Hey ho

I’m not one for souvenirs, but this delicate folding paper sculpture of the Sagrada Familia sort of grabbed my eye in Barcelona. 
I’m looking at it now, as I sip a McCafe in the cool and quiet of the kitchen.
It’s 15 degrees and pleasant 
And there’s no radio or bustle.
Which is what I want after Spain and a mad work day yesterday.
Today will be serene in comparison .

Tourists can spoil holidays, even if you dare to realise that you are a tourist too!

But despite my fellow travellers , I adored Barcelona. With its wide tree lined avenues contrasting so much with the gothic alleyways, and it’s history and grandness…I enjoyed the city so much.
Of course the Sagrada Familia was the highlight for me as when Jane and I walked though the door blinking away the harsh sunlight , we were literally overwhelmed by a brilliant cave of colour and a blast of fanfare from the huge cathedral organ.
I had a lump in my throat 
And could literally only mutter “ wow!” as soaring pillars fashioned into the trunks of giant trees took my breath away.
Gaudi ‘s house  Casa Batilò had the same effect on me as I was overwhelmed in tears by listening to the words of one of the Batilò’s daughters as she recalled her idyllic childhood in a home, so delicately designed, it almost hurt to experience it.

I’m feeling happy
Happier than I’ve probably felt in a few years and like a child may wish for when at a friend’s wonderful birthday party, I don’t want that feeling to end

Hey ho



  1. Enjoy the cool and the calm. I'd love to see the cathedral again now it actually has a roof!

    1. Our guide said there are 10 more towers to be added and completion date is 2026

  2. Happiness is like a fish. You catch it. Reel it onto the boat where it writhes around in the sunshine and before you know it, it's gone - back into the water. If only we could hang on to it forever.

    1. Yes YP BUT I do feel brighter in general terms I guess , I recognise that because I’ve been a big glum on the QT for such a long time

  3. I hope that your feeling of happiness lasts for a long time.

    1. It won’t, it never does with intensity , but that’s ok

  4. So it was all worth it then? (Daft question!)

    1. The effort ? The heat? The cost?

      Of course

    2. Glad to hear it.

  5. Susan Z from across the Pond10:16 am

    Awwww. I appreciate how deeply you feel things, John. You're all in--no matter what the feeling. I think that's a lovely and true way to live life.

    1. I am what’s known in the trade as an empath

  6. weaver10:24 am

    Hey ho indeed dear bloggy pal - keep it up! Nil desperandum as they say - just look at that beautiful paper sculpture every time you feel like it. OH to be able to create such beauty for others to fall in love with.

    1. Oh I’m sure I will be down again soon
      Up and down like a tart’s knickers me !!!

    2. I hadn't thought of that latin tag in many years, my father sometimes put it on the outside of a letter to me, when school was particularly dire.

  7. Sounds amazing, I am so glad you were able to experience it. I booked a cruise then ends in Barcelona for late next spring.

    1. Ooh sounds lovely where does it stop

    2. Two stops in the Canary Islands, Malaga, Alicante, then Barcelona.

  8. John, once again, your writing transported me to your memories! I love the feeling of awe and wonder. I think that's what some people lose as they age. May we always be open and curious!

    1. I’m a late starter Karla , always have been

  9. I think I told you that you would love Barcelona and I am very pleased to read that you did.

    1. You did indeed . And who couldn’t love such an interesting cuty

  10. Whenever you look at that amazing paper sculpture, some of the happiness will return, I'm sure. Meanwhile, squeeze out every last little drop of that feeling. xx

  11. Anonymous11:15 am


    1. They are a cracking pair, I remember thinking that that Barcelona’s opening to the games as one of the very best

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkmg79ApRNQ

  12. That's a beautiful souvenir of a beautiful place!

  13. Anonymous11:47 am

    Again you have made me cry and at the breakfast table too.
    You write well but need the proof read, but I guess you already know that.
    You wear your heart on your sleeve John and your empathic nature shows in the way even inanimate things move you. I suspect that’s a produce of age over design.

    I was rather moved by that essay.

    Keith x

    1. Get a grip Keith lol
      Kind words indeed xx

  14. Vacations always reset me and make me feel unhappy mood. I love the folding paper sculpture!

    1. Is so complicated and folds perfectly

  15. No need for it to end John - Being so happy and contented recently without knowing you may have tuned into another frequency to live x 🌈

    1. I’m trying to tune myself into “ yes” experiences and positive situations abs way of thinking

  16. How aptly you've described that joy! I really like flis' comment. "You've tuned into another frequency."

    1. I think she may be right. Tuning into positive experiences , rather than living with negative ones

  17. That looks as if it portrays the delicacy and strength of the building. A very good souvenir to add to the memories

    1. Each pillar inside the cathedral was made of different stone with different abilities to shoulder load, each pillar was shaped into giant tree trunks

  18. That's wonderful John.

  19. You have had a few beautiful trips this year.For those of us who have not, your words paint a wonderful picture. Thank you.

  20. Anonymous12:54 pm

    So pleased for you that it was such a lovely trip x
    Alison in Wales x

  21. Yorkshire Liz1:25 pm

    That happiness spills over into the blog, fear not! Actually it is as delightful as it is rare, when something so happily anticipated for so long turns out to be as good, if not better, than expected. How utterly brilliant and delightful is that? So relish in being happy. Can't think of anyone who deserves such lightness of heart quite so much!

    1. Happiness is addictive I find , addictive and lovely to share

  22. You describe the magic feeling after a wonderful holiday. You must do this again. The paper sculpture of SF is great - love all the fine detail.

    1. Rome is next and I’m hoping to go to Naples next year

  23. It is a wonderful city - so glad your visit was awesome and the memories will of course stay with you forever. Nothing beats a great travel experience, even when there may be a few hiccups along the way!
    Great you're safely home again John.
    Mary -

  24. Barbara Anne2:15 pm

    Living in the moment, there in Barcelona and now at home is the best way to stay happy!
    As I read yesterday, a quote by Cookie Monster from Sesame Street:
    Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie."


    1. I’ve eaten too many cookies when not living in the moment lol

  25. Anonymous2:33 pm

    On to the next adventure, you and Nu, London. Oh how I envy you, but hey ho. We all get old at some point. I do have wonderful memories as you will too. Have a chill day. GG

    1. We have a couple of meals out to look forward to , the opera house too and the newly refurbished National portrait museum

  26. There's always a bittersweet feeling after a memorable trip, isn't there? But there will be more trips!

    1. I feel invigorated by the two city breaks and an getting excited over Rome
      I hope it’s cooler in September

  27. Anonymous4:57 pm

    I just looked at a video of SF and was totally blown away by the interior, I would have cried at the beauty. Gaudi was a genius or mad but I think genius.. I do like your souvenir. It will bring memories every time you look at it. GG

    1. Jane and I researched him and talked about him as a man a great deal. We concluded that we would have liked him . Shame he was more reclusive in later life, and when he was hit by a tram, he was so untidy that passers by though the was at tramp and he received no treatment which led to his death

  28. Barcelona is indeed a magical place! Now you can enjoy cooler weather. My son just got home from Italy and he said it was very, very hot there. I think Spain had the same sort of heat wave.

    1. I guess Barcelona being northern and on the coast 32 degrees was pretty normal for the summer
      It was still too hot for me .but I coped
      I must have drank 6 to 7 litres of water a day

  29. Love the folding paper sculpture. It's exquisite!
    Hope you've enjoyed a serene day and happily anticipating your visit with Nu in London.
    Have a fab time at the Royal Opera House and at the newly reopened National Portrait Gallery!

    1. Oh I will baby on about my adventures my friend so watch this space xx

  30. Anonymous1:06 am


  31. 2nd Man and I are applying for our passports here in the US (yeah, have never had them) so that we can travel in the coming years. Spain, Italy, England and France (not all in the same trip ha) are on our first up list. Have wanted to see Barcelona forever. And the Sagrada Família is one of the first things on my wish list, ha.

    1. Make sure you book EVERYTHING on line. No tickets for anything can be bought in situ

  32. That paper sculpture is exquisite. I am about to look on Youtube for the real thing. I am not a traveller; I like being places but not going there so can't ever imagine I would get to see it in person. So pleased your happy meter is filled up; you deserve it to be so.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I think u can take a virtual tour of the cathedral , and Gaudi ‘s house

  33. "It is well to have as many holds on happiness as possible".
    That wonderful intense but transient feeling. But the memory of it remains with you to be treasured and enjoyed. Hopefully to make us stronger in the darker times.

    1. Yes, sigh, and as we all know they come , just like the rains do in winter

  34. It sounds like it was a wonderful trip and it's lovely to have more coming to look forward to. It's lovely to hear you so happy.

    1. No doubt I will come down with a bang , there’s rail strikes in the uk and I’ve only just left wales

  35. One of my great dreams that will remain unfulfilled is to visit Barcelona. I have been blessed to share your excitement and joy in the posting of your trip. Wish you could have stayed they a month or two and carried me in your pocket to enjoy it with you.

    1. Big hugs
      That’s what it felt like walking through those doors

  36. Barcelona would be a place I'd like to see. Though I have no plans on going to Europe any time soon.

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