A simple breakfast today, panini, vine tomatoes, olive oil and a sprinkling of salt and parmesan

Next week I’m off to Sheffield to see Miss Saigon then fly to Barcelona the day after.
This week, I’m trying to save money, but it’s not always easy to stay home. 
Later I will go and watch the documentary In No Great Hurry at Colwyn Bay, which explores the work of photographer Saul Leiter., thats my treat for the week, 
Yesterday afternoon I took part in an on line tutorial about creative writing which I booked and paid for last year and in one group discussion I was the only person present not to have ever written a love poem or a love letter of sorts.
This kind of upset me, as all of the 18 others on zoom had obviously done so

This morning I remembered something, hidden away in a recess, something I used to say to my husband when I all loved up, or when I looked at him in a certain way when he didn’t know he was being watched.
I would say the letters SRA to him.
And he would know where I was at.
SRA always stood for the words Sudden Rush Of Affection 
They still do….
…. I just haven’t remembered them in a while


  1. SRA. Oh yes. Even after 40 years of living with one of the world's grumpiest of grumpy old men, I still experience that - only very, very occasionally though.

  2. SO wish we lived closer...would love to come see that photography exhibition with you ..enjoy x

    1. The documentary was less about his work more about him as an rambling benign old man

  3. I don't think I've ever written a love poem or letter, either, so you're not alone on that one. Mind you, you're streets ahead of me on the creative writing front - the only writing I seem to do is compiling shopping lists! xx

  4. Anonymous11:27 am

    Those last two sentences made me cry


  5. Your doc. looks fascinating. I'd love to know what his 13 lessons in life are.

    1. It was disappointing and I walked out after an hour

  6. I can dash off love poems like nobody's business. I will write one if you want and you can pass it off as your own. You will soon become the Dylan Thomas of North Wales and there will be a souvenir shop and everything. All I require is half the profits. Your first collection will be titled "Fford Cwm" and it will retail at £9.99 with a small discount for blog visitors.

      Oh Dorothy thou art divine
      It's hard to believe that you are mine
      You slobber when I appear in view
      And likewise my darling, I do too!
      Your nipples seem to brush the floor
      Like wavelets breaking on the shore
      Your Churchillian eyes are brown and deep
      Making me swoon in a heart-shaped heap.

    2. Neil you are a dear dingbat xx well done

    3. You should have been born in the twenties, writing love letters to the girls back home for the WW2 troops xx

    4. Anonymous9:13 pm

      Nice one Mr Pud.
      I did laugh


  7. When that happens with us I tell my husband I am soaking in his beauty.

  8. The lawyer in me says yes, don't incriminate yourself in writing.

    1. I get that never write anything which could bite you in the arse…I should know better

  9. I may experience this similar feeling - I think it is in all of us and it just needs awakening - Possibly mine was awaken by regular Reiki - one of the chakras -So happily I am warmed by nature, dogs - not necessarily a beau x 💗

    1. Strong emotions are often released through hands on therapy ( reiki being hands off,)

    2. On one occasion as I was reclined I heard a gush come down the chimney - I never said anything but afterwards the healer said a lady had been standing alongside them in my sitting room x

  10. Your SRA is as good or better than a poem or love letter. Love language between people is special and fun. I love to write but poetry or love letters is not high on my list of priorities. All is good JG.

    1. I was surprised just how many ie all but me , of people in the group had written love letters

  11. My husband, who is not a writer, used to write me the most beautiful of love letters occasionally. Used to. Now he leaves me little notes that I keep and cherish.
    When I feel that SRA, which I do, I tell him, "You are so beautiful." And he is.

    1. What a delight comment. Beautifully written and simple . Thank you

    2. Anonymous9:14 pm

      Ms Moon
      I was captivated by your words


  12. 'Emotional attack', my husband whispers, after coming over to me out of the blue for a quick kiss.

  13. SRA...I had one this morning. My husband was sleeping beside me with his legs cramped in a fetal position so as not to disturb our sleeping dog. Our dog has slept at my husband's feet for his nine plus years. My husband can't bear to remove him from our bed despite his own discomfort. Tom's a sensitive man...the morning reminder was cause for a SRA. It's a lovely acronym. Thank you.

    1. And a nice story,
      Im kind of in love with Tom

    2. Anonymous11:06 pm

      Yep, SRAs for me here too around hubby's kindness to the dogs. Nothing sweeter than hearing him talk kindly to our heavy old lab boy as he helped him back on the bed at 2am. Tina in west oz

  14. And your breakfast looks mouth watering delicious!

  15. weaver3:13 pm

    I too miss SRA's John. Thank you for the reminder of how important they are.

    1. At least I received a few weave, like you, twice

  16. I understand SRAs. I've had that feeling with friends, too. I wrote a love poem when I was 14. Does that count?

  17. Barbara Anne4:46 pm

    SRA was the name of a school series of workbooks when I was in 6th grade (age 11-12) and it stood for Scientific Research association. I like your meaing better.
    Enjoy the happy anticipation of your upcoming plans. again, hope nothing cancels or runs late.


    1. I remember them very well, were they not coloured?
      I never got to the top tier! Was it navy.?

    2. Yes, they were rainbow colors but I don't remember anything being as dark as navy blue. I loved these books but then I loved workbooks all through elementary school. Ta for the link!

    3. Was orange the basic?

    4. Sorry, I don't remember what color order the books were in, but it has been 60 years after all..!
      I was really interested that your class had the SRA books, too. My class was in suburban Chicago.


  18. SRA. That's a good expression. I may use it with SWMBO.

  19. Anonymous7:27 pm

    SRA, That’s lovely! Lynn Ewing

  20. Anonymous8:20 pm

    I wrote love letters to my not quite husband when I travelled to India and Nepal with a girlfriend. He stayed home with the dog! While doing some major cleaning this week I found that he had kept the letters. I was telling him how much I missed him, how much loved him etc. etc. and that I wouldn’t go away without him again. He knew that I would and when I came home from that trip he finally told me we would be getting married on September 8, the eighth anniversary of us living together. I can’t get rid of those letters now.And yes after we married I did travel again with the girls for long stretches of time..maybe that is what kept us together for 35 years till his death. It kept us more interesting to be able to do our own things. He used to come and run his hands down my arm giving me goosebumps and I would play with his well trimmed beard. GG

    1. Your memories are wonderfully observed and incredibly moving as most of the comments today


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes