
I have a set of neighbours who are not particularly neighbourly
They are noisy and in my mind inconsiderate of others , so we don’t speak anymore….well ever since I complained to them by note that their five dogs had yapped continuously for a couple of hours in the garden one afternoon without supervision or let up

Today is blissful. 
There is no noise from next door. No constant sawing of wood. No barking. No yelling at the darling CHARLIE!!!  for barking so much. 
It’s silent and my back door is open wide , sucking in the peace and quiet into the cottage.

And it’s bliss

Am I turning into one of those strange neighbours that yell at people in the street? 
You know the ones you used to poke fun of when you were a kid. 
The old fart who lives alone and who spoils your fun on sunny afternoons when kicking a ball in the street feels like the ideal pastime?
Perhaps I am.I know my aforementioned neighbours think I’m unreasonable but I have been a neighbour to many over the years and even if I do say so myself , I’ve been a good one. 
Ok I once frightened my old lady neighbour half to death in Walkley Sheffield after I caught a black cat in my kitchen and threw it into her pond after it had terrorised my two kittens for weeks.
It wasn’t the fact that I three the cat into her pond that was the problem I think, it was more that I was just wearing a pair a rather shabby boxer shorts at the time that upset her.
I made it up to her years later when I found her in the garden unconscious after a fall and I went to hospital with her in the ambulance.
I sold that tiny terraced house to a very small postman person who wasn’t a patch on me….I was told after he had moved in.
My neighbour John in Hillsborough Sheffield, is still one of my best friends now and I still miss sitting in my neat tidy garden sharing a bottle of wine with him on a summers’ evening. 
Funny that the builder who has just bought that house for his son, has recently left me a comment on Going Gently .saying it is now in safe hands. 
Funny how small the world feels sometimes.

Back to today, it’s the blackbird calls that fill the air as they challenge each other over a mate. Then it’s the sound of rain on leaves, the faraway roar of a plane heading for Liverpool airport and the sound of Dorothy snoring 

And Im happy at that


  1. John, I suspect that you would be an excellent neighbor to have. Barking dogs, cats left out to roam, and people who don't keep their yards neat and tidy are my three main issues. Otherwise, live and let live. If you ever decide to relocate, move to Kentucky. But then again, our politicians are enough to make a saint swear, so better stay where you are. You make it sound like such a lovely place.

    1. I’m very aware that Roger does bark occasionally and mainly in response to the yapping ..I’m mindful of my nice neighbours now because of this.
      Albert , I know was a bit of nuisance as he like to pee in the flower borders

  2. You've reminded me of when I yelled at the boy next door to stop his constant (over half-an-hour) thwacking of a stick against a tree. Many people have no concept of their noise annoying others!

  3. Anonymous12:50 pm

    You just reminded me that pool season is coming. It is normally very quiet at night except when it is pool party Friday nights when dozens of drunk shrieking people visit our neighbour's pool..Since it is dark and there are two pools nearby, I wouldn’t know where it is coming from. The noise starts late and often goes on tii 2 or 3 in the morning. I sometimes open my window and shout, shut up but am sure they can’t hear me over the noise. I don’t think its teenagers. My dog and the one behind bark at each other but that neighbour and I bring our dogs in when that happens. I am lucky to have mostly great neighbours who help me out when I need it.

    1. Drunken parties around a pool, I can’t think of worse

  4. Anonymous12:54 pm

    I’d love to have you next door! Just called again about the man across the road( so far I can’t see his house) because he’s had an outside generator running for THREE YEARS and the noise has been incredible...the first time the police were sent out( probably because everyone knows he has a huge gun collection) and he gave them a sob story that he can’t afford the electricity bill( but he can afford the petrol to run a generator 24/7?). After two plus more years, I called the township AGAINand the zoning officer came out. The noise stopped THAT DAY. BLISS!

    1. Guns !!!! Thankfully. Not a general problem here thank goodness

  5. Anonymous12:55 pm

    PS I’d sign in with Google but it keeps saying the password isn’t mine and needs to be changed yet again....

  6. Barbara Anne1:18 pm

    You'd be welcome next door to us, but the road isn't quiet enough to be for walking the dogs.
    Snjoy this quiet and rainy day!
    Lovely post, too.


    1. No doubt it will get me into trouble lol

  7. I bet a lot of neighbours remember you fondly.

    1. I hope so, at least two won’t though but I can’t say I’m bothered

  8. Anonymous1:22 pm

    We have the same problem with neighbours dogs.However, said neighbours think that it is funny and encourage dogs to break through our hedge.

