
It was joyful being back at the Royal Opera House, and La Traviata with its lavish first and second act sets, full of colour was a treat, especially as the Russian Kristina Mkhitaryan totally stole the show as Violetta. The audience went wild for her.
And quite rightly so.
She was stunning

Today is sunny and warm. Nu has things to do, and I want to shop, so after breakfast I walked up to Ealing Broadway and got the impressive Elizabeth Line straight into Bond Street and John Lewis.
I found a small cafe off Harewood Place to write the blog before indulging in a shop.
Im not a big shopper so IT IS an indulgence.
I’ve arranged to meet Nu at three for the National Portrait Gallery then an early supper in Covent Garden and theatre again to see The Pilllowman at the Duke of York’s 
I’m looking over at the green of Hannover Square
And there are parakeets in the trees


  1. You are filling your life with joy and love - brilliant! xx

  2. My son lives in Ealing, he often has parakeets in his garden.

  3. An old friend of ours, Stephen, is controlling the stage lights at the Duke of York for that play. I understand it is a complex and somewhat disturbing play.

  4. Anonymous11:10 am

    Parakeets like originally from Australia or something else? I ask because here (US east coast) it would be way too cold for them to winter over outside, but I do have a neighbor that refers to a kind of indigenous bird as a parakeet so maybe that is an alternate name? Bird nerd here.....


    1. Parakeets have lived in London for quite a few years after a pair escaped and bred there.

  5. weaverofgrass11:13 am

    I am green with envy - oh and I wat a parakeet in my garden please. Enjoy your shopping.

  6. You are so amazingly busy, just back from Spain. I like to have a slow life.

    I've seen the English parakeets and I don't like them much. I suppose they have an Australian origin but we don't seem to have them here.

  7. It sounds like another world 🌎 John - Where I reside - far from London there was a parakeet in someone's tree in their front garden as we walked by - The man showed me a photo of several of them sitting in same tree - Apparently he moved from London and the birds followed the removal van here x

    1. Anonymous1:53 pm

      They followed the van?! Really, that is mind boggling. JanF

  8. You are on the go and it sounds like you are enjoying every minute! Good for you, John!

  9. Barbara Anne1:10 pm

    What bliss!


  10. Glad you're enjoying London and Nu's company!

  11. London has lots to offer. You are bound to buy, the shops are lovely. Parakeets in the park sounds delightful.

  12. Ancient Egyptians had a deity called Nu - meaning watery abyss. One of the gods to bring the world into existence. (Just happened to be mentioned in a book I'm reading at the moment). x

  13. Shopping used to be a favourite pastime of mine. Mainly windows...

  14. Hope your day is great, mine has been so far!
    We were in Trelawnyd at lunchtime, having lunch at 'The Potting Shed' in Jackson's Garden Centre!
    Lovely Ploughman's style platter and a well made Flat White! X

  15. You and Nu, such a cultured pair. It all sounds wonderful (and I like shopping).

  16. I'm living vicariously through you and your fun adventures! Hope it was a good day shopping.

    1. I bought a new bag, cards and gifts for several friends leaving the hospice

  17. Re "I'm not a big shopper", Hmm... considering your art wall and impressive museum-like collections of interesting and multi-varied things, that made me pause and wonder what a big shopper's house would look like in your view...? Not a criticism John, you buy what you like and so you should, just a puzzle over definitions :)

    1. I’m not one for shops Andrew

    2. villager8:54 am

      yes we thought this as well
      around here john is seen as very rich compared to other peopel in the village
      it is annoying that he claims poverty on this blog!
      being dumped obviously pays well!
      why dont you just move to london and give us all a rest you are not in charge even if you think you are and people are getting a bit sick of you to be honest

  18. Anonymous6:44 am

    I was wondering what purchases you had made during your trip :) I'm a Londoner living in Essex. First of all a village just outside Brentwood, now we've moved northwards within the county to a seaside town which we adore. Parakeets were just starting to move into the village when we moved, now we have the seagulls LOL. I too am living somewhat vicariously through you, and you have really inspired me. Since moving here I've been to my first festival, I volunteer a few hours a week, I joined a contemporary choir and made some fantastic friends and they took me to my first Bingo night out last night-so much giggling and shusshing from other people. Later in the year I'm off to my first barn dance! I'm not taking any of it for granted, just feeling very very grateful. Sharon x

    1. I bought a new backpack
      Several gifts for staff leaving the hospice
      And greetings cards , I do like to have a stash in xx


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