And Old Faces 2


This afternoon, I loaded Bluebell up with cold drinks, flower show programmes and a watering can full of water and set off to publicise the Show.
It was hot but with the windows open, bearable. and only a few seconds drive East of Trelawnyd I stopped at Marion to take my first programme to Irene Murray.
Now Irene is a force to be reckoned with. With the late Sylvia and Gladys Jones  , she was the third matriarch that co ran the original show, and did so with a keen eye and no messing,and I wanted her to know that the show was returning soon and she was tickled pink and rather moved that it was. 

I left her to drive to our neighbouring village of Trelogan to catch up with Graham, my first potential vegetable entrant. He’s a delightfully friendly chap who sings in the village choir but he is also a magnificent grower of vegetables which I was privileged to see in his crammed polytunnel this afternoon.
Getting his veg into any show is a real boon for any Flower and Produce Show and I was excited to have him aboard, especially as his carrot tops were in a word, MAGNIFICENT !!!
Onwards and upwards! 
Next stop was Terry, my old Quiche nemesis from my early days in the village. 
We had gone head to head in the baking classes for years with the plaudits swinging both ways each time entered. 
With some old testosterone reignited he’s agreed to enter the Quiche, Boiled Fruitcake and Scone classes in a misjudged attempt to topple me
We both couldn’t help grinning at each other
old Times “ he said with a chirp.

My next stop was the beautifully rustic Still House , just off Well Street and I was glad that Ma Manley was at home, for I wanted to encourage her into our arts classes as she will be running the new arts and crafts club in the autumn , a club I’ve already asked to join .
Ma Manley is a lovely woman with a long flowing white hair and a style that shrieks local hero/ Whiskey Galore/ Earth Mother
I hope I’ve won her over.

Tomorrow I have more characters to catch up with, so I just had time to water the new planters at the Church gate, the ones donated to the TCA by Jackson’s, before getting home for tea,
It’s been a good day

A photo of some of the original Flower Show Committee 
Irene is third from left
Terry is fifth .


  1. Yorkshire Liz7:19 pm

    A wonderful, life affirming day, I think. And yes, your trip to Venice did you a power of good and recharged the batteries. There is something rather wonderful about stepping into all these lives and being a prt of them, not stranger. Something heartwarming, and close, and consoling. Something about belonging.

  2. Anonymous7:39 pm

    A village with loads of characters, how wonderful! Happy you are up and at so soon. GG

    1. Like any place, it’s full of characters , I just write about them

  3. Taking a glance at your photo - I thought Terry has an appearance of - he means business x 🍕

    1. He did, but as I remember I trounced him that year

  4. My word, John, your Venice trip really has put some life into you! I'm glad all those you've visited so far are as enthused as you about the show. A good day, indeed. xx

  5. Ellen D.8:37 pm

    That personal touch will help get people excited about the flower show, John! Great idea! You certainly have lots of energy!

    1. It’s years of cajoling people for the show…I know it’s blowing my own trumpet but the year before I joined the show we had 150 entrants …when I was there the most we had was 450

  6. Shelly Williams8:45 pm

    Your happiness is palpable and a joy to read xx

  7. Sounds like a very good day! The enthusiasm & joy in your "voice" is fabulous. How could anyone not be excited about the flower show?

  8. How wonderful that the returning Flower, Veg & Baking Show is being met with such enthusiasm!

  9. I meant to post the following comment here but put it on the previous post instead, mind you it's appropriate for almost any of your missives: "Do you ever stop doing things John? Could you bottle some of your motivation and send it to me? I do nothing for much of the time, while still doing what is required, but I am not sure I could cope with your level of activity. I am currently drinking beer and looking out at the view to the hills. I will have a rest after that :)"

    1. And I have had my feet up on a bulldog for four hours crying at The Repair Shop and then enjoying The Sewing Bee with a gin

    2. Ah OK, It just sounds hectic when you describe it all. I had a third small beer, since it's the summer solstice, having only intended to have two... Overdoing things.

  10. Anonymous9:39 pm

    I am so happy it’s back
    Will Trendy Carol be taking the Judge dressed like Elvis around again?
    I hope so
    Your affection for people is palpable
    You love people quite easily John
    I’m envious


    1. That judge died a while ago I’m afraid
      We have a set of whole new judges this year lol

  11. People are really happy to join in. Covid took so many things away and to begin anew feels good. You have really rallied the troops. Great job!

  12. Sometimes I wish I still lived in a small village. Town is nice because you are handy to everything and neighbours are close in case of trouble, but I miss the interaction and knowing everyone that comes with living in a smaller place. Sounds like a good day you had. "Magnificent carrot tops" sounds a bit like someone who has a thing for redheads, by the way! lol

  13. You reminded me of my native village in Surrey. There were two main events every year; Bonfire night, and the Horticultural show. Both were magnificent.

  14. Barbara Anne5:00 am

    You've made a good beginning to help the August Flower Show on its way! Nice to 'meet' more of the villagers, too!


  15. Great to have a break away and also great to be home!

  16. Great fun rounding up for the show!!
    Those planters look very nice indeed

  17. Anonymous6:30 am

    You do belong there x it is your home and gives you the foundation on which to go off on your travels. Reading about the characters in the village fills me with joy. The sense of belonging. Wales is as beautiful as Venice to me in a different way and I never feel more at peace than being on the beautiful West Beach at Llandudno looking out to sea. Louise X

  18. Have you ever listened to or read Garrison Keeler and his stories of Lake Woebegone in Minnesota? You have a lot in common… in the storytelling and characters.

    1. I haven’t but I am aware of him. Thank you for the big up x

    2. I love Garrison Keilor on the radio.....used to play his tapes in the car when the kids where little, they loved his voice...

    3. He did a show in Atlanta in 1993 during a major blizzard. We had a boom box and listened to the entire show live on NPR in Connecticut after losing power. The power came back on the moment the show ended. The show was exceptional and the timing was magical.

  19. I remember when we (your readers) used to enter the novelty vegetable competition and have our photographed entries on display around the room! I also remember Auntie Gladys going door to door to sell raffle tickets.. Doesn't even seem that long ago. x

  20. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones, a wonderful way to bring the community together.

  21. I love how much joy you get from reconnecting with your flower show pals! It creates a sense of continuity for the village, I'm sure.

  22. It's going to be a wonderful day, and I'm glad your tour around the village publicising it and drumming up entries was also wonderful. There seems to be more support for the hall again now which is lovely to see.


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