us strugglers!

  12. And this year, the tradition returns

  13. Better than pills x🌻🍰

  14. Anonymous1:14 pm

    Totally love the person that you are. Marie,Melbourne, Australia

  15. And this is why flower shows are important.

  16. Your friend knew just what her Mom needed to get going again. What a sweet story, John!

  17. Barbara Anne2:04 pm

    What a heartwarming story of someone overcoming adversiry! Belated applause for this tallented woman!
    Another one for the book. :)


  18. Thanks John. Tenderness, in any form, is welcome today.

  19. A lovely moment. This triumph after a terrible stroke was a wonderful accomplishment and good medicine. It is always extra special when things like this take place.

  20. Anonymous5:29 pm

    How absolutely wonderful!

  21. That's a smashing photo; what a fantastic idea from your friend and how wonderful that Mum had great success with her efforts. Any effort after a stroke is to be applauded to win is a stupendous effort.

    Jo in Auckland

  22. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Very inspiring.

  23. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Thank you for sharing your lovely story and photo. Lynn Ewing

  24. I have enlarged that photo and may I say that here in England it is unusual for flower show organizers to use tongues when congratulating prizewinners.

    1. You are so naughty YP x

  25. Best story I read today. Good for you!

  26. Anonymous1:46 am

    Who is the man in the background with the bouffant hairdo?


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