La Traviata

 La Traviata is like a fine Spanish Cathedral 
If you haven’t seen it before, it kind of takes your breath away.
I’m approaching London
And although there’s no strikes today , the drivers are working to rule.
I left early.
And now am having a cool drink in Camden,under the shade of Maple trees and next to an inner city waterfall fountain 
Meeting Nu shortly at Kimchee


  1. You are making so many wonderful memories. Enjoy your time in London with Nu. Daft comment - of course you will! xx

  2. It all sounds like the start of a great day with Nu.

  3. You are a man of culture John - m a fine wine x

  4. Sansthing1:05 pm

    Enjoy your day!

  5. Anonymous1:29 pm

    So happy you made it this time. Enjoy the show and the museum with Nu. GG or gigi

  6. Mary,D1:51 pm

    Hope you both have a enjoyable time in london

  7. Anonymous2:09 pm

    Ohhhh the opera with a true friend.. such a wonderful thing… enjoy x Libs xx

  8. weaver2:15 pm

    Enjoy - you will be stuffed full of culture - you can unpick it bit by bit as the evenings draw in, sitting with your blanket of dogs. Happy remembering.

  9. Barbara Anne4:31 pm

    You were wise to leave early and there's no better start that a train that's on time! Hope you and Nu have a joyour time!


  10. Yorkshire Liz4:48 pm

    What a social whirl! It's a wonder you remember where you are! Enjoy!

  11. For unsophisticated visitors to "Going Gently" may I helpfully point out that "La Traviata" means "The Fallen Woman" and I am not referring to a woman in high heels who has tumbled down some stairs after a night of drunken revelry.

  12. Thanking you for that YP - You too are so cultured - After a bottle of disagreeable wine I did once fall down a staircase resulting in a visit to A & E x

  13. Blimey, that doesn't look like the Camden I remember from the mid-60's.

    1. Yorkshire Tiz1:27 pm

      That's because it's not, it's a very commercialised part of St.Pancras. As per usual John is changing the facts for his moribund readers. Very sad.

    2. Not sad just incorrect, Camden borders Pancras square it’s only a couple of streets away

  14. I didn't know that is what the title meant. Will read about the story now as am very ignorant of opera.

    Have a great time with Nu.

    1. La Traviata means fallen woman
      And she hasn’t really feel that far, she just doesn’t want to marry and lives in sin with a younger man

  15. Anonymous5:30 am

    I'm so pleased for you, having all these wonderful times with your loved ones. You inspire me to try and lead a bigger life. Sharon x

  16. Yorkshire Tiz1:32 pm

    "Have a great day with Nu" etc etc. Commenters, do you actually KNOW "Nu"? Is she YOUR friend? I suspect not!

    Have a great day with your close friend, John.

  17. @ Yorkshire Tiz, Has anyone mentioned that they know Nu? No they haven't, so your comment is utterly unnecessary, oh but you already know that don't you!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes