And Just Like That

 The first episode of the second season of And Just Like That aired last night and it was a bit messy if truth be told. Messy as the original series was all about four white women and now it is about seven diverse race and sexuality women.
There’s a lot to cram in so to speak.
I’m still a fan, and like season 1 all will settle down again after a running start with too many breasts on show.

I popped my elder sister’s Birthday gift. She is away for her birthday on the 28th. We chatted for a while and I was pleased that she said that recently I had been looking more relaxed, more centred more myself than I had for a long time, and I have to say that I agree with her. 
It’s taken me almost five years to the day to resolve myself to the ending of my marriage. 
Some people would say that’s too long, but covid and lockdown coupled with the fact that my ex never told me why the marriage ended for him all were factors that prolonged the healing process.
Couple that too, with the mistake I , like many hurt people make, and that is I looked to the person that hurt me the most to make me feel better.
And that never really happens , 
Not in real life
My sister picked up on an inner lightness 
Something insidious and gradual 

Shit, I’ve just noticed that the RNT have issued more strikes in July. One day clashes with me going to London to take Nu to see La Traviata at the Royal Opera House…
Smile and glide
Smile and glide…there will be ways around this…..hey ho

It’s raining ever so gently and Roger is sitting by the back door watching everything.
Dorothy is asleep in her reading chair and Mary is curled up on a kitchen chair with one ear pricked.
The patio plants make the kitchen bright and cheerful, and the sweet peas mirror that mood as the climb next to the blue, firework agapanthus 

I’m meeting my sister in law for lunch , then will have a sleep before night duty
And just like that it will be tomorrow

All is pretty well with the world today



  1. Anonymous10:39 am

    The RMT are really a bunch of c***s
    I will let you fill in the blanks

    1. Yellow Shoes11:56 am

      Asking for fair pay and conditions?
      Ho hum!

    2. Well I’ve been put off three trips now because of rail strikes and I’ve lost money doing so. So I’m not pleased with the unions even though I originally supported them

    3. Yellow Shoes3:06 pm

      Fair comment.
      It was the original group term I found extreme.

  2. weaver10:41 am

    Your dogs all sound in restful mood(any thoughts about getting another cat?) and I agree about how you have changed - it shows up in your writing too. Has that sweet pea (a fine specimen if I may say so) grown that lovely long stem just for the photo or are you a good pruner?

    1. I think I may but bot until next year pat….let me enjoy my trips without the worry of a new kitten

  3. Hello John, I was just wondering if you ever read your entries from years ago or is your journal just a vehicle to record your thoughts every day but you don't revisit them.

    I find it cruel that your ex never saw fit to give you an explanation for the break up and that certainly must have prolonged your grief over the end of your relationship.

    Thank you for allowing us to read your slice of life entries every day.

    1. I do read them linda and I’ve gained insight into my own behaviour as well as being able to reflect on what happened.
      He wasn’t intentionally cruel, although many of his actions at the time were unkind.

    2. Thank you for your response. It must also be interesting to see how your perspective has changed over time.

  4. Anonymous11:14 am

    Sounds like all is well at your humble abode, so happy for you. GG

  5. Get some rest, take care of yourself,

    1. I’m fine, didn’t you read the blog entry lol

  6. Grief takes its own time. I think I mentioned when your plans were scuppered last time, have you considered National Express? If you don't mind coach travel, they're much cheaper than rail, and, certainly at the moment, more reliable. I love sweet peas but they always get demolished by slugs and snails in my garden. I have some wild ones that I grew from pods picked from the sand dunes, but they don't have any scent.

    1. I’ve arranged to stay another day and go and see the newly opened portrait gallery

  7. Too long? Loss takes however long it takes. When my sister died and I was 26 years old, I had a friend who said to me after 3 months, “Well, I guess your mourning period is over.” I didn’t know mourning had a period. Anyway, I'm glad your sister, who knows you well, is able to see you coming back to yourself.

    1. 5 years is a long time …. But like I said it was complicated by other factors

  8. I think there is an expectation that a year, ( that magic year) will heal everything…and boy is that NOT the case..other factors all play their my case covid and lockdown added two years to the resolution . My ex’s procrastination to the divorce paperwork dragged things out too
    Lots of things make things difficult

  9. "Blossom by blossom we bloom again."

  10. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Your comments on your marriage ending were so insightful John. When you are a counsellor/therapist that unhappy time is going to help others move forward.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. As long as I have moved forward too x

  11. I watched the first season of And Just Like That last weekend, I bought the series online and binged watched over two nights. During the first episode I had my doubts but by the end of the second I was as hooked as I had been by Sex and the City. I have the actual box set of that so I might have to go way back in time, and be totally behind everyone else. :-)

    You have sounded lighter recently, but that's because you have really worked at getting there. You've treated yourself to things, you've decorated the cottage, changed your car, added animals, visited friends and had holidays. All of those things have slowly and surely got you to the place that you're in now. Give yourself a lot of credit, it's been five years of learning, discovering and acting on what you've found. And why not travel a day earlier to visit Nu and avoid the strike.

    1. Already sorted I’m going for two days
      Thank you for those thoughts old friend . You helped me too

  12. I can see how the not knowing why would be hard to get past. Seems like if someone's going to demand a divorce, the least they could do is talk a little about their reasons. That's not too much to expect.

    Having said that, it's good you've moved forward. You do seem more and more yourself. The pandemic placed a strain on everyone's mental health.

    I heard about those RMT strikes and wondered if they'd affect you! I guess I'll just stay home those days.

    1. I guess you can only talk about stuff if you understand your own motivations clearly

  13. Different circumstances I know but unfortunate situations have arisen in my life which I found difficult to resolve - It now seems my brain has processed it all and the result for me is a much brighter life x 🌄

  14. Everything moves at its own pace. You have traversed a lot of hurt and now have built a lovely new happy space with lots of future plans. I find, it is like going through a tunnel and eventually finding good light.

  15. Even from a distance one can see that you are so much lighter and light-filled than you were. You went through hell and here you are! You should be proud of yourself.
    I watched about half of the first episode of JLT season 2 last night and you are right- it is messy. But it's impossible not to want to watch Sarah Jessica Parker do her onscreen thing. For me, anyway.

    1. That squeak that little high heeled jump .she’s a one off

  16. It takes as long as it takes and as long as it needs. No two people are the same.
    (Dorothy has her own reading chair? Does she have a favourite author?)

  17. Barbara anne5:08 pm

    Lovely flowers in your picture and am glad you brighten you home and life with their beauty.
    Hope your nap is resstful and the night shift is calm.


  18. Anonymous6:25 pm

    ‘For everything there is a season’ your time is your own to reflect and heal at your own pace, your blog is your platform so please keep chatting to us. PS you sound ‘lighter’ so enjoy it all. Jan in Castle Gresley

  19. I'm glad your days are going better. That visit to Italy couldn't have hurt.

    1. It was perhaps the final positive stroke

  20. Vivian that’s kind of you. I still want to go but not sure what my friend’s plans are who live out there , I will be sure to pick your brains

  21. Nobody should chime in on another's grief. It is all their own and will take its course. No rules for that one.

  22. Glad you are feeling lighter. I have recorder Just Like That and am looking forward to catching up.


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