  9. Our friend lives on a new build estate where the houses are all tucked up nice and close together. His next door neighbour had a hot tub installed on his patio and used to invite his mates round for a convivial night of drinking, laughing and singing together in the tub.
    Around midnight one night, our friend opened his bedroom window and asked them politely to keep the noise down as his two boys had school the next day. Nothing changed so he asked again. The third time he went downstairs and into his back garden where he turned the garden hose with freezing cold water on the lot of them. I think that worked.

    1. Common sense and decency should prevail ,,,ok party on a weekend we are all allowed that but on a school night

  10. Our neighbor has a tendency to get so drunk that he simply pisses in the yard, in full view. Oh...and he is a very vocal Trumper.

  11. Good fences do not good neighbors make. Good neighbors make good neighbors. We've had some wonderful ones and some doozies. It's obviously not you. It's them. But what a shame. Glad you get to enjoy the idyllic setting sometimes.

    1. Not everything in Trelawnyd is rosy

  12. Incessant barking is a nuisance. My community has a barking dog bylaw. No dog is to bark constantly for 10 minutes and violations can be reported. When reported, the dog officer and police go to the address reported and provide a warning. Fines come for subsequent violations. Barking dogs are now rare. It seems when officials take action and fines are involved, problems disappear. 5 barking dogs is over-the-top.

    1. Yappy dogs zap your inner strength I think

  13. Well, thank goodness you're getting some peace and quiet. I have noisy neighbors too -- and they're upstairs! So I know where you're coming from.

  14. One house we lived in the youngest child next door a girl was a bit younger than our daughter and they used to play together because of that I felt I could not complain about the screaming. Not just normal childish playing and getting excited, but I am having a tantrum , they would put her out the back door and she screamed at the top of her voice it made my ears ring . When I was on nights it would wake me up with a start .

  15. Reading all these comments and your post, I feel so lucky! I've always had good neighbours (mind you I haven't moved house very often). There is some give and take involved when you live in close proximity to others, but some people stretch that too far. It's rude, inconsiderate and anti-social to let your dog bark constantly, have loud parties on a regular basis etc, etc. Glad you're getting some peace and quiet. Long may it last! xx

  16. My neighbours on either side are nice enough but they do seem obsessed with power washing everything on nice days when it would be lovely just sitting out in my garden. It's the kind of noise that grates on you after a while. The lady across the road had 2 yappy Westies that I could hear inside her house when I was inside mine! They were so loud her neighbour through the wall eventually just sold their house and moved away. Lady and Westies have just moved too, into a flat at the end of the road. Bet her new neighbours are thrilled!!!!

  17. Growing up, we had wonderful neighbours who became as good as family. I am godmother to their granddaughter. Since I married and moved out my neighbours haven't been so good.

  18. I have a railroad track which is literally right behind my backyard. They've been working on the crossing just a few hundred yards to the east lately and there's been a lot of noise. I've learned to tune it out. However, barking dogs cannot be tuned out in my experience and I would go crazy if they lived beside me.

  19. Luckily my neighbours are good - I like them - There is one house where the occupaǹts are best ignored and avoided however x

  20. We can very easily become intolerant of other people's behaviour. It happened to us in France, and changed everything. Why is it that newcomers think that they can do whatever they like, without considering long-term residents.

    1. Traveller4:11 pm

      I don’t think it has anything with being a “new comer” it is just some people are inconsiderate and don’t know how to control their dogs’ behaviour.

    2. Some people live within their own bubble, that bubble is paramount , nothing else matters

  21. John - Would you take look at your "Bluebells" post - Yesterday I commented - then Today 8.52am "someone" has made another personal attack on me x

    1. I gave you what I thought was good advice after Anon's comment on that post flis but you don't seem to want to be helped. But of course it's your choice if you want to encourage Anon to continue.

    2. I am not safe here now - I don't want "Anne's" advice constantly either 🙅

    3. Flis if someone wants to hate u, it’s a reflection on them not you….just don’t react . I will always delete nasty comments

    4. That's ok flis, it's your choice.
      Best wishes.

  22. You would fit in with our neighbours..who all look after each other and keep an eye out just in case

    1. To me that’s just normal behaviour

  23. weaver7:57 pm

    John i can't think of anyone in our road who is not the perfect neighbour. Nobody that I know of is nosy. All are elderly and all look out for one another. But I must also say I would love to live next door to you and the our legged ones.

    1. Even when Albert is digging up your annuals ???

  24. Anonymous3:33 am

    Dogs barking after a few minutes gets on my nerves like nothing else.

  25. Barbara5:31 pm

    You could try playing “who let the dogs out” rather loudly, when appropriate!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes