
 The documentary on Saul Leiter was dreadful. Not enough of his photographs and early life  too much elderly rambling Leiter for my liking. 
I walked out and got tutted at by the organiser which I thought outrageous, if he had followed me I would have told him so too.

The cottage living room always looks at its best at night
Cosy and lived in when I got back 
I missed Albert tonight too
Lying untidily on a chair


  1. Albert would have stalked out of that documentary too and scratched the organizer to boot!

  2. I may have been tempted to say to the rudey "Would you prefer to keep me prisoner? " - Do you or the dogs sense Albert's presence in the cottage x

    1. No flis I think the only one who would have missed him was Winnie

  3. Barbara Anne12:57 am

    How lovely, warm, and welcoming your sitting room is. Yes, Albert is missing and is missed.
    Well done in leaving a movie that was dismal!


  4. Our cottage too comes to life at night. Not too much light, the flickering of a fire, and a dog at my feet. It doesn't get much better.

    1. Yes I’ve just lit the fire tonight

  5. weaver3:53 am

    It looks so welcoming - wouldn't it (and the dogs) welcome a rescue cat?

  6. Funny the tiny things that can suddenly shout of those no longer here. Your room, as always, looks wonderful. x

  7. Your cottage is so cosy and welcoming. The lighting helps too and I have never quite managed to get that just right somehow at home.

    How you must miss Albert. Especially at those quiet times.

  8. What a shame the documentary wasn't what you'd hoped, but how lovely to come home to such a blissfully, cosy scene. Albert is missed by so many, but none more so than you. There's an Albert shaped hole in your cottage and I suspect it will be there for quite a while. xx

  9. A tutting organizer. They're the worse kind.

  10. A very cosy scene . Lovely.

  11. No need to tut...better manners to ask Are you ok?

  12. Yorkshire Liz7:56 am

    Takes nerve to walk out of rubbish - well done. The organiser should have come and asked you why you were leaving (you might have been ill, for example) NOT tut at your for exercising your critical judgement. It is at time like this you miss an Albert. But then. everyone should have an Albert type presence in their lives. But lovely to have such a wonderful and enveloping refuge as your gorgeous cottage.

    1. I usually sit at the end of a row so , I’m never upsetting anyone if I feel I need to leave

  13. Anonymous8:01 am

    I had to Google who Saul Leiter was. When I'd looked him up I was none the wiser - Bel Ami

  14. Traveller8:10 am

    I can’t remember you saying something was dreadful - it must have been bad.

    I’ve never walked out of a live event but have left at the interval. Walking out of a film shouldn’t elicit tuts

  15. One of the reasons I prefer watching documentaries like that at home, recorded to watch on the TV. Then I can pause it when I feel like it, and go back to it if I feel like it. If not, I delete.

  16. The nerve of the organizer. It’s a good thing they didn’t say more to you.

  17. Anonymous9:23 am

    What a soothing room, a relaxing and calming low light makes it quite charming. It must be tempting just to fall asleep in that chair…. You’d want a dog massaging your feet though, wouldn’t you!

    For some reason, I’m ‘Anonymous’ tonight, but I’m really Virginia

  18. How come Mr Litre didn't know how to spell his surname? Perhaps he was dyslectric.

  19. Anonymous10:02 am

    One of my big regrets is that I never got to Barcelona nor Rome. I assume that you will be having a look at Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia and look forward to your review. I never went to films as for some reason, I always fell asleep at some point during them so I read books instead! Watch out for pickpockets, my travel agent/friend who i often travelled with and was extremely aware got pickpocketed just as she got on transit before the doors closed, so she couldn’t give chase! I hope you will get goosebumps in Barcelona for different reasons than in Venice, have a wonderful trip. GG

    1. I agree about pickpockets (and the flower sellers) in Barcelona. You really need the sort of money bag you wear under your shirt. Do not get money out in public. Sad but true.

    2. Being podgy means that people have difficulty getting their sweaty little fingers into my trouser pockets

  20. Anonymous10:07 am

    I had a friend that always went to the toronto film festival and she would give a film 10 minutes to keep her. If she wasn’t engaged by then she would walk out and go to another one. GG

    1. I like that woman, I’m the same, I want to be engaged immediately

  21. Anonymous10:56 am

    The only thing we walked out on was Tony Bennett in Vegas, he appeared drunk or drugged and his performance was just awful, not worthy of him.
    Even though I didn’t know Albert I do miss that guy. Your place looks very cozy but I don’t see any four legged “pillows” GG

  22. A cat is really missed when they are suddenly not draped on the furniture or curled up in unexpected places. It takes a long, long time to get used to their absence ... if you ever really do. I used to think I saw my black cat slinking out of rooms long after he died.

  23. Drats! It was your treat to yourself too!. Don't you hate it when that happens?!

    1. It’s disappointing but it’s also refreshing not to like everything like some do

  24. It is nice to have such a sweet haven to return to, John.

  25. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear the documentary wasn't good. I love Saul Leiter's photography! I might try it out anyway if I see it playing or streaming somewhere.

    1. I love his street photos in the rain , 1950 Manhattan has never looked so beautiful

  26. Love the top photo of the three four-leggers! Miss all my long gone dogs; absolutely love the cat who found us in 2016. Pets ❤️

    1. Finding the right cat will be difficult
      I only took Albert as the woman at the rescuer centre said he came from a household who had two dogs

  27. I am in the mind of Travel. Replace the dog, read more and above all things, Travel. New people , new surrondings, and a walk for health. Your day will be better for it.

    1. A new you!!!! Have you factored in work

    2. I retired a 66, now roaming the U.S.A. at will. Best hobby is doing what I wish. This being Debt free is something everyone should do.

  28. Anonymous1:58 am

    We all miss Albert too! Jen


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