Roger and Peter Ustinov


Pull up your knickers and tighten the bra straps 
Another fairly bland post is on its way.
Roger went missing this morning.
He was politely waiting to jump into Bluebell to go on his morning walk and poof ! he was gone.
He has only mastered jumping into the footwell of the car by the way, and can’t quite compute the slightly bigger jump straight on the driver’s seat. But I had turned my back for a gnat’s crotch of a second and he had vanished.
The lane was empty . He’d gone off like a rocket, so I checked up into the village towards the main road  first…nothing then down the lane to Trendy Carol’s ….not a sign. 
I was beginning to worry.
The main road is lethal for a dog of Roger’s IQ and so I drove around the main village calling his name.
Not a sausage.
So I drove down the lane again , parked outside the sheep gated field and called him.
Still nothing.
I was beginning to get worried.
Lambing time is no place for a dim dog to be roaming lost in fields.
I called him again.
And suddenly he was there in the lane with a black plastic plant pot in his mouth, 
Looking nonchalant and relaxed
Another treasure stolen from a ditch or a garden .
He brought the plant pot home with him, showing it off to the others with a toss of his head.
They weren’t interested.

So that was the mini drama for the morning.
Please no more today. I’m on nights now until Tuesday morning.
I made some coffee in my mokka coffee pot and have sat down to watch Parkinson on YouTube .
Now I loved Michael Parkinson in the 1970s
As a teen I was privy to the crem de la crem of the talk show , where icons such as David Niven, Peter Ustinov , Peter Cook , Kenneth Williams and Billy Connolly were given time and space to shine.
And shine they indeed did. 
Strange that the only woman of note I remembered being interviewed by Parkinson was Catherine Bramwell-Booth The Captain of the Salvation Army and she shone by virtue of a natural warmth and power

I treated myself to a low calorie brunch of eggs and potato cakes made from dried potato and herbs.
Bloody lovely….
And am presently watching Kenneth Williams in all of his full camp fury

The camellia has eventually flowered by the back door. I’ve had it five years now and it’s the first blooms 
It’s a good sign 
A good one

The neighbours behind me are beginning to get noisy as they do when the sun is shining
I’ve put Waloyo Yamoni by Christopher Tin on full blast to drown out  chihuahua  Charlie’s yapping


  1. Anonymous11:17 am

    Fully appreciate the scare Roger gave you - the little bugger - but you have to laugh at his antics 😉. Your breakfast looked scrummy. Jan

    1. He’s microchipped but I was getting worried to be sure. I’ve never lost any of my dogs except George once

  2. Phew! Thank goodness you found Roger - safe. It's a frantic, heart-stopping moment when they do that.

    1. Smevdogs you just know would find their way home, he just wouldn’t

  3. Roger, you little brat! Don't just disappear again!

    1. It was my fault, I forgot , for a short moment that he was a Welsh terrier

  4. weaver11:28 am

    I do love to hear of Roger's exploits. There's a lovely children's book in here somewhere John

    1. Roger and the black plastic plant pot

  5. Bland post? No way! First the Roger drama, so glad he'd just gone foraging for plant pots. (Naughty boy!) Then Ustinov and Commissioner Bramwell Booth. Kenneth Williams, always makes me laugh. And to top it all, Waloyo Yamoni, at full blast! Not a bland day at all. xx

    1. I especially love ustinov’s use of language and timing

  6. Roger is just being a fine, upstanding little villager, collecting rubbish.

  7. Put a GPS tracker on him. Take care on the overnights, I don't know how you do it.

    1. Anonymous12:23 pm

      Good idea. Here in the US we have a company called Tile. It connects to an app on your phone to show you the location. A small one could easily fit on his collar. It could save you from that sinking panic feeling.

    2. I have friends in the village that has one on their dog, I will look into it

  8. Thank goodness he is safe back home with you - My thatch is the same - rocket dog - He has to be on a lead always apart from when visiting a dog field - We have a box of dog toys but he too loves plant pots stacked outside -grabs one
    and scampers away thrashing it around - Yesterday it was an empty pansy tray - Dogs - Who'd have em ? x 🐶 Happy Easter x 🐣

    1. Welsh terriers are single minded , when they want to do things on their own they do, and no one will stop them at all

  9. You gotta love him though.

    1. He is sweetie…..his crate is now filled with plastic plant pots , his latest object of affection

  10. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Oh so glad you got him back . Please don’t worry about your post being bland . When you have a quiet day often your writing is very beautiful and reflective . Happy Easter to you and yours xx Bernie

  11. I'm glad Roger came back. What a relief! Hope the rest of your day (and night) is calmer.

    1. Im off to bed shortly for a pre work doze, I find it’s a necessity but the ponies are making a racket, as one of them is off riding and the others are missing him

  12. Anonymous12:26 pm

    Roger was just off finding the best Easter basket to put your lonely egg in. Have a great day.. I am sitting here watching the whole ballet “swan lake” on youtube GG

  13. You missed Parky's interview with that awful American actor? I had to Google. Meg Ryan. It was cringeworthy as I saw it go to air.

    1. He regretted the interview Andrew. And not just because she was difficult, he admitted he was rude to her and shouldn’t have lost his temper.
      I always thought he was a better interviewer of men

  14. Anonymous12:47 pm

    We started keeping a GPS tracker on our dim little dog's harness after her only "running off" episode, where she saw someone she thought she knew on a trail in the woods and hared off after them, ignoring my cries to come back. We searched until midnight and were out the next AM at 5 again, finally found her when someone saw a FaceBook post a friend put up and noticed her on their porch. Now that she is older and slow I might be able to catch her, but then I' older and slower too.

    ANYWAY know well the heart in the mouth sensation of a misplaced pooch. So glad Roger's tale had a happy ending.


  15. Barbara Anne1:00 pm

    For a moment I thought Peter Ustinov had had a brother named Roger when I read your title. Insert rolling eyes!
    So glad Roger reappeared, no worse for the wear and hope the rest of your is clam barring the snuffles of your neighbors.
    May the night shifts be calm.


    1. I was a quiet shift yesterday , which goes like that when patients are stable

  16. That is a stunner of a choral piece. Thanks for sharing.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  17. Roger's safe return and the Camillia in bloom are both very good signs. Happy Easter, John.

  18. Anonymous2:00 pm

    It only takes a second to turn your back but you know that already don't you? The problem is you don't learn from your mistakes.
    You're considering a GPS tracker? Why? So you can turn your back again? Why don't you just do what any responsible terrier owning owner would do and put him on a leash to take him to the car?

    1. My God, anon, it must be awful to be so perfect. Such a responsibility trying to keep everyone else up to your exacting standards.

    2. Traveller3:57 pm

      Well now we know the nationality of Anon - unless they are pretending to be form the other side of the pond.

      A terrier owning owner…love that expression.

    3. Anonymous4:24 pm

      My God Happy Hooker it must be so tiresome being John's carer.

    4. Traveller4:27 pm

      Sorry….all I can come up with at the moment is “cheap shoes”

    5. Not at all, anon. Better a carer than a snide little b*****d. Have a nice day.

    6. Whoops I made a mistake there goes my Saint hood

    7. Anonymous5:03 pm

      Thanks HH, a great day so far! I don't know any snide little people so can't help you with that.

      Traveller, cheap shoes? I've never worn them, do you find them comfortable?

    8. And the cymbal clashes

    9. Anonymous7:31 pm

      You need to work out who your commenters are John.

    10. Well thats not my job,,that’s up to you and others to be honest about who they are
      If you hide away in the shadows , how do I know

    11. ROFL. I was telling my husband today what assholes people.can be to bloggers. Nasty just for the sake of being nasty. I gave him examples of another blogger and your blog John and I mentioned someone calling you a bad dog owner because Roger buried some onions. He snort laughed when I told him that. Then lo and behold another ass comes around a few hours later to criticize your dog ownership. God d Lord I hope these people don't act that way face to face in real life. Can you imagine?

    12. Traveller, I am so curious. How do you know the nationality of Anon? I'm so curious. 'Terrier owning owner' caught my attention as well. Could someone be a terrier owning borrower. What peculiar phrasing.

  19. What is it with dogs and flowerpots? Glad all ended well. I went to a recording of Parkinson. Shelly Winters was on. I think it was her that Parkie saw without her wig and make up and the stars fell from his eyes.

    1. You saw Shelley winters, omg I love you!

  20. With the busy road, Roger's disappearing act must have given you a near heart attack. Naughty boy! I am glad to know he is home safely.

    1. I was strangely calm to be honest, but I was beginning to flutter

  21. I loved M.P. as an interviewer, he knew when to ask questions and when to shut up!
    He did one wonderful interview with a woman, it was Bette Midler! I've always been a Bette fan, still am, although she's not as 'risky' as she was way back when. She was in her 'Divine Miss M' phase then, and you were never quite sure what she'd do or say next!
    We're so lucky to have been of the age to watch Parky and appreciate him, I loved him interviewing Rod Hull and that bloody Emu, how he kept his temper was astonishing.
    Oooh, Roger's a little bugger isn't he? It's like having a toddler, blink and they've run off! He's a beautiful little bugger though!

    1. Yes, it was the time of great interviewers and interviews, often the interviewees had a drink and fag too

  22. Traveller4:01 pm

    Some other suggestions:
    - Bat out of Hell
    - Karelia suite
    - Ride of the Valkyrie
    - Fanfare for the Common Man (the ELP version)

    1. Lol, when I need the big guns I will consult the list

    2. I returned someone's selfish behaviour with the hives " Come on" x 🎶🔊

  23. I am so glad that Roger came home unscathed.
    And blooming camellias are always a good sign.

    1. And a cheerful one too. Happy Easter to you x

  24. Oh, God, I hate those moments when a pet goes missing and your heart falls into your chest fearing the worst. Thank goodness he came home, plant pot and all.

  25. I can imagine suddenly saying to himself, “Hey, I need a plastic flower pot!“ Brilliant music. How do the dogs feel about it a full blast. Our cats get seriously annoyed. And the beauty, richness, and power of Jimmer Bolden's voice gives me shivers.

  26. Well, Roger is a willful lad isn't he? Glad he's back, flower pots & all. Happy Easter John.

  27. So glad you found him. I can only imagine the worry that began to creep into your head.

  28. I'll quote you yourself "animals, they're going to be the death of me"! But than that picture of Roger and his trophy melts your heart again, doesn't it ...

  29. I would be fit to be tied if my pooch went missing. What a relief for you.
    To live near a yipping dog is a misery.

  30. If I've learned anything about Terriers, it's that they are fast - Todd turned 12 years old today -- can you believe my little Scottie is 12??!! Age has not slowed him down too much, he's as fast as he was 10 years ago, and would bolt in a second. Getting him to come when called **might** be easier. Glad your boy returned safely home!

  31. John, that is the archetypal Cottage meal, even down to the Willow Pattern plate. I recently heard someone on Desert Island Discs (I wish I could remember who it was) who'd been brought-up in a Salvation Army household. She quit as soon as she could saying they were all as mad as hatters!

  32. Happy Easter! Glad Roger returned with his trophy plant pot!

  33. Anonymous11:17 pm

    The clips were wonderful! The only English talk show I remember from the old days is David Frost’s show.


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