Bluebells & John Kahu


It’s a Bluebell day today.This morning I took the famous Vauxhall in for her tyre changes and waited for her to be ready in the fabulous Jacob’s Ladder cafe in St Asaph where I had a bacon sandwich and too much lovely coffee.
There is something therapeutic when you have to wait for something like a car service, just to be forced to wait allows your mind to wander and to think properly and without other activity or interruption. 

This afternoon I went to Bodnant to see the great swathes of real bluebells and it was lovely to revisit them even though the gardens always remind me of being married as it was a regular haunt of ours.
I wish I had taken one or all of the dogs with me as you never feel alone with a dog beside you. 
I won’t make that mistake again.
For the first time in a long while,  I felt quite  lonely today.
It’s that time of year I guess

I bought sushi for tea and treated myself to new chopsticks from the kitchen shop in Llandudno and when I got finally got home there were some on line flowers waiting for me in the letter box
They were sent from a blog follower Jon D who referred to himself as a “proud Hawaiian” 
He referred to me as John Kahu 
Apparently  Kahu is Hawaiian for an animal guardian or nurse

Timely flowers Jon
Thank you

Tonight’s old film on show


  1. I have a patch of bluebells in my garden, but they're all the Spanish ones. I know I should dig them up and throw them out, to stop them cross pollinating with the native English ones, but a) I think that ship has sailed and b) they looks so lovely! I hope the lonely feeling soon dissipates. xx

    1. Mr Grumpy marched downstairs into the garden earlier this week and chopped my Spanish bluebells to the ground - I questioned his actions as he's never done this previously in almost 40 years " I hate them" he said forcefully ! x

    2. Oh that’s a shame flis

    3. HH THE Spanish ones are bigger and more robust arnt they

  2. Anonymous2:38 pm

    I’m going to be in Llandudno in a couple of weeks…. Let’s be lonely together over a gin? X

    1. Tell me who you are and I may say yes lol

  3. I often feel lonely even when I’m with friends. I’m glad you went to Bodnant and hope you can make it your own.

    1. I don’t think it will ever be “ my own” and that’s ok….it’s a shame it just pricked me today but i shouldn’t have been surprised

  4. A swathe of bluebells is definitely a sight to gladden the heart.

  5. We have bluebells blooming here too and it always lifts my spirits.

    1. A small flower, a delicate stem
      But a plant with bags of personality en masse

  6. Bluebells growing in large masses always look so beautiful and signal Spring as well as warmer sunny days to come. New tires are always important and driving a well tuned car feels good too. I hope your little flashback to other times passes quickly. It is a new time and much to look forward to.

    1. I’m a great list maker and love to tick off jobs
      Several ticked off today

  7. I still feel a bit shocked by my experience yesterday -myself and the dogs were walking through bluebells - a quiet path under the oak trees - I was caught short - suddenly the stern Village Vicar with his determined Whistle ( Dog) were approaching - I quickly composed myself - smiled and said "Oh I'll just get out of your way - hello Whistle " He was followed by a birdwatcher x

    1. You can make any normal situation sound rather surreal flis lol

    2. I did have ect twice without any warnings and also odd electric explosions in my head 6 yrs ago - to quote my neurologist "we do not as yet understand the human brain" x

    3. Flis I think you perhaps make things worse for yourself by replying when Anon is concerned. If you just shrugged your shoulders and completely ignored them there wouldn't be any point in them commenting. Comments can be unpleasant and there are lots of bloggers who have them but you're really just encouraging them by replying in any way.

    4. 🙅🙅

    5. In this case Anne is right flis…don’t reply . If I see anyone being rude to anyone I will delete the comment , I just cannot police everything 24/7

  8. Little flashes of loneliness can come upon us when we least expect, can't they. Onwards and upwards!

    1. Yes they can, and I’m not carping on debra, I’m just owning the feeling, I’ve been up and down today

  9. If people would not just automatically surf their phone while they are waiting and just ...... be ... they would feel what you felt...

    1. I admit I had my phone which I used to read the news later, but I just sat and thought for the rest of the time
      I just “ be”

  10. We have bluebells, I think native in some parts of the garden and Spanish in others. We also have a few white ones and some pink - not sure what that's about. They are all lovely as far as I'm concerned.

  11. Thank you for sharing that lovely picture.. what a intoxicating view of beauty. I love bluebells they're such a sweet flower.

    1. Bodnant’s fields of bluebells are famous

  12. Barbara Anne3:44 pm

    I wonder whey they look so purple and are called 'bluebells'? Beautiful picture!

    Big hugs!

    1. Bluebells seemed to have followed me over the years , the flowers, name and in paintings

  13. lonely? I thought you sounded upbeat with your bacon sarnie and coffee.I had a bacon cob this morning too, from my corner cafe.

    1. Oh caz, I’ve been up and down today like a tart’s knickers. Lots of reasons for that , not gone into here. I’m ok though xx

  14. Traveller4:23 pm

    Funny I seldom feel lonely when I am alone but can feel lonely when I am not alone.

    Love the bluebells

    1. There was lots of couples walking the gardens which didn’t help
      I was the only lone person so felt I stuck out like a sore thumb

  15. just looked up Jacob's Ladder cafe. What a lovely place.Food looks good too. We have a Jacob's Ladder in Derbyshire.( Edale)

  16. Anonymous5:16 pm

    I hope your bout of loneliness has passed now and that the rest of the day was superb! Lovely photo, GG

    1. Singletons will agree I’m sure that these feelings ebb up and away again like the tides, they appear often out of the blue .
      It’s not a complaint just an observation

  17. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Touting for more gifts john?

    1. What a nasty comment .
      I was very grateful for John’s thought

    2. Yes, an unexpected gift from a friend is always a delight. Those flowers seemed to have come at just the right moment to lift your spirits. I love John's nickname for you. So apt. xx

    3. It rather moved me, there was more to his note on a personal level that I can’t share that meant so much too

  18. What a lovely and unexpected gift! Beautiful seasonal flowers.
    You, John Gray, mean much to so many. The best I can do today is a virtual hug. Consider yourself warmly hugged.
    Stay safe & well.

  19. Flowers in the letter box! That's so nice.

    Your blog always draws the most unusual comments, John. LOL

  20. Spring is bursting all over on today's post.

  21. Those Bluebells look like pukka English ones, here sadly they all seem to be of the Spanish variety.

  22. Sadly I am only used to seeing the Spanish ones near where I live. Is it true that the native English ones have a lovely scent? That must be wonderful when there is a carpet of them under the trees.

    I like your friend Jon's name for you very much.

  23. weaver10:11 am

    Such surprises are good for the soul aren't they. Some time ago I had flowers from Gayle - a blog friend in the US (Tucson)- they came quite out of the blue and shewill never now how much I appreciated them.

  24. Interesting...I have been doing a little more linguistic exploring
    Kahu in Te Reo is a garment or cloak...something that wraps around and cares for you...and Kia Kaha is stay strong but also take care...
    You care for others so must care for yourself..and Bluebell too of course!

    1. Isn’t that the Maori translation ?

    2. Te Reo Māori that should have read


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes